In this world of fake, forgery and Photoshop, the world's most formidable Rainbow physics researcher and explorer comes so close to the real truth of the Ancient advanced knowledge and wisdom of their technology, its so close and sharp, it could cut you.
In all the preceding years and posts I have never lead you astray, but given you the best I have discovered and had to offer, with little or no recompense, or ever asked for any, just the pure love of sharing the knowledge I have uncovered which I believe is of the utmost importance to all our futures, it has always been a struggle to place data in the domain and then have people understand it, and realize it is real, and there is no trick or subplot or some scam being worked on your subconscious minds, or in fact money or any gain except KNOWLEDGE
I am going to reveal some images to you from a site I published back in 07072007, where in that site, which is in Google, which until this day has never been reentered, so its original and verifiable so, I am going to show in this post those images I drew of a scientific nature relating to that discovery, which was of the magnetic portals projecting from earth, and that those portals are in fact manifested as Red and White rainbows, which I have explained many times, are not manifested as science would have you believe, and in fact resemble nothing like them, as anyone who has conducted my simple rainbow sprinkler litmus test will testify, that they don't correspond to the scientific theory or postulated description, at all, its proven so
Now what I show here in drawings from 2007 I will now match with images, that only came to light in 2012 after I spent almost 8 years hunting the worlds Hieroglyphic images looking to find, knowing for my research and work to be correct, that they must be out there somewhere, hidden in a tomb or temple on a stone wall carving somewhere, and you can imagine the shock and ore when these stone carving rose up out of know where, like a phoenix, and the biggest shock being like a double lightning strike, was they were found in AUSTRALIA , the site being North of Sydney NSW, just north in a remote and hidden place of little repute until 2012 when father and son the Strong family began exposing what was found and images of same, and I couldn't believe my eyes, when a friend and fellow USA researcher a hieroglyphics expert gave me the link.
To this the old indigenous peoples have stories about these glyph s, but as normal, with these people, things are kept very low key, when it comes to the old ways and historical stories, remembering it is the same Australian indigenous peoples that bring you the Rainbow serpents and the Rainbow dreaming stories, and that he was a Feather man Bullademia, which I have some other research in progress that puts Quetzalcoatl also know as a feather-man in this picture, and could well be the one and the same person being Horus, Thoth, as the more we unravel this ancient history the more direct connections that are being drawn, and the realization that traveling great distances or over time, to these people was not a problem
Ok this was my King depiction, I knew had to exist somewhere, now remember these drawings are from this time, and the ones in stone could be as far apart as 25,000- years ago, so don't expect to see identical precise images, but you won't be disappointed in just how close I really am to the heart of the ancient secrets, and remember, these stone glyphs only came to light in 2012, and my pictures come from 8 years ago drawn 2007, never having been privy to the stone hieroglyphics, and its even more astounding, I am out on my lonesome with all this data, as this the only site world wide on the entire internet , that has this unbelievable evidence, and can put it together and disclose its nature and workings and what is all means
I have to first explain, that there has never been a pyramid with a water tank on its top, it in fact is a pure Hieroglyphic in every sense of the word, that its to force the viewer, into a corner, where he must think and realize there is something being shown but still hidden because there is missing logic, and the secret answer is the water tank, is at top, but its inside the pyramid, and that's where the water is kept, the kings chamber and the stone block pumps that can still be seen to day, but was never recognized by another single sole
So here it is the missing link and for perhaps 25,000 years, when someone else was standing in my shoes, who also new the ancient secrets of the gods and time travel, and this is only the beginning of how accurate my work and discoveries of ancient wisdom really was there is more
This symbol was one of a pair of emblems of a discovery, so large, it dwarfs the worlds understood quantum Geophysics, and defies the known laws of those physics, and will stand as an acronym for thousands of years to come, as the the most powerful emblems signifying all the power of nature, long before any gods came to earth, as these waves are not only light waves or sine waves, they are also earth gravity ground waves, all of which the scientific world has never seen nor understand as they are Hetrodynamic electrodymagnetic Hydro sine waves in an array of four, that alters the dynamics and direction of light coming from the sun and projects it as a sheet of light or glint wave vertical up into the heavens and from horizon to horizon and only magnetic north and south, and 93% of times it's invisible to the naked eye, the other 7% which are visible are seen as rainbows, the only difference being, clouds and no clouds that reveal their presents, these waves at full size are 66.6666 Mt in length, but you can get them occurring very small a wheelbarrow size in your back yard, using just as a part wave, or there of
Here are the Hetrodynamic electrodymagnetic Hydro sine wave array X four, from the stone walls of hieroglyphics as per my scientific symbols of my discovery of them in late Jan early Feb 2007 as depicted above picture from 2012 at near Gosford Sydney
Now this is the second and the twin to the waves, its actually the same image as the waves, only turned 90 degrees, and now looking south to magnetic north and the four zeros you see are actually the very ends of the same waves you see in the other picture, the waves which in real life size are the hickness of a 44 gallon or 200 Lt fuel drum, and the very wide sheet is now but a thin vertical line, now on its edge, like looking a CD Rom on its edge, but when seen from the East west direction the light stretches from horizon to horizon, but now note I indicated the angle of 120 degrees, and those waves are 9.9999 Mt apart and that thin sheet of light at this full size is only 0.033333 mm in thickness just a bit over the old inch of 25 mm now this anomaly can be tiny like a wheelbarrow, or set or a series of duplicated full wave lengths depending on the available mist or fog at sea level, can be sixty miles across, and occur when you have massive sea fogs on the oceans, and when they go up, the thickness of that line multiples every set of or 66.6666 Mt wave lengths it gets thicker 0.033 mm approx so over sixty miles its meters thick, and boy dose that make a whopper of a rainbow if there is clouds over head
Now as a mate to the end view symbol there not being one within the glyphs not surprisingly, however I have something much more spectacular to share with you that came from under a smaller pyramid some 10 ks from Giza the whole inside was full of glyphs and then I spotted this master piece, and new straight away what it was, see all the little stars in front of time traveler in the banana shape boat, they are not stars they are water or Hydro crystals depicted, notice anything about there alignment, the vertical line then the line at 120 degrees, he the man in the boat is going into the other world of the forth dimension, or the after life, or some people like to call it heaven, and he is using my discovery and schematic symbols, and the rainbow wave to get there
if you seek out the the videos or youtube bulla the rainbow man lecture 2 and especially 3 that will show and explain to you how all these schematics work in Giza pyramid you will find them all on this site in the archive index in the front 2012 scroll bellow
I also include here the original site that further explains the above in 07072007,
Hetrodyhydro Electrodymagnetic Dynamic4Wave Array
This precedes CERNs postulations of split photonics, as at this time CERN had never been run, or switched on for the first time, and it also precedes NASA, and there claims to the discovery in 2013/14 of magnetic portals, being another word for electromagnetic sine wave projections from earth which I have now clearly shown you, and a full seven years prior to CERN, NASA in my own rights, and now I have the evidence, and showing it to demonstrate that the Ancients all new about this technological advanced anomaly, and more over were using it, for thousands and thousands of years
Much of his data without any doubt exceeds that of what has gone before, or been understood, comprehended and explained, and when I say exceeds, that in this world of the quantum and or physics science alchemy, it is equal to or exceeds Newton, Einstein, Tesla, Plank, even Hermes Tristmegistus himself, and the philosophers of knowledge and wisdom of it, and I am not at all hesitant in saying, this is where mankind's future lies, the Golden age of our time, this is the very break through and the missing link, if you like the real Rainbow bridge that's been purposely hidden from mankind to keep us all enslaved, And I take this opportunity to inform you, there is a massive megalithic new power source hidden within my data, that will be a thousand times bigger than ever imagined and completely friendly to man and all life on earth that has zero pollution and is as Tesla envisaged is totally free
The power system to my knowledge has never been even postulated, as yet science has yet to comprehend or understand what is known to me, and been researched for some 6 years now, as COLD ATOMIC CRYSTALLOGRAPHY SPLIT PHOTONIC FUSION POWER, this power and its source, is so harmless, that a mother could give birth to a new born baby while within the power source itself, I also inform you that within this megalithic data package, is also found the very secrets to zero sum gravity, and the ability to travel within generated magnetic fields TIME, which is still not yet discovered to this date by CERN, known to them as the Higgs fields, it also exceeds over unity, it unlocks all mysteries of ancient history, and where religion came from and also gives access to the future
Appreciate the outstanding new story updates and website content. I think the four electrohydromagnetic sine waves are the electric field, magnetic field, electric current, and the magnetic current as gravity carved receded below inside at the top just below the triangle like head shape.
ReplyDeleteThank you Pat for your complementary comments, it is yet to hit the scientific and world at large, just how big and all encompassing this discovery and knowledge is, I am sure many read it and just equate it with more internet rubbish, but I do hope that the above outing of what I actually do have and posses is no exaggeration, and that its more than just all touchable, its usable and friendly to mankind, the environment and our earth, I can do no more than tell people I have it, and is it not what everyone is yearning and hoping to find, WE NOW HAVE IT !! our future depends on it
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ReplyDeleteA warm welcome Tania Heartmann, thanks for becoming a member of our knowledge bank Tania, welcome aboard
ReplyDeleteSee my work here, you are wright on this waves -
ReplyDeleteBulla---Ranger is still alive and well!