October 27, 2013


BULLA THE RAINBOW MAN: GODS MUST BE CRAZY: AUSTRIANS DIRTY LITTLE SECRETS    Australia set to become the worlds biggest polluter on EARTH that will tip the scales of climate chan...




Australia set to become the worlds biggest polluter on EARTH that will tip the scales of climate change so far over the edge magnetically and NASA is becoming very aware of this very issue


Resent admissions by NASA and new discovery made, that there is lot more to Earth and the Ionosphere (Van Allen belt) than they could have ever imagined as the realization that EARTH and its Geology  is a big battery and DYNOMO that drives and keeps that battery charged up, and its the thousands of light portals each day that silently and almost invisibly are projected up from earths surface that actually makes and generates that very Ionosphere (Van Allen belt) and at the same time as it dose so it steels a percentage(%) of that split photonic (PRANIC ENERGY) and streams it back down the projected portals, this then results in a magnetic hot spot (magnetic plumes) see NASA maps magnetic portals TeV levels that are continually generated of the lite side of earth ( the side that always faces the sun 24/7/365 days **Quote HERMES ** AS ABOVE SO BELOW ?????


Its understood these hot spots then bleeds in to the magnetic grid systems and finds its way through the geology, very much like a magnetic traction engine that gives Earth its rotational speed, as this power is again reprojected and  feed out of Earth @ 120 degrees angle ( known as the ascension angle) they being Earths own gravity ground wave projections, now these projected ground waves have a very specific direction and angle of ascension, that angle is 120 degrees from EARTH into the western sky and if you could see it then it is going from the ground where your standing and firing up into the western sky @ approx 11 Oclock as it disappears in to the Van Allen belt (Ionosphere ) and its these gravity ground waves that push against the the magnetic charged but interdependence force fields of the ionosphere and its a fixed field and that's what gives Earth her rotational speed and direction 


Now if you read any Egyptian or Dogon or Mayan hieroglyphics you will find this ascension angle plastered all over there temples and pyramids, because these people back then new a lot more than any NASA about this planets magnetosphere, that's only now beginning to emerge, as your reading it first right now from this one little blog site called bulla the rainbow man the old Australian mad professor who keeps on getting it right time and time again years ahead of all other scientific institutions on EARTH 





Well this is where your going to get it and Australia is going to be the  the world wide leader in causing climate change and totally destroy not only he Northern hemisphere but also bring about its own demise (AS SURE AS PEARLS ARE TO PIGS)


You ever wondered why you don't get coal beds where you get Iron ore deposits and why is that on the western side of Australia is all IRON ORE while eastern side of Australia from its very northern tip all the way down to its most southern tip, some several thousands of miles of coast line and along the lands eastern flank is all COAL seams full of mother natures own magnetic ELECTROLYTE HydroH2o (WATER) fresh water, potable water, drinkable water, in fact the largest known natural potable water (AQUIFER) in the whole WORLD


Now can you just imagine what these two dynamically apposed features looks like on a massive scale in regards to Earth being a battery and dynamo and what these land and geological magnetically possessed and reverse fields mean to to earths DYNAMO fraction power and what will happen if we remove both of them from there primordial naturally occurring stata position within her naturally occurring engine that gives this planet is rotation power 






Australia's minerals and resources is 97% owned by the northern hemisphere and with half a million FRACCED gas wells and 8 new coal mines that stretch 270 miles in the biggest ever coal mines on earth that's each on of the 8, in the process they between them intended to pump out the biggest and the WORLDS LARGEST potable water Aquifer and dump it, BUT wait first they want to turn this potable water totally toxic and carcinogenic to man and beast and the environments, that includes the world heritage listed AUSTRALIA'S GREAT BARRIER REEF, that's first before they dump it, whats left when its done is a completely dysfunctional magnetic engine, a totally destroyed Aquifer that was big enough to supply half the lonely plants population with fresh water, but now its toxic for 10,000 years, Australia will lose its climate controls, as to the amount of potable water to be dumped a possible TRILLION liters a year


I mean is there anyone at the fucking wheel, "for gods sake" has everyone lost there fucking marbles? "completely"!  


But look I don't want you peoples from the Northern hemisphere to think, well that's just to bad for you Australia, because your down under and we are up here, HELLO ANY ONE HOME?, as have a little guess where there going to burn all this stuff, and we can see you are already in trouble with the magnetic decline your undergoing and have been for some years, only your keeping the data about it  hidden and on that score NASA is doing what it can, sending up warning flares, and lets not even mention the subject of ISON and how bloody puny we are on this planet without bringing our own demise upon our selves


I am secretly hoping that some god, don't care who, may be HORUS ! returns to Earth and grabs the wheel of this planet and puts it back on some form of semblance, as anything would be better than this senseless wanton and willful destruction by these greedy mad TYRANTS who are hell bent on destroying us all along this blue planet 


Little PS*** for you to ponder when listening to me speaking about our planets ground wave projection and its Ascension angle  and it going in to the western sky @ 11 O'clock, *** did you Know that there is no word for dead in the Egyptian language, instead they use the word WESTING** "not Resting" but westing, as in the direction the sole takes when it ascends , see the assertion angle your self in the hieroglyphics under and upon the stone walls under the Arat pyramid 10 miles from GIZA and see the same angle in bullas 2007 Hetrodynamic site they are identical but the ARAT data has only recently been exposed, It dose look like the old ozy mad professor was on the ball with his schematics of all this and without any help from science or the Egyptians 6 years ago< funny about that I am sorry If I am making a habit of getting these things right, may be there is something in it all you don't see yet                                      

October 26, 2013



So I have knowledge and now I intend to use it on behalf of you and your families and myself included so what can I see with ISON  OK there is a lots of people out there quoting all sorts of mayhem and conversely you have the scientific fraternity , LOOK AT THE PRETTY COLORS IN THE SKY

But this is my first postulated measurements for ISON and to those readers that don't know, I am not a religious person, that doesn't mean I ignore  the bible**ssss or scriptures, on the contra,  OK I can and do see a lot of things in bibles that you deferentially don't see, my avid practitioners "exempted" as they have embraced the knowledge but only after they tested what was being said and found it correct, so this is what I see for the 14 who befriended this site, this is for you OK and if all the other readers agree or disagree then put up or shut up its that simple

You will understand this planet is driven by magnetic portals ok you can call them what you wish, myself I call them by there ancient name being there is two, one red and one white rainbows and we know they are all born white ok and the cloud cover controls the rest, so its a double random effect given you need the ground equation to be spot on before it will occur and the the seconded factor kicks in, being was the event covered by cloud, meaning you get the red rainbow and no gravity is generated, so its a pretty cool system that self regulates

So now ISON said to look like a second sun ?Hmmmmm how bright I wonder, bright enough on the scale of photonic light, ENOUGH TO SET OFF RED AND WHITE RAINBOW  TRIGGERS depending on its entry and departure we could if it dose trigger the rainbows get a 3rd pole that wants to manifest itself  that is no where near the poles, now that's got my 4th denominational aspergers brain working over time to come up with currant pictures of that occurring    

But hey I am working on it OK and I am including the extra power from ISON extrapolated into the moons influence and her extra electromagnets  and what she could do to the oceans and there indeed given this ISON cracks open the rainbow fields on its own power then yes I say look out this could be the most exciting time in history for thousands of years

This is what I see, bulla desperately trying to join the dots < eyes open people and make some little effort now which will not be available during or even after,,, what more can I say, its a postulated nightmare with so many open ended results

Simply to add that all this has accrued before and we are all still here           

October 24, 2013

BULLA THE RAINBOW MAN: Time for testing what you have learned

BULLA THE RAINBOW MAN: Time for testing what you have learned: Test time First NASA and this ▶ NASA's Van Allen Probes Discover Third Radiation Belt Around Earth - YouTube Now look about 35 so...

Time for testing what you have learned

Test time

First NASA and this ▶ NASA's Van Allen Probes Discover Third Radiation Belt Around Earth - YouTube

Now look about 35 some minutes in the question is asked,? do these ionosphere born collidertrons in the Van Allen belt have any connection with earth or anything here on earth, and you listen to the answer given carefully

Ok lets break a few egg shells on the scientific worlds doorsteps and see what happens ?  


Do you NASA see any correlation at all with all the so called unexplained Magnetic plumes and or hot spots that accrue on a continual basis on the lite side of earth, some 1500 on a daily basis that you also claim you don't know where the plumes come from or go to 


And in you world of scientific knowledge do the newly found collides you found in the Van Allen belt match the same number of unexplained magnetic plumes or hot spots on the surface of earth  recorded by you , I ask this question on the pure off chance the two totally unexplained occurrences tally!


More over I say they tally precisely, but of coarse you NASA scientists a far more educated than I am about these things,  however is this not the portals you also claim you found Professor Skudder Iowa uni and is it not now blatently obivious to you and all, what I and Hermes mean when we say AS ABOVE SO BELOW meaning for every plume (hot spot) on earth there is a portal and for ever portal there is a colider in the Van Allen belt meaning that's where we get our gravity and atmospheric climate from***** THIS IS LIKE TEACHING THIRD GRADE PHYSICS


But look it could all be to no avail because of what ISON may have to say to all of us and no exceptions as it could be the wild card in the pack that will alter everyone's view regardless who you are, it could well be the event I have been speculating would arrive, the total game changer that I said would alter everyone on earths perception as to just how fragile our environment is along with us all personally, which we seem to have forgotten 



bulla I thought I was joining dots, it dose appear I have been out ranked and now its comets that have taken control of the dots, to this I am postulating visuals of whats possible and will it have a detrimental effect on us       


October 18, 2013


massive cosmic event


If I was just casually looking around for some event to hang my postulations on, then I guess ISON  would fit the biblical and technical terms required as a very large cosmic event in our very own back yard, and given it could well be 6 times bigger than earth then this thing is not to be ignored 

Given I understand its not going to hit earth, but there is some speculation as to its tail of rubbish it carries with it and that we are expected to pass through that deb re field and further given its size then if it were to get between us and the sun then it indeed is going to go dark, can I speculate for 4 days Hmm, OK so given we don't  get rainbows red or white when its dark then the gravity supply is going to go off as will the shields of fields and the Van Allen belt,so far so good as earth dose have its residual magnetic grid storage that should sustain our stability long enough to get us through any rubbish or dust fields this ISON may or may not be leaving behind it, however some rock dodging my be a bit tricky


Within all this I keep in mind that the future has all been before, as it will be again, so Earth continues onwards and our destiny lye's before us and this planet needed a good over haul because we were not good custodians of her and we do have some very evil and insane people on earth that need to be cleaned out, to give us a fresh start, which when all mankind is humbled enough to take a new pathway as to the protection of our existence and this planet well I see that as a good thing 


bulla dots           


October 14, 2013



I have outlined, I believe what it all looks like in the many posts on this site, to this we in reality are just in a blind phase of technological induced numbness of the realization of what has purposely and fraudulently been hidden and obscured from our beliefs and brush stoked visions of what perhaps the so called ruling elite, want us to continue to believe 


They the elite them very selves not realizing they to are also part of of the same obscured numbness and have no control what so ever of what is and will take place on this planet, as time and space governs what takes place, not some super rich guy that's become totally obsessed and completely besotted  with his money and the power it buys, He with all his money and power cannot alter the true coarse of this civilization and its destiny which regardless of there manic behaviors and wishes,they alter nothing, that would include 50 Builder-bergs all plied on top of one another nor 10,000 OBAMAs


 As regardless of all the antics we are still only 15 years out since Google came about, and on a time scale of understanding that's like just one Atomic second out of the presents of man, on this planet, given Science has yet to learn and embrace knowledge that has been in our possession for hundreds of thousands of years ,to this it dose appear there are none so blind as the learned who are being paid to be blind sighted to satisfy the wanton views of the co called elite 


Our speed of ascension


Unbeknown to most if not all we are ascending with or without the so called power brokers and or elites, as they have no say in the development of the ascension its a primordial force well beyond any control of any particular power base as much as they my leak and or bleat that they have control, but in reality they have no more control than you nor I, perhaps in reality they have given the size and scale of there supposed control, they in fact have less control than you or I, as after all its all an allusion they are generating utilizing the saturation and control over the media, and being able to checkmate the reality in real time, they really Either don't understand the first thing about the ascension, OR they do and there in a screaming panic as to what can be done to stop it or slow it down as when its complete they no longer have any power.


Hence you will then understand why things look somewhat like SLASH&BURN as they are not to sure where there safe position really lye's, and in fact weather seeking sanctuary in China for there capital was in fact the right or wrong thing to do, and given whats coming down the ascension pipe line, then even the size of China is not a contributing factor nor is Russia or America because whats coming is so megalithic and enormous, it being on a cosmic level that brings Knowledge along with the wisdom of how it is to be used, which I am happy say dose not include any elites nor money or power brokers, to put this more bluntly the question will be, WHAT ARE THEY? and our answer will be, Ho nothing really just some crazy Idea that the Zionists and capitalists and the communists thought they would try out on the unsuspecting multitudes, nothing really just a drop in the ocean on the time spectrum and scale of things, a bit like a flue virus you get over it


As to our progress      


It is good to see NASA moving on and now further disclosures that lead us closer to what HERMES means when saying AS ABOVE SO BELOW, just patch that into NASA latest magnetosphere data and like we have discussed in hear many times the workings of the white rainbow the BOW/SUN  and how it generates the ionosphere from the light projection from ground upwards, and it is Earths own colidertrons that's what the Van Allen belt is, being at any one moment in time there is a minimum of 50 said Bowsuns out there as a complete continuum, that is endlessly resupplied from earth via the designated mist driven rainbow events that are prepared and ready to fire at will upwards as soon as the suns electromagnetic s gets that mist in the correct phase and assent-ion angle given earths rotation (Atomic refractory angle for distortion of the perfect spheres of the said misted areas, regions that being extremely variable, but the largest of  the said events being upon and within the Oceans and her sea fogs) and it is these sea born bowsuns that drive the main Van Allen belt and at the very same event also provides Earth with all its gravity supplies as it is a duality as I have correctly described and named  in 07072007  as HETRODYNAMIC ELECTROMAGNETIC HYDRO WAVES (sine waves)  


And look, on this issue, any time NASA wants to sit down, I am happy to show them the schematics for this megalithic occurrence in full detail, if that leads them to outing that its the white and red rainbows that drive this planets total life giving system, but look I show you what there response to that suggestion is from NASA its self in this link here speed through or watch it all but 35.14 minutes in ▶ NASA's Van Allen Probes Discover Third Radiation Belt Around Earth - YouTube listen as the question is put to the panel at NASA, the question asked relates to dose NASA see any connection back on earth that connects these coldiers in the the Van Allen belt, and watch the faces on all the panel members as they all look at each other and unanimously declare "NO" Followed by  ( or that's the best answer we can come up with at this time) giggle snicker snicker  


It was so blatant you could cut it with a knife and the longer they continue to play this cat and mouse game the harder its going to be to make corrections to the gravity decline, not to mention the loss of life it will bring if not rectified, so lets please dispense with jousting and lets hurry on along, and get some working documents underway to how best to implement repairs to the gravity shield and Earths gravity depletion problem as one will fix the other and I have made it very clear as to where I say the problem is, however as Einstein says you cannot fix the problem with the same tools that created it, to this I have some thoughts on  several solutions, that's if you can drag yourself away from OBAMA long enough to "save the world"


bulla** some challenging dots there to connect in regards to us and our ascension, perhaps I have to wait until there are more Divine children of enlightenment and I am surprised that the Masons have stayed so quiet for so long over this issue, or is it that they the masons are not so well informed after all, I would be extremely disappointed to discover the masons were unaware