This is a subject that I say, was and is, a natural occurrence in Nature
That over time they have intentionally blurred, being one of natures semi optical allusions, that both religion and science have manipulated for there own sinister reasons
So I am going to point out where science, still today continues to deceive us in regards to this very natural light occurrence, as to why, is for them to explain.
Now this goes all the way back to Issac Newton where I say this fraud really began, and its hard to keep science and religion apart at this time in our history, but for the best part of Newtons discoveries came out of Alchemy, then mysteriously, Newton turned on all the Alchemists, and for reasons, I say was all to do with his discoveries of the real, being the real Ancient laws of physics, which is what we should be using today, and the reason all this happened was because, the correct law's of physics uncovered some truths about the church that exposed, that they had turned the entire story back the front so as to enslave and manipulate the population,
The fraud is shown in this depiction of Newton supposedly and still to day perpetrated by science and physics, as explaining how the rainbow occurs and works by using a solid crystal to demonstrate the separation of the colors of white light into the ROYGBIV the 7 colors of rainbow, which in no possible way even goes remotely close to how a real rainbow occurs
Now here is science actually perpetrating this depicted fraud, by misrepresenting the two completely separate issues, one being the separation of white light into the 7 colors from a hard crystal object, as per Newton above, and then falsely claiming and implying the same must be true for a raindrop and rainbow, which they well try to tell you must be a perfect sphere, being round, and yes, if it were round then that's correct, however, as raindrops fall they are not perfect spheres, and far from it, they are trying to cover over quantum dynamics with a static predicted image, which is not true, and they know it isn't, and its being done on purpose, the biggest fraud and conspiracy engineered and perpetrated by science and the church in collusion to keep the truth, of not only the real laws of physics, but cover the corruption of the church, and the true history of mankind's known Physics and past "hidden".
Now you may well think this is just a very small thing, but when the above is realized, it becomes so massive on the scale of science, it will require the entire laws of physics to be scarped and adopt the correct laws of physics, then as a civilization on this planet we will begin to advance
Now comes the Naked truth and the Emperor has no cloths, as for 60 plus years science and physics has known, that mist being clouds have an Atomic weight of (6), and that being so, allows the mist to float in the atmosphere deigning the gravity influence, therefore, takes the shape of the perfect sphere, but its also well known and established that when the weightless fragile perfect sphere is subjected to, or struck by the sun light, being electromagnetic or photons
And its shape is completely "distorted and it doesn't remotely resemble the perfect sphere", which as you can see in the picture above is a complete contradiction, further more they all know it is, but this is being done to protect the church, and all the scientific papers published and all there so called mentors of science and physics, that's completely built and based upon a fraudulent lie, which they have cast an illusion over, and even perpetrate this lie upon the youngest of our children, where this dogma is drummed in to the childrens heads, that this is how a rainbow works, so there is nothing more to see here, so move along, Hmm??
So why are not these rainbow shape and why do search and light house lights not turn into rainbow colors when they pierce the fog and or appear in a rainbow shape, and why is it that they don't publish that below and under every rainbow occurrence there is a massive TeV of 12/14 Plume or magnetic hot spot, of super magnetics within the primordial magnetic grids within the ground on every occasion, or is this secret data, I know how it really works because I follow Hermes Tristmegistus AS ABOVE SO BELOW
But lets not stop there as given these backwards fake laws of physics that we are being forced feed by all schools and universities world wide, they will turn them selves into knots of scientific babble, to try and explain away this anomaly, this then blows there Newtonian physics out the back door on its ass WOW goodbye Newton
Now if you thought I was going to leave my good self open to be ridiculed and bashed by the almighty powerful church & scientific fraternities. then you would be wrong, as at the conclusion of all this I intended to submit my "Physics litmus" a fully repeatable simple test that proves, what I say is correct and the fraternities wrong, and its up to empirical standard, and its bomb and bullet prof, so there will be "NO" room left for them to maneuver, with anymore lies, and even Newton will not be able to save them from complete disgrace, and I continue with whats also been distorted by religion, which the very same litmus test also exposes in regards to
And how and where this has come about in biblical times and has become lost in the dogma of the scriptures, and that seeing the light has nothing to do with the church or faith or god, but its nature doing her natural thing
But first I show you what it is not, it was not a bush that caught fire which had flame leaping up from it at all, as the bush was lite up, "yes" but by light not fire and this is what my litmus is going to show you, being you going to see and catch on video for your self the Kudalini flame or the light that lite the so called burning bush
And that this depiction of that light is closer to the truth, I am sure you will agree once you have spent the 10 minutes to run the litmus test for your selves, and you will see why it was hard to describe, and back then would have been hard to replicate, which to day its not, if your shown where to look to find it, as it is light, so we have to use ways to show you, its there, but you never notices or saw it before and this is the very same light that nature produces from a set of circumstance upon the ground, that then projects upwards in to the sky and its almost invisible, but when it strikes under the clouds of pierces any suitable mist, will distort the mist crystals and then shows you the rainbow, which is all contra to what the church & science would have you believe
Here is another example all be its not a good one, but you get the Idea that it was not fire, it was a sheet of light, that lite the bush, that I am going to teach you how to find and film, but this shows how a bright light, if you were in dense shade and all of a sudden the bright light appears and goes into the tree and lights it up brighter than day light, then this is what your going to see in the litmus
Now below is a video from my personal research files, that if you look at the sky all the way across under and within the rainbow ark, you can clearly see a light blur going up until it turns into a rainbow, then out side that is crystal clear blue sky and cloud, and there is another reason why the rainbow appears where it dose and why its shape, as its trapped inside a complete bubble of TeV super magnetic plume or hot spot , or like three eighths of a bubble that's completely round as the rainbow you see, or if you put a big compass with one point in the center of the rainbow, and the other point at the ground where it touches the ground, and then scribe a big circle, then that's the size of the super magnetic bubble, and you can see these magnetically occurring on NASA TeV magnetic imaging satellite
Now this light that's projecting up from the ground is the very same that lite the burning bush, that I am going to show and teach you how to locate and video, and your going to be shocked at what you find, because of coarse this then changes every parameter of physics you ever thought existed, that shows how a rainbow is really made
copy Paste, or see post *Litmus upgraded December 28th 2013 in archive at bottom of screen
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