June 18, 2014



Every thing above and beyond us has been found to be electric or magnetic

electric sun 

The sun and its Atomic energy of photons bombards the earth none stop as earth rotates, and in turn every square inch gets its fare share of radiation while being filtered by earth Ionosphere  

Supposed electric and magnetic fields enveloping earth

Then we get this affect that generates the magnetic north and south poles that are independent of each other with a threshold approximately on the equator   

earths magnetic and electrical ground grids 

Then we get this in ground electrical magnetic grid system that's generated in the earths geology that interconnects all across the globe equally distributing the electromagnetism but then we get something unusual happening, that science says they don't know or understand why 

electromagnetic hot spot plumes occurring

Electromagnetic Hot spot plumes mysteriously occurring on the equator predominantly that all manifest in to barometric low pressure storm cells  

electromagnetic peaks of hot spot plumes and grid fluxing

The hot spot plumes can be seen as peaks projecting up from earth surface thousand of miles into the atmosphere like portals of electromagnetics that then have storm activity generated

Electromagnetic discharge in the millions of volts and massive rain and hail

It then follows we get this massive electromagnetic discharge in the millions of volts and hail and rain 

Mysterious portal light displays  

 Then we get these mysterious electromagnetic light shows like portals from the heavens that get any number of different scientific labels that are so varied I have lost count 

End of rain event the rainbow appears 

Then we get this that usually tells us its the end of all the electromagnetic activity and no more hot spot plumes as they mysteriously vanish and disappear , now there is no rocket science here its pretty much all straight forward

Obama and his magical infrared Co2 spotting glasses

Then we get this guy that's telling you to ignore completely every thing above, as its all make believe and that he knows that its the Co2, that costs a lot, because hes got this invisible gas all weighed up into nice packages of tonnes, that he wants to sell cheap, because him and his rich mates have spent a lot of time and money packaging it all up into nice lots, and if you don't buy it, he will garnishee your bank accounts whether you Agree or not, and share the money with the bankers and the Petroleum industry, who are stabbing the coal industry in the back, so as to make them selves into rich and innocent angles that intend to use the extra cash to fracc the planet to death by destroying the underground water reserves, and at the same time buy up all the good land world wide that has good ground water, that wont be fracced for gas, there by generating the newer and bigger cartel of the