May 13, 2013

You Call That a Conspiracy, this is the CONSPIRACY OF ALL CONSPIRACIES

When I began exposing the truth about our planets primordial magnetic controlling systems and the fabulous way nature generates our atmosphere and our gravity and the flawless repeatable continuum , I was myself stunned at its complexity and the random genius for its occurrence on a natural bases planet wise and the ability to generate deserts and arid as well as tropical temperate along with polar regions that have evolved over millions of years, all due to the prevailing natural random events 


Given the enormity of this disclosure and exposure it is no wonder the RED and WHITE Rainbows have been kept as the biggest secret in the history of mankind, burred under hundreds of years of disinformation and coverups that has been purposely fostered and driven by religions, science and academia, to this there can be no argument that there was a so called god some 12685 years ago, the fracture begins as to whose god was it, or who was this godlike person, to unravel this conundrum one must first begin to understand that within the very center and existance of this god lye's the occurrence of both the RED and WHITE Rainbows this must include the control over both occurrences, being the very essences and responsible for mankind's very beginnings and ongoing existance 


One begins to realize why the rainbows have over the many years been trivialized by religions ,science and academia and why science in all cases along with religion and academia purposely and wrongly depicts and portrays  the rainbows and the way they really occur and why, because if it were to become open knowledge and freely known by the populations at large then this would immediately throw the known laws of physics in the scrap heap as total rubbish and tom foolery, and at the same time cause a world wide awakening on the religious front that would cause a world wide avalanche of knowledge that has been hidden from this civilization by those that seek to control it, where by it would expose our total existance as being falsely generated and it being totally fraudulent and a make believe existance 100% 


You may well say, well bulla that's a massive accusation to make and a tough call to condemn the entire academic world, to this one would have to ponder what percentage of this so called academic world really knows the hole truth and nothing but the truth, given the university brainwashing from antiquated and ill informed literature that are published poison when it comes to the truth and are meant to derail the truth about ancient historical truths and physics and it defies logic that any scientist that investigated the rainbows thoroughly but first scrapping the entire published rubbish that pervades the academic and scientific world as to there postulations and present theories that are so bogus and wrong that a blind physicist could dispel the lies, but the point is, under no circumstances will they disclose the truth even when they are presented with a perfectly accurate and empirical litmus and repeatable experiment that on all fronts proves what they claim and publish is 100% wrong, there reaction is to ignore it all and hope to there god that it goes away 


further more while this fraudulent academic scientific and religious  world continues this ageless game of bull shit baffles brains they and there masters preside on and over this compliance of this fraud it continues to hold the worlds population to ransom and has it locked within a time warp of little or no human advancement nor any chance of achieving any unless its pay as you go, or a goods and chattels existance that they claim to be human advancement,  I say its just a modern slave market and they intend to keep it that way and that's why they will never look at the rainbow science because they are fully aware that it would sett man free from this engineered slavery they have fostered and nurture they are no better than overlords and criminal tyrants 


To this I can fully understand why it would be written that we are indeed living within the dark ages the Iron age the age of denial of our historical freedoms and existence and in doing so this has stolen our rightful future and place of advancement on this planet earth, it can be clearly seen that we live in a world of insanity driven by financial domination by make believe demagogs using the the long held tactics of lies and fostered disinformation to blur and hide the real truth that has been entrenched over hundreds if not thousands of years with wars famine murder and mayhem full of  a never ending supply of religious zealots bent on the domination of the worlds populations for there own personal and private gratification and the sickness that promotes it, to keep this insanity alive they must at all costs prevent all knowledge of the Red and White rainbows and the fabulous knowledge and wisdom and freedom hidden, buried  for as long as possible


WHY, because when the truth becomes exposed as to what the RED and WHITE Rainbows hold in wisdom and knowledge it being so advanced and powerful that this make believe insane world will self implode along with all religions academia and science and end the tyrannical strangle hold of the demagogs and and set this civilization of human suffering free into the awaiting GOLDEN AGE of humanity 


For some years I labored away explaining the hidden virtues of the rainbows to the scientific world under the impression that they didn't really know or understand what fabulous treasures lye within and how it would benefit mankind, to this some time back I had a semiannual moment when I realized that the so called academic world has known all along about the RED/ WHITE Rainbows and that my efforts to enlighten the scientific world was not only falling on deaf ears but in fact it was they that are actively involved in driving and maintaining the world biggest ever conspiracy in the history of mankind existance, and it was these very people that I had turned to with this massive discovery that they were in fact behind and responsible for driving the very conspiracy that this discovery needs to expose                              


bulla for ever joining dots towards  mankind's future

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