November 8, 2014



Should one who comes with the knowledge and wisdom of which you have failed to find in every video or film ever made, and having this wisdom complete, be so humbled for possessing such knowledge in front of this worlds scientific, academic and religious heathens, which is the reason you fail each and every time to discover enlightenment, which, to quote your goodselves, is the secrets in full sight, The question I ask, is this failure on all your behalfs due to your intellectual superiority and foolishness of your attempt to equate via ridiculous measurements taken across the sea and land, in your vain hope that some dumb fucked Masonic including the scottish right architect has hidden the truth in his frustrated vain attempt to also find enlightenment

Do yourself a favour, roll all science, Masonic babble, religious dogma, and mystic mumbo jumbo up into a cricket ball size, and toss it over your left shoulder and completely dismiss any possible hope whatsoever of finding what you're looking for within what it possesses, because it cannot be found in there, it doesn't dwell in there it doesn't exist in there, as everything you perceive, is but 2 dimensionalNow let it be known right now, that I already know that what I am about to reveal will in effect only touch perhaps One % of who reads it, the rest of you intellectually arrogant snotty nose, Know it all experts, who really know fuck all about anything, really just need a good head kicking, to wake you up out of you poisonous and venomous ways of operating speaking behaving and living, as you're basically just evil fucks, that to be Honest, I wouldn't bother pissing on, so dont bother even offing your condemnation of my criticism of your behaviour, as you know who and what you are

Now the reason I speak in such a manner, and knowing that what I about to reveal has its own protection from such evil fucks within this civilization, and there may well be those within this civilization, apart from myself, who have the Knowledge and wisdom, but I also say they are terrified of the knowledge, and while they may be able to point to the pathway of the enlightenment, they themselves are terrified of going anywhere near it, and this includes the entire masonic lodges and its members, science, and all religions due to the self inflicted repercussions of daring to do so, as they know in their heart of hearts they are not worthy of opening this doorway, (portal) pathway of further enlightenment, and this really pisses them all off world wide, as they fully know and understand due to there personal past and behaviours that they are excluded, forbidden to proceed or enter, or trapped in this 2 dimensional world by there own misdeeds,and I know it and they know it so that leaves them baying around the steppes of further enlightenment like stray banned dogs

So where is the answer, well you covered it, then dismissed it, virtually in the same breath, run you video from 27 minutes and you're looking at the answer you seek, thats all put up there, and painted by the baying dogs that are excluded from access, so they know were the doorway to freedom is but they cannot use it, because they are all evil fucks who don't deserve accessThis is why the entire scientific fraternity and all there guilds which includes their superiors, who are the Vatican and Black jesuits, that includes the Masons, spend all there woken time and efforts, keeping the truth about what rainbows really are, all hidden from the world at large or completely buried in made up mumbo jumbo of Newtonian physics, which is all just made up and invented as a blanket, to cover over the truth, and to indoctrinate all our youth and children, BEING YOUinto thinking NOTHING TO SEE HERE MOVE ALONG