Its very clear that Nostradamus is passing a warning message, that came to him via the Ancients, thousands of years through time within his cryptic Rose from 1633, by friend and Alchemist college Robert Fludd, that is now very currant for our time as he prophesied it would be
Given, I have in the underlying post shown you the dynamic waves for the portals, and what I wish to convey to you all, is that from Ancient times through these discoveries, and now fully understood and unraveled Hieroglyphics and cyrptographic images, both carved in stone and etched in ink, and published by my hand, there being nothing copy-pasted, as its all original and from one person, please do mistake this information as made up, or second hand
Now in this post I am going to connect Quantum Geophysics and atomic optics, with Nostradamus and Alchemy, all the way back to Horus the so called (RA God, and the Ancient Knowledge and wisdom, and none of this data will deviate from the one topic,
First you must realize that in Ancient times and throughout Alchemy being the times of Nostradamus, the Dynamic magnetic Hydro waves of the Red and White rainbows (magnetic portals) also known in alchemy as the Red and White Rose, were known and called, the *snakes* and were refered to, as such, and can be seen drawn as snakes, being magnetic light waves, to help you comprehend, I quote the Australian old indigenous description, of the Rainbow serpents or feather man Bullademia, *Fiery white snakes that look like snakes and move like snakes, makes big rainbows in the sky* from within the mists of the ancient waterfalls,
Here I show you, that while earth may be small in stature, size compared to the sun fiscally, she in her own rights, given her far superior and much stronger dynamics over and above the suns photons, with her photon light fusion, giving Split photonic power shielding, which is not only a complete magnetic paradigm over the suns power, but 7 times more powerful than the suns radiation and flaring energy, and when it comes to field dynamic size, she is every bit the equal to the suns energy, and so much so, and unbeknownst to the physics world, earth is the dictator and the controller of the suns behavior, and science have got it all somewhat backwards, with there thinking, that we are at the behest of the sun, when *logic reveals its no so*
Now I stated I wouldn't no go off topic and now show Nostradamus and Robert Fludds 1633 version of the above magnetic field dynamics, as per the past on knowledge and wisdom of Horus from Ancient times, stating the Rose and the above modern depiction are in fact the one and the same depiction of the field dynamics or he ionosphere, now you will also note, that on the veranda, the symbol of the eye of Horus, being if like from Horus's house of knowledge and wisdom, you will also see upon the ground in this etching the four snakes, and that this Rose will, according to Nostradamus will take center of the world stage, which it now coming true, as we are in trouble with the magnetic decline of the northern hemisphere both on ground grid magnetics as well as up in the ionosphere, in regards to the depletion of he Magnetic portals, being the *snakes* or HetrodyHydro elecromagnetic sine waves, as they are all one and the same thing, being the Red White Rainbows are being damaged by the oil and corexit which is killing the mists in and across the oceans, or Hydro mists, that makes the rainbows or magnetic portals that project up and makes the ionosphere and our shields, providing not only our protection but also all our gravity and climate and all weather events, through the magnetic hot spot plumes all across the earths surface, non sop 24/7 for millions of years, the Rose and her petals are the fields of shields, being all white rainbow projections, as the red ones don't go that far, they are all seen to stop at the clouds and seen as rainbows, but the white ones making the rose, are all invisible, but are occurring non stop and are just unseen
This is emblem symbol seen on the veranda of the house in the rose picture
This is how mist is, and was depicted by the ancients, and there symbol for Hydro mists when seen carved in stone or depicted, it dose not depict stars in the sky bu mists or clouds
Here is the alchemy symbol for the whole lot being the sun (elecromagnetics) the Moon being the (Queen of mists) or hydro mists made by her magnetic convection of the mists out of the oceans, ( now being blocked)*stopped by oil and corexit* being the firmament, the snakes being the light waves or electromagnetic Hydro sine waves or light waves, that is the sheet of light projected up into he ionosphere that is swept round by earths rotation until the speeds exceed fusion, making the super magnetics of split photonic or Pranic energy, we know as gravity that then makes all the magnetic plumes that makes the atmosphere and all weather or storms and rain events, its also the magnetic tree of life also known as the Red and white Rose or Red and White rainbows or Horus s crowns that beautified the upper and low Nile, the lands of Horus the Promised land
Here are the snakes or light waves dipicted from 2007 now finally found on the stone wall hieroglyphics in Australia along with the pyramid with water tank depicted on top previous post below, see the static glint wave depicted in image that's the sheet of light that is projected upwards into he ionosphere, but if clouds cover this upwards ground projection this light wave is prevented from getting there, and shows you a rainbow terminating the light projection, known as the off switch for the climate or rain event , until is all occurs again
Now here is the symbol for the two above, plus includes the wings spread, which represent the fan or sheet of light or the glint wave projection as shown in the one direct above, this is what is meant in all the Hieroglyphics regardless where the wings are seen
Here it all is spelled out in some what cryptic format, so as to protect the author from being burned at the stake by the religious church, who didn't want this knowledge or wisdom getting out, because it proved they were all frauds, and in history not to long ago we almost had all his data exposed to the entire world, by just one other man, that could have made a big difference to this planet and all its people
Read his words carefully, Kennedy new the truth, but who was it again, who couldn't afford to let this knowledge and wisdom get out
And instead now we have this, read his words carefully dose electromagneic waves *ring any bells*
Oh Horus, I be but a mere mortal, but I am trying to be brave and honorable in the face of thy adversaries, caring, kindness, compassionate, loving, truthfulness and firmness of conviction, armed with the truth, and that is my pathway, my destiny I to follow
armed with the truth, and that is my pathway, my destiny I to follow wow love your vow
ReplyDeleteIts not so much a vow,but a way of living