February 16, 2014



Myself I have no intention of going down there rabbit hole 

And in my defense I here by out line why not, and expose what they should have exposed some 60 years ago, instead of behaving like a mob of school girls at a christening, that has just perpetrated a total fraud over the understanding of climate and weather, that has led us into this quagmire of lies and deceit we now are having to deal with, and I think its now time for the scientific fraternity to repent, and admit there wrongs and help this world of ours to recover from such bastardy, you have perpetrate upon the so called uneducated world and at there expense


I begin to fully explain,  with this image below as I set you all on the correct coarse, that this secret scientific fraternity in collusion with the powers that be, who have manipulated the complete system of having the knowlage to there own advantage and with holding this knowlage and data for there own use, that's been detrimental to this entire civilization as a whole
As you can see this is a tracking record of major climate occurrences that science wishes to ignore and for very good reason


Climate science will claim they have no explanation for this very telling  mapping, and as to why, to this, before we begin please dismiss any discussion or contemplation of any temperature correlated causes as this map is not about temperatures being the true cause,  as I will explain 


 This map is showing the white rainbow active zones and for those new to my blog I well explain why its actually all about super magnetics at the split photonics level, or super magnetics or pranic energy, and I will prove it to you that that is the case 

Now I have long since explained this all comes down to mists or fog which in scientific terms is HydroH2o@Atomic (6) which is only in essence the atomic weight of clouds or fogs and or mist OK no secret there OK


So now if you alter the gravity by just the weight of one cigarette paper , that will have an effect on this hydro (6) component and change the behavior of the fog mist cloud given it floats in our atmosphere Curtice  of our gravity forces or the plus or minus of same, so there for if you increase the gravity down will come the cloud or the hydro will become to heavy and descend, conversely if you deplete the gravity up will go the cloud into our upper atmosphere


This is pure geophysics but science will disagree anyway regardless because we are about to expose there underbelly, so you can fully expect them to disagree with everything I say, and that's cool, that's what this post is about exposing them as postulated frauds, which we will prove they are


so lets look a this picture again and a picture of the world

 Now I maintain that white rainbow are driven and occur because of the ground or ocean surface supply of said mist being HydroH2o@atomic (6)  in the oceans, I say sea fogs OK, and I also say that these sea fogs are only manufactured by mother nature at special times, and that time is limited to the doldrums periods or the glassed out periods when the ocean goes becalmed and looks like a flat mirror and this is the time the oceans produce there hydro convention through the oceans surface tension of the oceans surface and produces all the mists and  sea-fogs OK, you with on this ? I am sure that not to difficult to understand


Now you can see by the map there is 2 hot spots or major ones in the northern hemisphere and you can also see there is a place where there has never been any storms, plus you can also see that the northern hemisphere. storm wise is not connect to the southern hemisphere, as they are 2 diametrically and magnetically apposed fields of magnetics thats as clear as you would ever want to see it, no arguments there OK                         


So why is there no storm activity in that blank zone ?? well its all very simple that blank zone never ever goes into a doldrums period or glassed out, as there is always rough weather there and always wave activity, hence forth you never get mist convection taking place there, or no sea fogs Hmmm but science hasn't worked this out yet, so your having it explained for the very first time in real time ok 


So now lets look at the hot zones or the 2 red zones of major activity Hmm simple they are very protected seas that go glassed out on a regular basis and make lots of mists which make lots of red and white rainbows that run our climate magnetics from beginning to end, HAHAHA you dont think so, well lets prove what we say is correct, now if you were to get access to NASA magnetic plume and hot spots on the surface of earth and pick out those 3 hot spots your instrument is going to go off the scale at perhaps 6 TeV within those hot spots   


Now for the avid researchers who, one, understand what we are outing here or even any scientists that wish to try to demolish this rock solid indisputable bulla data, then check this out, find the data as above from the date of the oil spill and correct-sent in that gulf region and I can tell you that that region is no longer a hot spot for storm generation as you have lost the capacity in that region to make mists or sea fogs as its now a dead region and so is all the weather it once generated due to the oil convxes first before the mists and blocks it from occurring  


This needs to be further explained so you get your head around what has happened in the gulf, the oil has not gone anywhere as is still there only now due to the addition of the corexant it the oil is now micronized, and has become part of the oceans water, being soluble oil water mixture, so it still behaves like oil and due to its Atomic buoyancy being still lighter than sea water then it cannot mix all the way to the bottom of the ocean as the atmospheric pressure due to the depth of water prevents it from penetrating to any depth 


Therefor this soluble oil mix, hovers within the surface levels of the oceans water as it cannot defy the rules of gravity and its Atomic weight compared to sea water will not allow it mix at any depth due to the buoyancy factors and pressures, as oil is still oil regardless how much corexant you add 


So the above being the facts of the issue and regardless of what any professor of physics may try to have you believe, he the professor cannot defy the laws of gravity and the Atomic weight scale regardless of how much spin he might try to add, and I have also heard it said that the oil and corexant will evaporate Hmm


Ok so lets look at that premiss of evaporation, now given the Atomic weight of the corexent chemical is a spirit, then its Atomic weight is lighter than oil and oil being lighter than sea water so it then transpires that if any evaporation were to occur then the corexent being spirits would evaporate out of the oil, there by reconstituting the oil back to its natural state being oil, and over above all this is the fact that for anything to occur as far as evaporation it must first be floating on the surface of the oceans surface tension before any evaporation could occur 


Ok so now we are getting somewhere closer to the real truth of the issue, and I point out that there is a big difference between the wave actions on an ocean and a glass out where the oceans surface goes like a big mirror and this is natures time for here to convex her sea fogs and mists which pass through the oceans surface tension and are then suspended in our atmosphere as sea-fog and later they evaporate up into our atmosphere to become our cloud mass 



BUT wait we have a little problem here with atomic weights, because the oil and corexent are lighter than the sea fogs or the Hydro, its weight being only 6 on the atomic weight scale, so then according to the Atomic math then the oil and corexent convex to the surface first before any hydro(mists) and this being the case then from that point onwards the oil and corexent are command and block any hope of any mist convexing, and this effect will continue to repeat itself even down to the micronized levels of oil, and given the oil is micronized and soluable and may appear not to be present on a visual level, it is still there and this in an infection that I say is still spreading and its deadly to any sea fogs or any mist production, and just so you understand how evil its mask is, it could continue for 500 to a thousand yes and it could given its makeup, find its way into all the becalmed regions of the oceans across the entire northern hemispheres oceans


Now as per that mapping above and the importance of these generating regions for storms and rain or in fact cloud mass and its resupply to our atmosphere then it takes on very serious and sinister aspect when one models these into long term effects it starts looking very gruesome indeed, as what begins to show up given the above is that any rain that does fall into the ocean or from rivers etc is the permanently trapped by the oil and corexant blocking the pathway of the hydro mists to the atmosphere 


In other words, we have a massive one way sink hole controlled by oil and corexant on a fully repeatable basis far of into the future and given cloud mass depletes every time it rains, and if they are not replaced by mother nature during her glass outs when she dose all her cloud replacement but is prevented each and every time by the soluble micronized oil 


Then sorry to have to say this, I see that as "terminal", not only for the cloud mass but also any and all rain events, and this dose not take into any account yet the loss of red and white rainbows and a massive gravity decline that will also ensue that will directly pull down the power structure from the Van Allen belts protective shields that will result in serious  radiation leaking into the atmosphere, this would also have the effect of unlocking the magnetic polar region or the magnetic north due to limited power from the grids to hold it stationary where by it will be attracted away from its position to other more magnetically active regions on the other side of the planet no yet infected 


However given time to be spread across the oceans it will have the same effects and to this you cannot convince me that science is not fully aware of all the above, and if anything they are in a massive panic as to what to do about it and perhaps this goes some way into explaining all the secrecy surrounding chem trails and why, as NASA has already come out and said loud and clear 




I dont know why they just dont come clean and tell people what it is we a facing instead of forever concocting all these so called controlled made up stories that is supposed to protect the public from itself, like they are so superior to everyone else on the planet and its there main job to hide the reality and the truth as if they are in charge of mankind's destiny 


There are things we could be doing to circumvent this massive problem, but they will never come to the forefront while the issue is smothered in lye's and deceit    and hidden from the public's view by corrupt governments and fraternities, that cannot help themselves from capitalizing on the hidden issues                                       








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