January 26, 2013

Ancient Egyptians and a tribute to my mate Bulla on his quest to reveal the truth

“The [ancient] Egyptian’s concealed mysteries that were above the capacity of the common herd under the veil of religious rites and hieroglyphic symbols.” - Sir Isaac Newton.

I found it intriguing that Newton, the father of modern physics as we know it today, and also one of my personal heros, would mention the ancient Egyptians in his writings. I never obtained any formal training in science and physics.  I found out very early that I’m not a very good test taker, so I dropped out of public schooling in my teens.  Sometime after my mid-life crisis at 22, my mind suddenly opened up to the reality around me, and I could see all these theoretical principles and natural laws projected around me.  Most of my personal studies of Newton, Einstien, and other founders of modern physics, had led me to believe that they were special people, enlightened, or ordained you could say, to revel the great mysteries of the universe.  So, I decided to read Newtons writings from his own hand to hear what he himself had to say, rather than a biographer or textbook.  I was shocked to say the least at what I discovered.  “It was most ancient opinion that the planets revolved about the sun, that the earth, as one of the planets, described an annual course about the sun.” Basically Newton was suggesting that the modern solar system model was previously known by the Egyptians.  Yup, he said that.  You can read it for yourselves.  Immediately I thought, what about Copernicus then?  He came up with the heliocentric universe theory that overturned the earth-centered universe idea from the middle-ages.  Intrigued I read more about Copernicus and discovered he also stated openly that his views and insights came from studying the ancient writings of the Egyptians.  Why hadn’t anyone ever mentioned this before and why did we attribute Copernicus as the idea originator in our history books?  He was more of a popularizer in my opinion.  Yet another surprising insight soon followed, Kepler, a seventeenth-century mathematician who compiled an imaginary story about a trip to the moon, admitted as well that in formulating his laws of the planets orbits, he was just “stealing the golden vessels of the Egyptians.”
Apparently most of our modern physics knowledge all came from ancient Egyptians, but modern historians, scientists and religious figures, either fail to accept this fact, or are deliberately concealing it from the general public. In turn keeping many aspects of it, hidden, which Bulla continues to try and reveal to us all.  My question to you all, my fellow Truth seekers and others listening on the information superhighway… Why?  What’s the harm in revealing the real, or should I say true history of the world? And all its knowledge for humanity.

  I’ll leave you all with Newton’s own words “If I have seen further than others, it is by standing upon shoulders of giants.”

January 4, 2013


While the Astrophysicists are having a field day with their space dooming,
As we duck and weave the brown dwarfs and Asteroids along with rouge
planets Nibiru and any amount of space born death and destruction, then
comes the IBEX Photon magnetic wave, all seemingly hell bent on heading
for Earth and our imminent demise.

It does appear with the coming of the new year that the ugliness of the egg
upon the faces of those that eagerly drove that hysteria and the lunacy of
same is now setting like a smelly poultice upon their credibility, as the word
fraudulent appears upon the top of their credentials, like a nasty stain or
blotch, that they now have to wear the Kudos hunters crown of thorns
marking them as egotistical lairs and frauds, and now that we have dispensed
with the ever present psycho doom babblers that have all disappeared back
down there rabbit holes where they emerged from like a howling pack hyenas

This then gives us clear air once again, that allows us to concentrate
on the main point of avoidance, “Earth and its climate”, as we drill down into
the nuts and bolts of what is wrong with it, and why it continues to go in to
such threatening convolutions, of Earthquakes, Volcanic activity strange
weather, containing mad violent storms, while at the same time NASA is
warning of some serious problems hidden within the Ionosphere, speculating
with some accuracy that there is a “tear“ in the fabric of space time causing
an opening in real time, above the northern hemisphere sky’s, this then leads
to the frighting thought of external radiation factors, that may well be
entering our atmosphere totally unchecked and unabated

For those who have read my web site through, I leave you in no doubts as to
why this is so, and take this opportunity to not only put NASA, but the entire
Scientific fraternity on notice, that to ignore the Geophysics accompanied by
no less than 2 scientific litmus tests, that leads to the precise cause of Earths
escalating climate dilemma, and if it be the case that this data has the end
result of rearranging the supposedly known laws of Physics, then so be it, as
this is not the time nor place to be standing upon long held postulations and
reams of scientific word salad

To this I challenge the Scientific fraternity and the fraud they have
perpetrated in regards to false and misleading data published in regards to the
occurrence of the Red and White rainbows, and or there pure theory and
speculative postulations as to how the rainbows are made, to this I submit the
said 2 litmus tests for review, that clearly proves that the scientific postulated
and published theory is blatantly erroneous and false

Further still and in support I also submit the latest data from NASA/ Iowa
university and there discovery of magnetic portals between Earth and the sun
fluxing some 4 to 8 minutes in space time, and that this emulates my
discovery and research first published in 07072007 re magnetic portals, are in
fact the projected Hetrodynamic electromagnetic Hydro waves, now
understood as being generated white and red rainbows that are clearly
generated dynamic arrays of light (electromagnetics) that are derived from
the surface of earth and are not made in the said sky as science would have us

Now for those that think this is but a small over-site or discrepancy and
nothing but a chink in the pompous Armor of academia and scientific
worlds understandings, then hear this loud and clear, by correcting this long
held erroneous postulation at the very point of its misconception, then like a
magic Carpet, it will unfold in front of the whole world as all the previous
doors that have been strangely slammed in mankind’s face will fly open, as if
one has a magic key that will unlock not only our Ancient past and who we
really are, but also unlock the certain future, and give us the tools that are
rightfully ours that have been held and hidden by others for their ill gotten

To open the first door with said key generated from and by the data derived 
from just one of the two
litmus tests, this is what can be found That climate change is being caused 
by an Atomic chain-reaction that was set in motion within the seas and oceans
of the Arctic region by the spilling ofoil and the further use of Corexant, this
 was then compounded by the Gulf spillwhich in turn generated a soluble ocean
 mixture, that then is propelled via its Atomic weight factors and causes these
 said effect to occur

I make a note here that I find it somewhat erroneous that the said scientific
fraternity at large are totally 100% oblivious to the said quantified data that is
about to be laid out for your understanding, which leaves me at a total loss as
to there lack of academic skills in being able to apply child like basic logic to
arrive at what is taking place

The Oceans have special times for generating there mists and sea-fogs, these
sometimes massive sea-fogs form the very essences of our cloud mass and
the ongoing replacement of said clouds, as the fog/mist is convected from
within the oceans water and out through the surface tension of the oceans
surface, this can only occur at one special time, that time is when the oil and
corexants Atomic weight attacks this processes with devastating results on a
repetitive repeated basis

To explain the precise timing, that also involves the Lunar queen (the queen
of mists) as she is known, as it is when she the moon comes across the sky
with her gravity releasing forces, and only when the ocean is at a total rest
being, becalmed or “Glassed out” and looks like a massive mirror, it is at this
time all the so called convection of the sea-fogs occurs, that then some time
later this sea fog rises up into our atmosphere to then become our cloud mass
So now the evil attack by the man made Atomic chain
reactive oil and corexant

Given that now lurking within the subsurface of the oceans water which
given its an oil that floats on water during the convection process given the
difference in the weight scale and the now oil/corexant infected water and
given the glass/out and the mirror effect of the surface and the slight
temperature rise upon the surface, adding to this the moons gravity release,
then the fist thing to surface in the convection process is the corexant soluble
oil, that quickly reconstitutes its self happy into a micronized solid oil film
that pervades the very glassed out surface

The effects of which are devastating for any mist or sea/fog production as the
oil on the Atomic level blocks all and any so called Hydro convection, as it is
trapped each and every time under the oil film on an ongoing basis, perhaps
this Atomic chain reaction may well continue to spread across all the oceans
but also do so for a very long period, perhaps hundreds of years, so now lets
ponder that effect and extrapolate its effects

We can assume that any rain that does fall within effected regions will no
longer re convex to replace the cloud mass, this being the case then one could
say that the northern hemisphere is in a terminal process of losing its cloud
mass, as its reproduction is terminated by the oil infection and the ongoing
spread of same

Given it can be demonstrated and clearly shown its the sea-fogs and mists
upon oceans and grounds surface that causes the projection of both Red and
White rainbows that generate our ionosphere shielding and earths endless
supply of specific gravity that keeps the peace on earth, and that oil /corexant
is killing the sea-fogs, mists, that are responsible for the Red and White
rainbows, then it would be reasonable to assume not only will we not have
rain cloud production but lose our capacity to make gravity and provide
power to our ionosphere shields of protection

Ironically this leads us back to where we started, NASA is warning
that there is something strange going on within the fields of shields within the
ionosphere Quote (“A tear in the space fabric”)

You would be forgiven if you were to rightfully assume we have lost a spoke
out of the endless mother natures cyclic wheel, being the very reason for our
ongoing existence and further still to add insult to injury we have the worlds
entire scientific fraternity deigning our only way forward into circumventing
this looming megalithic catastrophe, based upon there Hypothesized theory
of how they claim the rainbows are made, which I claim is a total fraud

To this I only have one thing to say to science, show me your repeatable
litmus and unequivocal era-vocable prof to substantiate your claim as to how
the rainbows are made, or step down from you pedestal, as we are about to
rewrite the known laws of physics, with or without you

For proof of how rainbows are made and why they are a dynamic live
“projections”, and not a reflection or refraction as falsely claimed by science,
see published < bulla the rainbow man > litmus test with equipment list and
full instruction on how to conduct and photograph the results of the fully
repeatable test up to and including empirical level being completely proven
beyond all doubts as being demonstrated as correct under any and all
scientific reviews and applicable laws of known or unknown physics, thus
setting a precedence over all previous postulated and unproven theories
whether publish in or outside scientific journals regardless.

copyright exists personal use share and electronic transfer permitted please
quote original source bulla 2007 ©