Welcome. To the worlds leading and most formidable dynamic discovery site ever published on or off the web, concerning the real mysteries surrounding the Rainbows, this site redefines how the rainbows occur within Geophysics, Alchemy,all the way back to the ancient pyramids and exposes the electromagnetic Atomic distortions within water and mist that then has full control of earths specific gravity and its entire atmosphere
August 28, 2013
BULLA THE RAINBOW MAN: RAINBOWS ARE STARGATES: Rediscovery of Ancient knowledge Given the many posts on this site That are all interconnected and all point to the same concl...
Rediscovery of Ancient knowledge
Given the many posts on this site
That are all interconnected and all point to the same conclusion and the bulla test that you your selves can discover the truth by simply conducting the small simple test, and given you can discover the same results at any waterfalls given they produce the required spray or mists, these events also occur within land fogs, sea fogs or just some mist up your local valley or indeed If you just happen to have a fully operational Giza size pyramid in your back yard
Now it could be said that this site unlike any-other site across the entire Webb is the only site to take you the reader into this region of the invisible world of the rainbows and it is without doubt a total contradiction as to what main stream science and academia would have you believe, to this, there can be, given the freely available bulla test, no further argument as to what occurs and what doesn't occur as the simple bulla test puts payed to any such arguments from anyone including the scientific and or academic fraternities
Now to recap a little here given the above is set in concrete being a known fact then I have through the postings bought your attention to the Atomic crystal and the star that is involved on those said crystals being Sapphire crystals and they are the same as the water vapor crystals and finally after my insistence over this crystal atomic s that Stanford University has finally been successful in finding the atomics by changing from crystal, to Sapphire crystal and then discovered what I had been saying was correct see link here
chistyakov.dvi - chistyakov.pdf
OK so now again there can be no further argument as to my data being wrong as the above link shows and explains precisely what I had claimed in regards to the crystal atomic s and split photonics since 07072007 was indeed correct ok, now given the whole object of this blog is knowledge and hopefully from that wisdom and no one is here looking for donations from you or trying to sell you books or anything of that nature its a pure information and self awareness
I do understand there will still be those that regardless due to perhaps religious views or there a professor or academic who has the mind lock syndrome, and in that case they have backed them selves into a professional corner and all they are left with is to fight against the presented data using there wordsmiths skills or confuse to conquer tactics, or to muddy the water so much that know one can see in any direction and if that fails they go on the personal rampage against the person presenting the discovery or data
To these said people I have only one thing to say, that true science is the observation of mother nature, and the observer being able to equate what one has observed, then to provide demonstrable evidence if possible to support that observation
So on this post alone I have 2 out of 2 that both were vehemently apposed, but common sense has prevailed, but I thought 3 out of 3 being the old, 3 strikes and your out, or to put the final nail in the ancient sarcophagus would get the opposition sent off as, "struck out", as there will be no free walks when I am pitching as the balls are coming at Atomic split photonic speeds, so before you step up to the plate I can only suggest you have a few practice hits in the nets with bullas test of how to make rainbows and how to see the light that makes that rainbow
So the pitchers ready and the catcher "ENOCH" sets the play, bulla nods and the bases are loaded with the pope on 1ST , professor Darwkins on 2ND and allauckbur on 3RD and Bovals batting
And heirs the pitch "WOW" is that a jet stream off that ball or is that a chem-trail, ENOCH has the ball, his glove has steam or mist (hydroH2o@ Atomic (6) coming from his glove, and the crowd here is going mad as the pope and Dawkins collide with each other mid stream, leaving boval going backwards and forwards like a steel ball in a pinball machine
Now for my valued readers here is the only recorded action replay of that pitch and the 3RD srike
▶ The Great Pyramids - Gateway to the Stars - YouTube
zoom through the video to the 7.00 minute mark and then view, now I am an avid researcher of ancient hieroglyphics even with all camera pans played in super slow looking for the hieroglyphic keys to my work that myself I can see goes unseen by others, but never quiet enough for you the critical umpires to give a positive verdict on, how ever you all would know that within GIZA pyramid there are none to give its secrets away that I can use for my 3RD pitch until now
There is a couple of things that you need to be made aware of within the ancient stone hieroglyphics that has never been presented before and only on this site has it been touched upon and that is this, that what is being presented is all to do with magnetism
Firstly* when you see the small bird with long legs and short stumpy body and little or no tail, that is saying "WATER" its the water hen, remembering this is hieroglyphics and each one tells its own story representing a picture
Secondly* the above being the case then when you see waves carved, that is "not water" that is waves, as in light waves or the sine wave of magnetic frequencies that can and do mean another dimension or portal or star gate or another time in space
Thirdly* When the ancients carve stars they carve stars or the star signs they wish to represent and within hieroglyphics nothing is trivialized in any such manner, so when you see things that look trivialized such as x or + or * and its inside a pyramid then its not showing you stars as such its showing star like, meaning like stars such as the refraction of crystals or the glint factor of the water or mist droplet, that being the star gate in the crystal
Fourthly* In support of the above and the ********** not being depictions of stars in the sky there is no constellations or stars that have some twenty depicted in a straight line, so take note of the god standing on said line of mist crystals and those depicted also behind him
Fifthly*am I hearing right, is he saying the bottom hieroglyphic depicted is the ATOM god and its also repeated by a second persons oratory at some 7.35 minutes on or there about
So now given you have some little knowledge of what bulla has shown and explained on many different formats, but all point to this same synopsis this is what I see and read from these hieroglyphics based upon the above
The said picture is telling you they use the mist crystals to obtain magnetic frequencies within the Atomic level of split photonic spectrum to open the star gate within the mist crystals to gain access to the ancient heavens or another dimension that the gods go to but they must be alive when going or they cannot become e mortal otherwise they are destined to become mummified or at best earth bound orbs, and all this is surrounded from top to bottom by the making of rainbows, otherwise you cannot attain the frequency gap large enough to enter the Holographic world of the ancients
But out of all those people making films and books if I was to have to pick one that I thought had half a chance of hitting one of my pitches, I would chose KEN KLEIN and my fielders are ENOCH, TOTH, HERMES, HORUS, NEWTON
Now I rarely recommend anyone but I enjoyed coast to coast show with Ken Klein and hes making a lot more sense out of any religion if you can call it that than anyone else I have ever come across and I say his work and my work go hand in glove and I can tell you that's a first but then I am not religious, all be it I like kens concepts as it all fits, hither to see link below and let me know your views on the hieroglyphics
Ken Klein - Guests - Coast to Coast AM
August 22, 2013
For those that have conducted the bulla test
And now you understand there is a lot more to the rainbow than we have been lead to believe and its not everyone that makes a world class discovery in there own yard with sprinkler and sheet of paper as you have done
As to the vertical rainbow you have seen in the bulla test (litmus) and why it leans to the right some few degrees, the reason is your sprinkler spray is only some 3 to 4 Mt in width and what your actually seeing is only but part of a full size rainbow, to this if your sprinkler spray were to be wider than 66.6666 Mt wide and in height then you would in fact see a completed rainbow with both ends attached to the ground, and if you were then to present the paper experiment yet again then the light force will go off the scale in clarity and lux and be extremely defined and have a very sharp and defined profile
This above measurement of 66.666 mt length is in fact the sine wave and length of the frequency of the rainbow, which I add is my discovered length of earths projected ground or gravity wave length this data is from bullas data pile and is only being made available by bulla world wide as it is the first time its ever been revealed and disclosed is via bullas research and discoveries, there is a great deal more data that will take us from this seemingly simple experiment and take us to well beyond Geo physics and its laws of understood Geophysics into a brand new world of Quantum Geo Physics which is yet to be discovered by science, this takes in the Quantum Atomic optics of electromagnets and HydroH2o@Atomic 6 and the Atomic refractory factors and full distortion of the perfect crystal sphere that leads us directly to the split photonics or the multiple splitting of the photon that I first published 07072007 and was resonantly confirmed by Stanford University only some 10 weeks ago, but they not realizing as well as Cern Hadron Collidertron along with NASA and Iowa university and there resent published discovery of magnetic portals
That I have published the same data as there discoveries only all from researching the rainbows and making those discoveries 6 years ago and publishing them all to the web and public domain were upon they are still there inclusive of Google date published and there is also reams of data across the web from bulla research discoveries not to mention the step across the abyss of the containment of Crystallized split photonics cold fusion (still not conclusive), which I have disclosed involving in house research and the discovery that the carbon 666 and the Sapphire crystal is the the Atomic stone on earth that holds all the answers to our future power needs
Further I expose that it is the rainbow and the technological advancement I have made that allows me to show that the earths entire gravity fields and Van-Allen belt and total ionosphere is totally 100% made, driven, and controlled by the Red and White rainbows and that they are also responsible for all weather events in total and are also responsible for the yet to be discovered and unexplained Hot spot plumes that occur across the surface of the lite side of earth, and that NASA data re magnetic portals are in fact the white rainbows occurring being totally unseen by the naked eye but can be seen by magnetosphere saterllite
The full unadulterated data pile in house is unlimited as to the total schematics and full implication and measurements of all including all lux and dynamic speeds and fluxing schematics of earths dynamic grid and storage and how it all fits together and functions from the rainbow occurrence through all its dynamic movements until the end of its completed cycle and termination of said gravity and or specific gravity at both the poles, this also gives total over-site into climate change, why and where and when
Wow not a bad effort from a sprinkler and one sheet of white copy paper I think that's what one might call a "CHECKMATE" Hermes, Newton,Tesla Einstein and you can through in the rest for good measure as I am sure I am not missing any data but then I am learning every day
bulla and have a nice day and tell your friends about the sprinkler and sheet of paper and the flame or light you discovered and bring them along with us into the future of the GOLDEN AGE
August 21, 2013
1 That Ezekiel and ascending via light beam while crossing the river
2 Moses and the burning bush
3 The firer or flame of Kundalini
4 Nostradamus and his flame from within the mist
Are all one and the same and are not fire at all but a bright light emitting from the rainbow wave here is another litmus or test for you to prove for your self its simple and easy to demonstrate and catch and see this firer being white light, only this is really seeing the light for real
This discovery will change the way you look at things as it was all to do with mother nature and not some mystery magic after all here is the technique to find that allusive light and this one differs slightly from the original litmus sprinkler test and is much easier
whats required * a fine sprinkle spray and the morning sun and a sheet of white copy paper
Standing with you back to the sun and your shadow cast to the center of the spray and standing just outside the spay then take approximately 5 large paces to the right and look carefully at the spay you will see an almost vertical rainbow beam but it will be leaning on a few degrees to the right
Ok you will see the whole seven colors but of coarse it will vanish as it projects out side the spray, well it hasn't vanished its still there its just not visible ok as its only the spray that is revealing its presents
Now with your paper walk round the sprinkler until you are approximately 90degrees from where you started and while using your body to keep the sheet of paper shaded from direct sunlight present the paper face on to center of the sprinkler and observe carefully upon the paper, to help reveal you have found the light then place your hand cast its shadow on the paper and NOTE observe two separate shadows of your hand cast upon the paper so now all seen evidence is just the sun shining through the clouds IS IT ???
And WOW there is the light of kundalini dancing on your paper it will be some 100 mm wide and can be found from ground upwards so if you dont see it straight away then just persevere and move back or forwards slightly watching on the paper for the light to appear, once you have found it then its very easy to relocate it over and over and you can have a friend film it, and that light is projecting on magnetic North ok and you can also find the same light on the opposite side of the spay to the magnetic south
Further still if you were to be able to present that paper all the way over the top of the spay then you will still see the light dancing on and in the shaded paper as the light is projected as a sheet of light 100 mm thick like a fan or a peacocks tail effect, this spreading of the wings or tail can be seen many times in biblical images and in alchemy, and on seeing this depicted in pictures, you may be shocked to discover that its this light from the rainbow that they are referring to and use the birds spreading wings and tail of the birds as the representation of the rainbow power and its life giving magnetic s that is the essences of all life on earth
Please feel free to share the bulla experiment and the seeing of the light, as you begin a fabulous journey of enlightenment and experience the well being it will bring you, in the knowing that mother nature is so close and all around you yet goes unseen, it is that light that drives health and wellness, and its not just the water from the sprinkler that makes your garden grow because without your knowledge mother nature has been making magnetic rainbows in your garden and that's what helps it flourish, high magnetic healthy garden healthy fruits and vegetables, along with people and animals
To add further excitement to your discovery remember it is this light that is the light or flame as mentioned above while in the massive natural format the intercity of the projected light is hugely increased and being light it is traveling at light speed approximately 300 K per second, and now that you understand what is making that rainbow being that light on your copy paper and not the sun shining through the spray or clouds at all, now armed with this knowledge then apply it to Hermes Emerald tablets and his words** As above so below. and WOW all of a sudden, hidden mysteries begin to appear in a different light and myths begin to come into lock step with Geophysics all be it a different set of laws of physics being the real and original laws of physics being natures laws the true and only laws, and given you have been shown and found this knowledge your self then there is not a scientist professor of Geophysics can tell you otherwise.
I can tell you I have a treble Phd physicist that recently took the bulla test and was some what perplexed to discover the rainbow light, he is ok he is just have a nevus breakdown contemplating just how many theorized excepted laws of physics will have to be revised if not totally abandoned, and the biggest of all secrets this little discovery of ours exposes, is where gravity really comes from WOW wouldn't that move some impossible and hidden boundaries.
So just when everyone was thinking it was a race to the bottom for mankind all of a sudden its a race to the top as the boundaries of the ancient hidden mysteries and myths begin to slowly reveal there true worth, as Philosophy and Physics once again are on a collision coarse of being reunited as both disciplines will be forced to reassess there positions held
bulla the joiner of dots helping you "see the light" of the wonders of mother nature and remember you need a "fine spray sprinkler" to get good results, change your life today try the bulla way for a solid and revitalized healthy mind and the true way to rediscover your minds eye and mother natures ways and let me know, when you to have seen the light of the doorway to the golden age
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