Raining on the moon
Given the understanding of the mechanism of the rainbow anomaly by Horus the (RA) god, and regardless of the aforementioned and within my own rights as the discover of that mechanism
Then given water has been discovered on the moon, then totally unbeknowns to the scientific world, there now is a proposition that can now be put, and I put it, and again bulla leads the scientific and ancient historical worlds megalithic disclosure of how an ancient knowledge and wisdom that has superior laws of physics that are the ancient laws of physics that are the ones we will need in the golden age
Postulating water on the moon I see then there would be no reason why the ancients couldn't have, at sometime lived on the moon, and to further explain if you gave me the budget then I see no reason why I couldn't build a complete atmosphere for the moon, and that atmosphere would also include "gravity"may be even rain, because as long as I have the Solar King and the Luna Queen you can make it live
Life were there was none perhaps under massive glass domes,trees, birds, cloud rain,may be a small stream a totaly artificial world, but real just the same, and Given I know the ancients have yet one more secret to reveal to old bulla, the carbon crystal gravity generator, we have been working on that generation system for several years, and have shelved it until we can see some light at the end of the magnetic decline, the generator takes the wet hydro and its runaway factor and crystallizes the wet factor and turns it dry that then is conducive to containment from runaway, there by you dont need the Hydro factor, meaning you no longer need water to make gravity, as you use the same dis-tortion factors from the hydro, that's now in the crystals and as long as you have sunlight then you have contained Neutrino or pranic power
However not withstanding that we can use the old system, the white and the red rainbow system, in any case that's way of in there golden age, we have to fix this system first before it really starts running a muck, as its only whispering to us at present and once we get the major event out the way 21st Dec 2012 then there will be a changed of attitude to how we do things on Earth which will make my work a lot easer
Welcome. To the worlds leading and most formidable dynamic discovery site ever published on or off the web, concerning the real mysteries surrounding the Rainbows, this site redefines how the rainbows occur within Geophysics, Alchemy,all the way back to the ancient pyramids and exposes the electromagnetic Atomic distortions within water and mist that then has full control of earths specific gravity and its entire atmosphere
September 26, 2012
September 9, 2012
Yangtze River Runs Red
Miracle, Miraculous or man-made
Mother Nature
17th Sept 2012 LATEST UPDATE
Seeking conformation
Is it a fact that the redness of the river within the pictures is staying stationary, and not flowing down stream as per the flow of water, and is it not the case that down stream is unaffected, Q. YES/ NO
If (YES) then the redness is a radiation boundary marker, this area is out side the hot zone of the magnetic plume or hot spot, these magnetic white plumes can be from, Zero to several thousands of miles across and there depletion time can very up to months.
The redness is a secondary event, where by the now Oxygen depleted water has now entered the normal specific gravity zone being now outside the influence of the white plume zone or hot spot zone ( back to normal specific gravity levels)
The Alchemy change and red color I believe, is the water in the natural process of re-oxygenating itself, from HetrodyElectrodyHydrated HydroH2o , or if you like your (Heavy Water) and with out prejudice I dont believe its from any atomic plant, and it did not come unexpected given the dam, and given there are no radiation levels detectable,
As a result of what can be seen then I would be expecting some very active storm events across the three George dam catchment area with thunder and electrical activity above normal along with a great deal of rain
bulla, want more data?
Given upon a multiplicity of all manner of threads as well as
this blog I have shown and explained in differing ways, that which appears to
be outside the boundaries of the known laws of physics and the scientific
fraternities inability to comprehend, the true laws of Physics that is in
complete and utter control of Earth and its outer space reaches, and that all
is under the controls of the occurrence of both the Red and White rainbows
(Mayan), and or Horus the (RA) Red and White Crowns and the making of the
snakes (Light waves) to beautify the lands of Horus being, the upper and lower
Nile, within the promised land of Giza (sic) Rosetta stone. That also includes Mother
Nature’s little secrets.
Now I am sure you all understand the story line from biblical
times, or should that be prior to biblical times, and to answer the two
conundrums, the Yangtze river turning red as did the sea close to Giza back in
ancient times, the simple answer is, they were both caused by similar events,
being a massive electromagnetic shock wave on the level of split photonics or
at the (Neutrino level).
Now to put it in a language that science and the layman can
understand it is the white rainbow that causes said anomalies and super
magnetic shock-waves and to this I say both the biblical and the Yangtze river
going red are man-made natural events, one coming from the shock wave of Giza
and the other being generated at the Three Gorges Dam that sits upon the
Yangtze river and its water discharge at the power station generating copious
amounts of mists, being Hydro H2o@ Atomic (6) and or the now generated, almost
sea like mists upon surface of the catchments of said dam.
The shock wave of supper magnetics from the white rainbow causing a massive increase of instant gravity ( specific gravity) makes the water ( HydroH 2o) increases in its density and there for its compression weight, on the Atomic level and weight scale that then drives out the Oxygen from the water and the alchemy change, sees it turn red.
And I wish to add that bulla has blogged and threaded and chatted his data about what may occur in regards to the Three gorges dam and for some years now, we have observed this massive project and logged its anomalies and the massive change in China s weather patterns and there huge floods that have occurred.
To this we here at bulla labs are not naive enough to also
overlook other reasons for said occurrence such as a nearby Cern Hadron
collider look alike, or perhaps a very
large Neutrino generator being tested all of which give you the capacity to magnetically
super shock dams or indeed rivers, one may even find insects at plague
proportions, Locusts, frog plagues mice plagues, trees and plants having
strange flowerings out of sync, fish kills, migratory birds lost and or confused,
it appears we have gone full circle back to beyond biblical times.
And all because of a perfect sphere @ 6 microns in size,
Hydro H2o@ Atomic six (6) under full electromagnetic distortion, and mother nature’s
little secrets, and the Yangtze river turning red could be a good thing in the
long run, that’s if the scientific world wakes up in time to see and understand
the scientific God factors, good luck Cern and your Hadron, cloud chamber, it does
look like the Chinese have beaten you to it.
Bulla / Masters/ Nature Philosophy and Quantum Geo Particle
Physicist Quantum Atomic optics.
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