September 26, 2012

Raining on the moon

Given the understanding of the mechanism of the rainbow anomaly by Horus the (RA) god, and regardless of the aforementioned and within my own rights as the discover of that mechanism  

Then given water has been discovered on the moon, then totally unbeknowns to the scientific world, there now is a proposition that can now be put, and I put it, and again bulla leads the scientific and ancient historical worlds megalithic disclosure of how an ancient knowledge and wisdom that has superior laws of physics that are the ancient laws of physics that are the ones we will need in the golden age

Postulating water on the moon I see then there would be no reason why the ancients couldn't have, at sometime lived on the moon, and to further explain if you gave me the budget then I see no reason why I couldn't build a complete atmosphere for the moon, and that atmosphere would also include "gravity"may be even rain, because as long as I have the Solar King and the Luna Queen you can make it live

Life were there was none perhaps under massive glass domes,trees, birds, cloud  rain,may be a small stream a totaly artificial world, but real just the same, and Given I know the ancients have yet one more secret to reveal to old bulla, the carbon crystal gravity generator, we have been working on that generation system for several years, and have shelved it until we can see some light at the end of the magnetic decline, the generator takes the wet hydro and its runaway factor and crystallizes the wet factor and turns it dry that then is conducive to containment from runaway, there by you dont need the Hydro factor, meaning you no longer need water to make gravity, as you use the same dis-tortion factors from the hydro, that's now in the crystals and as long as you have sunlight then you have contained Neutrino or pranic power 

However not withstanding that we can use the old system, the white and the red rainbow system, in any case that's way of in there golden age, we have to fix this system first before it really starts running a muck, as its only whispering to us at present and once we get the major event out the way 21st Dec 2012 then there will be a changed of attitude to how we do things on Earth which will make my work a lot easer  


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