Welcome. To the worlds leading and most formidable dynamic discovery site ever published on or off the web, concerning the real mysteries surrounding the Rainbows, this site redefines how the rainbows occur within Geophysics, Alchemy,all the way back to the ancient pyramids and exposes the electromagnetic Atomic distortions within water and mist that then has full control of earths specific gravity and its entire atmosphere
February 26, 2014
BULLA THE RAINBOW MAN: GRAVITY GODS AND ANCIENT RAINOWS: GRAVITY GODS AND ANCIENT RAINBOWS The gift of life and AS ABOVE SO BELOW Mother natures gift to an otherwise baron planet, now if t...
The gift of life and AS ABOVE SO BELOW
Mother natures gift to an otherwise baron planet, now if that's not a gift from the gods I am not sure what is, water HydroH2o which under the right circumstances makes HydroH2o@Atomic (6) the mist, sea fogs or the real accentual of life, being the byproduct of of the white and red Rainbows, and the Hetrodynamic mechanism via the rainbows that generates the planets entire atmosphere and controls every facet of climate and all its controls from beginning to end, that includes all the polar regions, glaciers, rivers and rains storms Typhoons Tornadoes Cyclones and all rain events
In a previous post I explained the importance of rainbows and the occurrence of sea fogs that give us our main power factors for specific gravity which is what Hermes is all about, as above so below, and I pointed out the importance of rainbows on land as well and the correlation between rainbows and plant growth from high gravity or jungle regions so I went and did a bit of quick research and this is what I found
Ho I almost mist an important rainbow maker
Now in all cases when you analyze where the sun is, all rainbows are orientated North South magnetic, now perhaps the scientific fraternity would like to try to explain that in there multitude of videos of how the sun makes the rainbow from shining through the clouds, so pray tell where dose the magnetic north fit in there crystal ball of refraction postulations and pure theory, I think this is what you call a CHECKMATE and the scientific king has lost his throne !! then they have bullas scientific litmus test to climb over, the games getting tough at the top end of physics to carry on the charade much longer
When science gives up this historical game they have played for more than a hundred years, the flood gates of knowledge and wisdom is going to gush forth so much so it will catapult this entire civilization on earth into a new paradigm of unbelievable possibilities, so large it will leave oil, coal, Atomic power, and all pollution behind in its wake, and how do I know this, well it was in 2007 that I first discovered and published magnetic portals and split photonics that are light years ahead of science, and it was a full 6 years before they realized I had done so, and there by left them with no option but to follow suit 6 years later in 2013 NASA, CERN, Stanford, Iowa universities all jumped on the bulla bandwagon of Split photonics and magnetic portals
And claimed it all, I might add as all there research and discoveries, might is right you could say, however in the preceding years my research has being going in leaps and bounds and is so large now its hard to keep abreast of how many ancient myths and legions from ancient history it has unearthed and explained, and in great detail
But the biggest of all the understandings that has come out of the magnetic portals and split photonics apart from how and where gravity comes from is the concept and research underway, for the crystallized split photonic cold fusion power generation system, this system would revolutionize the entire world from the poorest of the poor in the middle of nowhere to the suburban house or city, but it suffers from the same problem TESLA did, its free, so you cannot charge for it
Is this why the scientific fraternity refuse to except where rainbows come from
To day the 26th February 2014 celebrates 7 years to the very day that magnetic portals and split phononics was discovered, that resulted in the publishing of this blog-site on 07072007 Hetrodyhydro Electrodymagnetic Dynamic4Wave Array
February 18, 2014
BULLA THE RAINBOW MAN: CHEM-TRAILS REVERSAL MAKES SENCE: CHEM-TRAILS DAMAGING THE CLIMATE CONTROLS My first question is, just which rock did these Geo scientists crawl out from under, I reca...
My first question is, just which rock did these Geo scientists crawl out from under, I recall the early days of these peoples appearance and new they were an extremely radical group, in the beginning they were some what open about what there ideology was all about which at that time horrified me as to what they were proposing to do in the way of geo engineering the atmosphere
To this I do not want to get into the debate as to is, or isn't it being done, in saying that I clearly say, if it is, they should stop because there whole agenda is based upon not knowing the truth because of military secrets which there by is excluding them from the known facts that all climate is controlled by electromagnetics and completely, contra to what science would have you believe, so is all temperatures atmospheric and others nothing is controlled by temperature, the magnetics controls the temperatures and all strata cloud levels and that includes all winds are also controlled the same way
As to how this entire meteorological so called science of weather and how it works, and managed to become so ridiculously backwards way of deducing anything is completely beyond me, with the complete absents of any logical facts or any scientific research that can be supported, now ether they are all in league with the devil or they are complete numbskulls, now ether they are psychologically damaged or are totally brainwashed by some alien species
I see this as just another mass fraud being perpetrated by science, now I say in all earnest y, as they must be following higher orders from someone to keep the truth from the entire worlds populations, I can see that they are fully intent on keeping people dumb ed down and away from the electromagnetic component of of this planets operation, perhaps for fear it will open the Pandora's box which contains a lot of other answers they the powers that be dont want to become known
To put this another way, are you telling me that we have 10 million meteorologist that will all swear that they dont know that all the weather is controlled by earths specific gravity which in turn is driven by electromagnetics being the production of split photonics generated by the Red and White rainbow occurrence that intern interacts with the ionosphere that causes hot spot plumes in earths geological surface that is then responsible for the making of all climate and weather results
BUT NOT ONE of the highly trained 10 million have enough brains to ask the question about this picture, and have never correlated the super magnetics within the hot spots that might just have something to do with why the storms occur, I cannot believe they are so dumb, thick, obtuse, or are they just asleep on the job
Or the only other reason why they cannot go near the subject is they are in on the the whole fraud and are being payed to be compliant, therefore they are just as much at fault as the cloud seeders, that have now jumped on the ban wagon with spraying silver dioxide or other chemical that are mistakenly doing so on the foolish premiss that they are defending the climate, when in reality they are destroying it by causing damage by obstructing the electromagnetic steaming of the hot spot plumes that drives the whole system, or they are in fact shutting the real climate controls down, which is already in damage mode
I mean what is it going to take to get all this complete scientific crazy lunatic mess and fraud stopped, do I have to get GOD himself to come down and teach them all how climate is made and controlled, and its these same people that tell us they went to the moon and put stuff on mars,YOU HAVE TO BE PULLING MY LEG HERE
They must be under some sort of duress to allow so many lies to be told and perpetrated or there in total fear of there lives or there livelihoods are threatened by there own fraternities or guild if they dont tow the line, or they, as I say are under the control of some alien force, because I dont believe for one minute that any self respecting scientist wouldn't already know the truth about how this planets climate works, and that its all 100% driven by specific gravity and electromagnetic streaming and that any chem-trailing at all or even cloud seeding would cause immediate damage to the weather and climate by obstructing the streaming, so are they all working for some unseen enemy and Is it there full intention to destroy the climate totally
And how this situation of chem-trails managed to get itself operational in the first place is just beyond me, as I see it being the devious leading the blind all the way along, and it comes down to follow the money trail
Its almost like when you look around at this world and see what absolute crazy totally ridiculous things that are being done to make profits from destruction you could be forgiven for thinking its a master plane to destroy this whole planet and all life on it, and if its not, they are doing a bloody good job of it, as to me it looks that way
February 16, 2014
BULLA THE RAINBOW MAN: BASTARDISED SCIENCE: BASTARDIZED SCIENCE AND WHERE IT WANTS TO TAKE US Myself I have no intention of going down there rabbit hole And in my defense I ...
Myself I have no intention of going down there rabbit hole
And in my defense I here by out line why not, and expose what they should have exposed some 60 years ago, instead of behaving like a mob of school girls at a christening, that has just perpetrated a total fraud over the understanding of climate and weather, that has led us into this quagmire of lies and deceit we now are having to deal with, and I think its now time for the scientific fraternity to repent, and admit there wrongs and help this world of ours to recover from such bastardy, you have perpetrate upon the so called uneducated world and at there expense
I begin to fully explain, with this image below as I set you all on the correct coarse, that this secret scientific fraternity in collusion with the powers that be, who have manipulated the complete system of having the knowlage to there own advantage and with holding this knowlage and data for there own use, that's been detrimental to this entire civilization as a whole As you can see this is a tracking record of major climate occurrences that science wishes to ignore and for very good reason
Climate science will claim they have no explanation for this very telling mapping, and as to why, to this, before we begin please dismiss any discussion or contemplation of any temperature correlated causes as this map is not about temperatures being the true cause, as I will explain
This map is showing the white rainbow active zones and for those new to my blog I well explain why its actually all about super magnetics at the split photonics level, or super magnetics or pranic energy, and I will prove it to you that that is the case
Now I have long since explained this all comes down to mists or fog which in scientific terms is HydroH2o@Atomic (6) which is only in essence the atomic weight of clouds or fogs and or mist OK no secret there OK
So now if you alter the gravity by just the weight of one cigarette paper , that will have an effect on this hydro (6) component and change the behavior of the fog mist cloud given it floats in our atmosphere Curtice of our gravity forces or the plus or minus of same, so there for if you increase the gravity down will come the cloud or the hydro will become to heavy and descend, conversely if you deplete the gravity up will go the cloud into our upper atmosphere
This is pure geophysics but science will disagree anyway regardless because we are about to expose there underbelly, so you can fully expect them to disagree with everything I say, and that's cool, that's what this post is about exposing them as postulated frauds, which we will prove they are
so lets look a this picture again and a picture of the world
Now I maintain that white rainbow are driven and occur because of the ground or ocean surface supply of said mist being HydroH2o@atomic (6) in the oceans, I say sea fogs OK, and I also say that these sea fogs are only manufactured by mother nature at special times, and that time is limited to the doldrums periods or the glassed out periods when the ocean goes becalmed and looks like a flat mirror and this is the time the oceans produce there hydro convention through the oceans surface tension of the oceans surface and produces all the mists and sea-fogs OK, you with on this ? I am sure that not to difficult to understand
Now you can see by the map there is 2 hot spots or major ones in the northern hemisphere and you can also see there is a place where there has never been any storms, plus you can also see that the northern hemisphere. storm wise is not connect to the southern hemisphere, as they are 2 diametrically and magnetically apposed fields of magnetics thats as clear as you would ever want to see it, no arguments there OK
So why is there no storm activity in that blank zone ?? well its all very simple that blank zone never ever goes into a doldrums period or glassed out, as there is always rough weather there and always wave activity, hence forth you never get mist convection taking place there, or no sea fogs Hmmm but science hasn't worked this out yet, so your having it explained for the very first time in real time ok
So now lets look at the hot zones or the 2 red zones of major activity Hmm simple they are very protected seas that go glassed out on a regular basis and make lots of mists which make lots of red and white rainbows that run our climate magnetics from beginning to end, HAHAHA you dont think so, well lets prove what we say is correct, now if you were to get access to NASA magnetic plume and hot spots on the surface of earth and pick out those 3 hot spots your instrument is going to go off the scale at perhaps 6 TeV within those hot spots
Now for the avid researchers who, one, understand what we are outing here or even any scientists that wish to try to demolish this rock solid indisputable bulla data, then check this out, find the data as above from the date of the oil spill and correct-sent in that gulf region and I can tell you that that region is no longer a hot spot for storm generation as you have lost the capacity in that region to make mists or sea fogs as its now a dead region and so is all the weather it once generated due to the oil convxes first before the mists and blocks it from occurring
This needs to be further explained so you get your head around what has happened in the gulf, the oil has not gone anywhere as is still there only now due to the addition of the corexant it the oil is now micronized, and has become part of the oceans water, being soluble oil water mixture, so it still behaves like oil and due to its Atomic buoyancy being still lighter than sea water then it cannot mix all the way to the bottom of the ocean as the atmospheric pressure due to the depth of water prevents it from penetrating to any depth
Therefor this soluble oil mix, hovers within the surface levels of the oceans water as it cannot defy the rules of gravity and its Atomic weight compared to sea water will not allow it mix at any depth due to the buoyancy factors and pressures, as oil is still oil regardless how much corexant you add
So the above being the facts of the issue and regardless of what any professor of physics may try to have you believe, he the professor cannot defy the laws of gravity and the Atomic weight scale regardless of how much spin he might try to add, and I have also heard it said that the oil and corexant will evaporate Hmm
Ok so lets look at that premiss of evaporation, now given the Atomic weight of the corexent chemical is a spirit, then its Atomic weight is lighter than oil and oil being lighter than sea water so it then transpires that if any evaporation were to occur then the corexent being spirits would evaporate out of the oil, there by reconstituting the oil back to its natural state being oil, and over above all this is the fact that for anything to occur as far as evaporation it must first be floating on the surface of the oceans surface tension before any evaporation could occur
Ok so now we are getting somewhere closer to the real truth of the issue, and I point out that there is a big difference between the wave actions on an ocean and a glass out where the oceans surface goes like a big mirror and this is natures time for here to convex her sea fogs and mists which pass through the oceans surface tension and are then suspended in our atmosphere as sea-fog and later they evaporate up into our atmosphere to become our cloud mass
BUT wait we have a little problem here with atomic weights, because the oil and corexent are lighter than the sea fogs or the Hydro, its weight being only 6 on the atomic weight scale, so then according to the Atomic math then the oil and corexent convex to the surface first before any hydro(mists) and this being the case then from that point onwards the oil and corexent are command and block any hope of any mist convexing, and this effect will continue to repeat itself even down to the micronized levels of oil, and given the oil is micronized and soluable and may appear not to be present on a visual level, it is still there and this in an infection that I say is still spreading and its deadly to any sea fogs or any mist production, and just so you understand how evil its mask is, it could continue for 500 to a thousand yes and it could given its makeup, find its way into all the becalmed regions of the oceans across the entire northern hemispheres oceans
Now as per that mapping above and the importance of these generating regions for storms and rain or in fact cloud mass and its resupply to our atmosphere then it takes on very serious and sinister aspect when one models these into long term effects it starts looking very gruesome indeed, as what begins to show up given the above is that any rain that does fall into the ocean or from rivers etc is the permanently trapped by the oil and corexant blocking the pathway of the hydro mists to the atmosphere
In other words, we have a massive one way sink hole controlled by oil and corexant on a fully repeatable basis far of into the future and given cloud mass depletes every time it rains, and if they are not replaced by mother nature during her glass outs when she dose all her cloud replacement but is prevented each and every time by the soluble micronized oil
Then sorry to have to say this, I see that as "terminal", not only for the cloud mass but also any and all rain events, and this dose not take into any account yet the loss of red and white rainbows and a massive gravity decline that will also ensue that will directly pull down the power structure from the Van Allen belts protective shields that will result in serious radiation leaking into the atmosphere, this would also have the effect of unlocking the magnetic polar region or the magnetic north due to limited power from the grids to hold it stationary where by it will be attracted away from its position to other more magnetically active regions on the other side of the planet no yet infected
However given time to be spread across the oceans it will have the same effects and to this you cannot convince me that science is not fully aware of all the above, and if anything they are in a massive panic as to what to do about it and perhaps this goes some way into explaining all the secrecy surrounding chem trails and why, as NASA has already come out and said loud and clear
I dont know why they just dont come clean and tell people what it is we a facing instead of forever concocting all these so called controlled made up stories that is supposed to protect the public from itself, like they are so superior to everyone else on the planet and its there main job to hide the reality and the truth as if they are in charge of mankind's destiny
There are things we could be doing to circumvent this massive problem, but they will never come to the forefront while the issue is smothered in lye's and deceit and hidden from the public's view by corrupt governments and fraternities, that cannot help themselves from capitalizing on the hidden issues
February 13, 2014
BULLA THE RAINBOW MAN: PLANET RUN BY MAD SCIENTESTS: IS THE PLANET BEING OVERRUN BY MAD SCIENCE Now that to some may sound a bit ingenious or over the top, however when one looks where thi...
Now that to some may sound a bit ingenious or over the top, however when one looks where this scientific fraternity and guild has taken us and the absolute lunacy that's prevailed, one only has to look at the Atomic fields of energy that these lunatics have been gleefully pumping there Egos and hunting the Kudos, and stuffing each others wallets with the dirty money from it, being the amount of Atomic testing more that 150 of and then these power stations that have all but radiated every thing that swims walks talks or fly's
And these monitory driven Egotistical madmen are still trying to tell us, its all good for us and the planet and it saves the environment and it saves lives, meanwhile blind Freddy whose homeless and lives in a cardboard box, well tell you these people are totally insane madmen, and I couldn't agree more !
And this goes on with every thing they touch, they boast that they are working for humanity and that there fraternity has morals and the guild has standards and principals, however that doesn't seem to be the case, to this, the new advent of turning every last braincell mankind has into devastating and destructive forces such as EMP or weather or climate weapons, for me is the last fucking straw, as far as I am concerned and to this I see that this needs to be exposed and these madmen need to be ruined in before they tip this planet over the edge
So given I have CERN under the microscope, I thought I would explain a few hard facts about its building and operation, some of which I am positive they the scientists at CERN do not comprehend as to precisely themselves what it is they are doing, and they just see the monthly salary and holidays in France and skiing in the Swiss alps as a dream come true, after all CERN all came about as a project to stop the European brain drain, and to keep there scientists at home
As to how long this data has been around the corridors of the scientific fraternity, read the following comments in this below picture carefully and read also between the lines as to what he is saying, as to what he is implying, and also realize that back then he was intent on sharing this knowlage So now you should realize how long this technology has be circulating, and further still this is when it was fully understood about what made the climate and weather and that being, and I am sorry if your memory doesn't stretch back that far, but mine does! but the main discovery efforts by science back just prior to that time was all about discovering what the Rainbows were, and they made a discovery of megalithic proportions, so large was it that the military apparatchiks jumped on it with both feet and declared it, as uppermost secret and sent it into black ops, until they could learn how to weaponize it, which if you again read the above caption in the picture, cuts across what JFK intentions were, now I let you contemplate the rest and the repercussions that followed
Enter CERN hadron colider with the full intentions of duplicating mother nature, her climate mechanisms along the lines of what had been discovered and was hidden from the public's view and knowlage of same, being the ability to make ones own weather or climate at will, which is why from that time onwards the powers that be within government colluding with the scientific fraternity on a need to know only bases, or a cozy coalition between the scientific fraternity and governments, and any and all budgets and funding required or a guaranteed open expense account, complements of the tax payer, that now stands @ 6 plus Billion dollars, which all had a secret agenda
Now to this dont be disappointed that it hasnt found the Higgs or the Neutrino or split photonics, in fact its total sum of discoveries is "Zero"because as I say given the above that is not whats its true purpose really is, and as per its beginning its still on the same mission all be it, it continues to get reinvented as its now become like a scientific bank and its to big to fail
Now as to the dangers involved I hear Cern doing battle with all manner of outside scientific groups who are deeply concerned as to what being done, they the concerned groups who by there very nature of the secrets involved in the colider, they the scientist are in general all bound by the same web of secrecy, so they cannot come out and really put the true concerns on the table, that being the case, myself given I see they are braking the last straw that broke the camels back, and given I am not bound by or to any fraternity or guild, unless it for mother nature, then I intend to out what I see going on, given I have in my own wrights, the core data, before they even switched the hadron colider on
Now I hear CERN Senor professors and there media mogles, claiming in response to concerns to both the public and other concerned scientific worried groups that the size of the power, not the used power but the developed power of the Cern Hadron colider, or the results of, is so small on the scale of things, that they CERN just laughs it off, as if its so silly even to discuss the issue
Now I see this dismissal by CERN as deceitful and very misleading to say least, to this let me explain to not only the public at large but also science, especially the senior professors and not just at CERN as to precisely what we are dealing with here in the way of power structures and what that looks like, in real terms and even feels like, given the very aforementioned academics claim they dont know what gravity is or where it comes from, the biggest stumbling brain hemerage there having, as Micho Kaku puts it, infinity bound and that Photons dont make gravity, and this is where all the scientific confusion starts as the very basic laws of physics is wrong from the beginning, and that's why they keep falling into infinity with all there so called postulated mathematics and there massive EGOS and the Kudos coupled with there total pompous arrogance, that they are all well known for world wide
To this let me explain what this power looks like, given ether they dont know or wont tell you, you can put your hand in this power, or you could sit in it with out the slightest notion that anything was going on, as to what it looks like or what it may feel like, if you first encounter it, I give you an example that just about even person on the planet at some time in there lives would have experienced the full unadulterated power of what CERN is making or endeavoring to make, now this is the very first time anyone has explained this, remember where you heard it first, so when you see this description republished by others you will know where and who its come from, as I am becoming very accustomed to having my work plagiarized by all in-sundry, but know one ever quotes the originator of the work especially PhD scientists
I digress, so what it looks and feels like when first encountered, have you never reached out for a door handle or touched something that's then discharged into you with a little zap sound and a small spark, synthetic carpets is a good one for it, car door handles is another one, or water taps is another, that will give you a little zap as it discharges into you, and you may well and I fully expect you to say that sounds totally ridiculous bulla
So now dont let this meager little spark fool you as on the scale of super magnetics and split photonics and gravity that little spark and Zap is in fact enormous, as you will gather as we upscale this, to the massive size that CERN is working on, as that charge is put into a 300 kls wide plume and 500 kls deep in the geology and 100 kls high in a magnetic bubble up into the atmosphere across the 300kls and given your already standing in it and can feel nothing, so your ambient magnetic threshold is at the very same level then there is no sparks OK as your not able to sense the change but mother nature can sense the change, and will respond to that threshold, because the clouds and airborne Hydro is all at or about zero weight that's why it floats up in the sky and if you change the gravity by just the weight of one cigarette paper only, then that cloud will begin to descend down as that tiny change in the gravity that you cannot feel has now made hydro to heavy to remain floating up there in the upper levels of the atmosphere, and its all going to come down and form a low pressure cell or a barometric low pressure cell
So now you begin to see that its not so ridiculous while at first, things can seem ridiculous or impossible to understand at the onset, that once its explained to you in a premiss, that you can get your head around, then it all begins to make perfect sense, so now while CERN can claim its so small its nothing to worry about, Hmmm so now you understand my comment as to deceitful or disinformation that is fostered on the lack of information they may or may not have, but in any case on the human scale it cannot be detected and given its there full intention not to have you informed in any case
And on the scale of science world wide its dealing with the most sensitive of mother natures balancing acts known to mankind, being what makes it rain and generates gravity, its the Achilles heal of Hermes, and "as above so below", and if you read Hermes Emerald tablets, then you well quickly realize that this is what CERN is fooling with, and while CERN may want to play down the serious nature of what they are tinkering with, if something were to go wrong or slightly out of control, given its exploratory and they are never quiet sure what to expect, then let me make it abundantly clear to one and all, that this Hadron colider has the potential to make it rain, but in doing so, "it dose not have the capacity to stop it raining" nor could they control the "amount of rain generated"
Now in case your not understanding what I am saying, Quote** when will we know that the massive flood is over, god answered, I will bring the clouds over the land that will show you a Rainbow
But you got to give it to the French and the Swiss, the Nobel prize, for building the biggest destructive EMP weather weapon in the world, and in there own back yards, seems to make perfect sense if you ask me, and it keeps them busy instead of letting of Atomic tests in every one else s back yards and blowing up Green Peace ships like the Rainbow warrior, it dose appear there arrogance is only preceded by there insane stupidity
Perhaps its poetic Justus
February 9, 2014
BULLA THE RAINBOW MAN: CERN /THE PHILADELPHIA EXPERIMENT 2014: CERN / THE PHILADELPHIA EXPERIMENT 2014 Why Cern is doomed to failure There is some fundamental reasons why they will never ac...
Why Cern is doomed to failure
There is some fundamental reasons why they will never achieve what they are seeking and over and above that there is going to be some very serious consequences and an aftermath, and who is going to be responsible for those consequences given they could very well be on a megalithic scale like never experienced before that could send shock-waves world wide as to what could be the results of doubling the power of the Hadron colidertron from 5 TeV to 10 or 12 TeV
And if you thought that CERN is all about one big open door policy, then think again as there are several higher, need to know only levels above what not only many of the scientists working there dont get told, let alone the street level and public never get to discover that is highly classified , now to this I hear bleating s from other concerned scientists about a black hole being generated, and you may well be concerned, however there is another level that to this date has never been exposed and there is no data available, and I might add that the means of observing this more important reaction to its operational times is being purposely withheld obscured (blocked) and that is the TeV level from geomagnetic satellites in orbit for measuring plumes and magnetic hot spots on earths surface and within the strata and geology, as its appearing like a blank spot on Google, but they are getting the data but to outsiders everything is normal and its like, MOVE ON THERE IS NOTHING TO SEE HERE
Yes well I know different and I also know that the fundamental laws of known physics still being taught in universities across the world is a load of cods wallop and that the upper levels of science have been adopting and using a different set of physics laws and those laws of physics come from the Mayan codex and I also know that the basic principals of the operations of CERN are run on my published data being Split photonics (supermagnetics) over HydroH2o@Atomic (6)
And in that case within my own data and research that was obtained prior to CERN, I then can accurately predict the reasonable out comes of generating a TeV level of 10 or 12 TeV and the likely outcomes of same, now to do this I rely solely upon my own research discoveries and also data collated from ancient and other historical recorded events
This description is dependent on operational time, duration and is measured in seconds and parts there of, given this is a man made event then measurements may very in regards to frequency wave lengths and spacings of that generated wave structure generated by Cern generator, it is envisaged that while the nucleolus of the epicenter will be at cerns center of collision the actual wave structure will be released dew west and be traveling at approximately 120 degrees or exit the ground level at an angle that would see it travel into the western sky at proximately 11Oclock so this would then be the ground level epicenter this then would give an elongated primary plume, governed by the depth of the generated primary plume
This plume will grow exponentially in size within seconds and will extend out in all directions, within seconds, it could have high level plume effects up to 300 kilometers from the epicenter and 500 kilometers in the westerly direction being elongated by geological and topographical effects in that direction
The results of which will be the installation of a supper magnetic, up to pranic level or split photonics level magnetic hot spot or plume, once installed even if CERN were turn completely off, the pranic energy plume or hot spot will remain active and in place at which time this plume will look like a massive spherical bubble and given it were 300 ks wide, and given five eighths of this bubble (Plume) will remain earth or geologically bound the remainder will extend up into the atmosphere and take the very same shape as the standard rainbow shape and shape only, but it will be a complete dome or bubble shape at the radi of 150 ks, so in that respect this bubble of supermagnetics will be standing up above ground level by some 100 kilometers high into the atmosphere
So this being so there is now no going back and given the amberant TeV may have been perhaps only 1 to 2 TeV in normal ground prior, we now have 10 or 12 TeV or Pranic level, so what to expect next, this is what will then be encountered
Given the atmosphere contains moisture being clouds HydroH2o@Atomic (6) this super pranic plume will begin affecting the atomic weights of the Hydro present in the atmosphere, which will from all directions be attracted to the plumes bubble this may continue for several days to several weeks or even months and it will not stop, the moisture will condense from upper levels and will begin making a barometric low pressure weather cell of massive proportions, as the low pressure cell deepens expect, as the density of the cell increases and comes in contact with the plumes bubble, exchange of lighting will occur in the beginning from cloud to cloud as it seeks to discharge its energy in to the unsaturated hydro particles causing an instant freezing process, once this frozen state is reached the hydro will reject further pranic energy, at this point the flow of electrons from deep within the grounded plume will be instantly shot off at which time a sonic booming will be heard, (thunder) this then will strand the up and coming pranic energy in mid air, leaving it no where else to go, but back down to earth
This requires it to then smash its way back in to a now free standing disconnected pranic plume bubble, this will result in massive lightning bolts and or forked lightning as the magnetic power has to now double back on itself , and all this in only seconds
Now listen carefully, the only way to turn that free standing plume that is now being feed by earths primordial magnetic grids, is to have a second charging event that cannot be done using CERN. this must be done by mother nature as she alone is the only one who can now turn this plume off, by generating a rainbow that will discharge the plume sending it into decay mode, where by all excess pranic forces will be depleted in to the magnetic primordial grid systems, this then will liven the grids all the way to the northern polar region and drop temperatures drastically along its north bound trajectory causing snow ice conditions and if it hits another natural plume along its pathway then you can expect it to all reoccur again and yet further rain
But by then you may have had 20 meters of rain, as the entire atmosphere from thousands of miles surrounding you empties onto you, and who knows how long it wold take mother nature to send you a natural rainbow to turn the system off, I am afraid I cannot help you with that one, so while its not in the ranks of a black hole being generated, I think you may find the results some what unpleasant or even death defying, so good luck with your CERN experiment at 10 or 12 TeV
For first hand advice regarding this type of scenario and how to deal with it I do think that Germany might have some good advice for you, and I do think some one may have been also fooling with mother nature over there in resent times, given what I have observed
The above data is under copyright and was in part also published on the net some 4 years ago by the owner, the next post will deal with what will occur at the CERN site itself as the portal is opened
Bulla nice lot of dots joined there as long as your not in the middle of it all
February 7, 2014
And Michio Kaku knows it has and explains very intelligently here in this link
▶ Science v's God : Its The Collapse Of Physics As We Know it - YouTube
But what is going on with Science as we seem to have two separate sciences occurring at the same time, we have this public face of science that is the endless postulating, theorizes that continually argue with one another almost while Rome is burning
And above this we have what can only be considered the, black ops upper levels of secret science projects, likened to one science is to keep the public in a total stupefying ma laze, while on other hand the upper levels are fully aware and cranked up developing weaponry, having the underpinning knowlage of the real physics, which is not shown or explained to the wider public
So when one looks at it objectively then one quickly realizes its just a big game being manipulated by the power structures with the scientific fraternity being the pea-knuckle game of the three shells and which one has the pea hidden under it, which all boils down to the slight of hand, and of coarse within this game given its a secret game its wide open to corruption, fame, kudos, wealth, power
Kaku points out, and rightfully so that within the mathematical theory and equations including Einsteins that when attempts to calculate to there eventual conclusions they all collapse into "INFINITY", and that is as far and I am concerned is the correct answer, and I do admire Kaku for his forthright stance he takes on this issue because he is spelling out the disconnect between this imaginary world we have built for our selves and the real world of nature which in reality the black science is aware of and using to develop all manner of things, unfortunately for mankind almost all is weapons based, this is indeed a very strange world we seem to have built for our selves, where by we have cocooned our progress as a supposedly humanitarian civilization, for the prosperity of the elite science and the powers they pander to due to the financial drip feed of trillions of dollars they have at there disposal, which leaves the rest of us where ?? sheeple, cannon fodder, co-lateral damage, a dispensable commodity, and regardless how the academic word smiths want to twist it or play pea knuckle with the the worlds populations as a whole, then I for one say in that case as for the so called sheeple, Jack, "fuck you to" !! DOUBLE
And just so you know there is no hard feelings and to let you know that your closed shop fraternity is not the only science on this planet that are across the real known laws of physics and light years ahead of your black ops secret science endeavors, and looking at the Cern Hadron colider, and NASA and the international space station we can clearly see just how far back in time you really are when it comes to the real quantum physics, as your efforts on the real scale of the real laws of physics are but child like, and I am being kind in saying that
And to further explain the infinity issue and why it is so, and why your science fails when you encounter it, and to put this whole issue in perspective of which your fraternity seems incapable of doing because you have perpetrated so many lies that you your selves have all become lost in your own chicanery
The essence of NASA and Cern coliderton and to some extent just to name two being Stanford and Iowa universities and there main frame of reference is all unbeknown to the majority of sheeple and perhaps 75% of all science as well is based on what they think and believe is secret knowlage that all stems and emulates from this equation
E=Mc2, 10 to 16 TeV,W,W,WZ
Now for those who dont know this equation is also written in the real laws of supposedly unknown quantum physics of infinity "bullas data"and it reads like this
Electromagnetics @ nominal lux @ time
HydroH2o@Atomic (6) under full distortion
Now the above equations are but the same, being one and the same, being the generated split photonics that's generated within the white rainbow occurrence which basically goes unseen, all be it, you can see its twin sister the RED rainbow that everyone must have seen being the seven colored bow the ROYGBIV, each letter stands for a color being 7 of
Now where the deceit and pea-knuckle game comes into play, is that both the black ops and the street science both pretend that all there sophisticated technological advancments has come out of there own heads, well not wanting to shatter there little ploy, they are playing upon the unsuspecting people at large where basically all there funding comes from, but every ounce of advancement they claim to have engineered themselves has come out directly from mother nature, and to be more accurate, out of the RED and White Rainbow occurrence
Now for those that wish to try and cry fowl, please take note that within my equation of the rainbows is electromagnets and hydro H2o@ Atomic (6) this of coarse refers to mists or cloud being and its atomic weight
So now lets look a CERN, what do we find, will we find electromagnetics being supermagnetics to split photonic levels and low and behold we find a CLOUD chamber, Hmm you would have to be asking your self by now, what the hell is a cloud chamber doing at CERN mist cloud or HydroH2o@aomic (6)
Now just in case you haven't worked it out yet, CERN is trying to emulate the white rainbow that's what the whole massive operation of the the colider is for and along with this you hear them telling you, they were hoping to encounter another dimension, yes that's the same dimension that the ancient Egyptians were using and its in this blog site under portals and order of assertion practiced by Horus and others we already new all this data and it was in house before they even turned CERN on
Now look I am not a person to be giving warnings to multi billion dollar projects like CERN but knowing they plane to double the TeV level from approx 5 to 10 or 12 TeV then my advice to France and Switzerland and perhaps the whole world, is to build ARKs, (boats because you run that and you will make a massive spit photonics plume within earths geological magnetic grids that once installed may result in 40days and nights of rain
Perhaps seeing the whole of Europe go under water, and I say this because my research is light years ahead of yours, and as a double banger, the real door to the forth dimension will open, and I am not sure you are going to like what you find or should I say FINDS YOU, and I say loud and clear, only complete madmen possessed would run it again @ 5 or 10 as I do believe you were given a small taste of what to expect last time you ran it
this posting will be continue and fully explain why and where infinity can take you and why the mathematical experts are stumped and cannot fathom it, its quiet simple and ingenuous, and is why they well never ever gain control over the portals NEVER EVER, as it would be like being run over by a complete cosmos @ light speed + MK7 that would in essences tear the very structure of your mind to shreds in seconds, and once breached, withdrawing from that position may not be possible, dont say you haven't been warned
bulla joiner of these dots and I am very serious in what I say
February 5, 2014
BULLA THE RAINBOW MAN: BLACK MOUNTAIN NATURES MYSTERYS: FEATHER MAN NOT ALONE Being a nature Philosopher who has is eyes wide open for natures special surprises and discussing feather men, we a...
Blog is now double banger upgraded with rainbow and butterfly clips to view
Blog is now double banger upgraded with rainbow and butterfly clips to view
BULLA THE RAINBOW MAN: BLACK MOUNTAIN NATURES MYSTERYS: FEATHER MAN NOT ALONE Being a nature Philosopher who has is eyes wide open for natures special surprises and discussing feather men, we a...
Blog is now double banger upgraded with rainbow and butterfly clips to view
Blog is now double banger upgraded with rainbow and butterfly clips to view
February 3, 2014
BULLA THE RAINBOW MAN: BLACK MOUNTAIN NATURES MYSTERYS: FEATHER MAN NOT ALONE Being a nature Philosopher who has is eyes wide open for natures special surprises and discussing feather men, we a...
Being a nature Philosopher who has is eyes wide open for natures special surprises and discussing feather men, we also have our radar on all of nature for her special anomalies and to this Black mountain and its region, not surprising to us, has another little surprise install that's not widely known, if at all and that is also to do with our feathered friends the birds, and I will also include Butterfly's
Now this Black mountain region would you believe has a staggering 52 species of rare birds that only exist in and around this region, Now that's almost an impossibility, and amongst them is some of the most beautiful parrots, with the most spectacular colors, as well as the Azar Kingfisher is just one of the fabulous examples, an Av-ions or virtual bird watches paradise, and is home to many butterfly's the 4 tailed Emperor is just one and I mention this particular butterfly because I have some research and discoveries about this butterfly that may shock butterfly enthusiasts and science
Now there is within my research a primordial link that I have uncovered in regards to high magnetic resonance anomalies, and I make mention that you will not find this data or linkage being made elsewhere across the world, and I out this data here for my readers, and it being in-house bulla lab data
Feathers and the colors of, its my research that's shows me that the higher the magnetic resonance the wilder and more varied the colors and species of birds are, I further say its the magnetics that governs the birds colors in specific areas and or regions and that is due to the presence of a resonance generators of that high magnetics being the Red and White rainbow generators, which I can confirm Black mountain is still one of today, and I have another example latter on in this post
But here I have to exercise some restraint, as I do have previously unknown indigenous knowlage that dates back thousands of years that has been given to me, as a gatachi equal, that I am not able to, outside the boundaries of who and where this knowlage belongs speak of such matters, However I can say it dose involve feathers and the rights of safe passage across particular tribal lands who also have there own colors, meaning that in ancient times lands were divided not only by rivers and billabongs or water holes but also by the different colored birds found only in that area or region
It then follows that the areas of higher occupation or inhabited areas were those that are supported by a rainbow generator, purely from the point of more abundant rain and more regularly, as you have heard me quote before, show me a lush jungle and I show you a set of water falls, or rainbow generator, and to this I pinpoint a classic example for you in Queensland
TULLY a small town just south of Cairns Nth QLD and BINGO the highest ever regular recorded rainfall region in Queensland where they measure the rain in meters, not in inches, and yes you guessed it "TULLY falls" these falls are the most active rainbow generator in Queensland the reason is the falls are very generous with the amount of water discharged and what makes them so power full as a magnetic plume generator is they are open and face the East and get full sun and I show what it looks like and why its a tropical paradise
So now you know why its a paradise with its lush green jungles, so here is a little challenge for you, do the same research on water falls across this world and you be the judge of what you will find
WOW A DOUBLE BANGER POST natures hidden secrets
And not to leave out our world breaking discovery of the behavior of the Four tallied Emperor butterfly, in 2007\8, I was researching rainbows as I do and I was encamped upon a river bank in far western Queensland, where by I had been photographing some reacquiring rainbows that I had been tracking for some 9 months, having viewed the same occurrence over several weeks on separate days but at the same times and in the precise same aspect and position each and every time and at the same size, and as perhaps Australia's most formidable rainbow hunter, if not world wide, the above is not unusual or out of the norm and is possibly why I am known as "Rainbow"
It was while observing one such rainbow to the East across the river I caught sight of something flashing white on a near by tree trunk, then it flashed again, brilliant white, this began to entrege me as to what this could be, and being the investigator that I am I approached the tree, to with in 2meter, a milk wood gum
And what I found had me standing in a dumb struck frozen state as I couldnt believe what I was seeing, the entire tree, not being in flower but all the trunk and branches were covered in four tailed Emperor butterflies, which are black when closed up and flash white when they open there wings, they also have many beautiful iridescent eyes on there wings and are a large butterfly, open in the palm of your hand they can cover it with wing span easly
But it got much more interesting as I observed, my estimate was 150 specimens and only on the bark of this 6 meter high tree and they were all assembled in groups of 4 and they were perfectly to millimeter in a cross fashion with there heads almost touching each other, the four in this headlong cross maintained perfect spacings, now I really got a shock as I assumed the 4 tail Emperor was a nectar feeder from flowers etc, but there were no trees flowing at this time
Now this is were we really start departing from what butterflies are supposed to and not supposed to do, each group of four together independently extended there pink preposterous and placing them in the center upon the trees bark and together aggertated and drilled a lesion in that bark, where by the milk wood gum excreted a liquid sap of which the butterfly's consumed
Now in the world of butterfly this is not supposed to happen, I can understand the birds doing such things but this is a world first for butterfly's, that they would cohabit and then collectively work together and premeditate actions only in groups of four and on a particular tree only, this is not foraging for food from some passing flower as this is serious business, but wait it gets better
The flashing and what it was about, given the numbers of butterfly's there was two butterfly's that couldn't make the foursome the cross and they would try to join an existing foursome, but on moving close to one of the spacing between the other four, one of the four in this group would lash out with a savage flick of its wings which at 2 meters distant was so fierce it was audible, and continued to drive off the intruder and being black when closed but white when open then gave the appearance of the white flashing, now these are butterfly's I am talking about here not pigeons fighting "Butterflies"
But wait there is more, the rainbow I was hunting dissipated and dusk came the butterflies all flew away and I had to get back to the winni to get a cold beer and just contemplate this mind boggling crossover here of extremely intelligent behavior coming from a swarm of butterflies, now I have searched for data on this very subject and its not found, I even ordered all the known butterfly books for Emperors and not one word is mentioned
The dawn arrived and I am out patting the dogs with cup of tea in hand and as the sun struck the same tree so did the 150 butterflies returned, but wait over night the sap oozed out and made like small dried glistening marbles all over the tree trunk and branches, but the butterfies all began to make fresh holes a new or they wanted the fresh sap from close to the skin of the bark, this continued for 10 full days and they also followed the sun round the tree, wanting to stay in the bright sunlight, these butterfly's were fueling up for the long haul ahead as they migrate for many thousands of miles
Now this as far as I consider is earth shattering in the butterfly world and if anyone wants more data, all be it I am not going to disclose where it took place for very obvious reasons, and no I didn't have the heart my self to take even a specimen as I thought it was far to important but I do have film and photos
bulla the butterfly man on his days off, that is
PS, we might add here that just some 4 months after we published the magnetic anomaly about the four tailed emperor and what we new to be a marker in the time spectrum and its changing by some 8 weeks they were well out of sink with the timing and usually you can set your clock by there coming and going
Then out came Latrobe university with a discovery on black butterfly's and they claimed they were indicating a change in the magnetics and an altering of the time spectrum by some 6 weeks
And then only 2 months after that the Melbourne university released another discovery that they found that the Bogon Moth and its habit were changing and they also claimed it was due to magnetics and the time spectrum changing
HMMM the mind boggles and all by the 8 weeks that we had calculated and published prior re the original observation and discovery that is lodged and sworn affidavits with stamp and lodgement time and date in a recognized suppository
We had a quick check from 2007/8 to see how our research and discovery was going being 2014 and whether our research discovery caught on, here is just one of the now numerous scientific sites under butterfly magnetics
Climate change may disrupt butterfly flight seasons -- ScienceDaily
Now dose that ring any bells from my 2007/8 research and published work, I see so they do then understand that changing magnetics changes the climate
Here is little clip of the butterfly's and said tree and below clip is what I was hunting at he time when they caught my eye
And you can clearly see the sheet of white projected light under and within the magnetic plume bubble which the rainbow is in the top of that bubble, and we when filming were also within that same bubble, they being three eights above the ground and five eights below the ground within the geology this is where all our primordial specific gravity and earths gravity is generated and comes from the Red and the White Rainbows, so its actually a complete spherical bubble of pure super magnetics and we only ever get to see the upper three eighths and only when the perfect conditions prevail can we glimpse the ground based projected sheet of pure light that goes up until it hits the ceiling inside of the bubble, and this is the classic Red rainbow, where by the White rainbow being the very same projection is basically invisible because there is no clouds present, there for you cannot see it, but its projection, not having clouds to stop it , well it continues all the way to the ionosphere its interactions with the ionosphere generate what NASA now claims is colidertrons in the Van Allen belt
However when questioned, as to do they see any connection with these colidertrons and earth, they claim NO, however are they not forgetting there very own research and dicovery that proceeds this discovery only by some months, where by the same NASA claimed to have found magnetic portals projecting from earth on the lite side only thousands of them, out towards the sun, well is that not where the shields of fields are, the only thing NASA hasn't done in confirming everything I claimed in my discovery 07072007 is they haven't used the words Red and White rainbows, the rest is identical to bullas research and discoveries and here is a link to that 07072007 site
Hetrodyhydro Electrodymagnetic Dynamic4Wave Array
Onwards and upwards I say, but it dose smack of , big brother, steamrollering the little guy and plagiarizing his work for the financial gain and kudos at the expense of the original discover Hmmm
February 2, 2014
BULLA THE RAINBOW MAN: BATTLE LINES DRAWN IN AUSTRALIA part 3: WOULD THE REAL QUETZALCOATL PLEASE STAND UP This post may well put the cat amongst the pigeons so to speak, now my research has lead me...
This post may well put the cat amongst the pigeons so to speak, now my research has lead me to the full understanding that the ancients had a lot more understanding of acknowledge than we do even to day, and one thing I have realized is to pay little or no attention to time and dates, as I believe these people were able at will to move within the spectrum, being the time spectrum and they unlike perhaps the population back then who thought these ancients were gods, perhaps they were not fully aware that these ancients could transient time backwards and forwards and also be in the same day, be seen in one part of the world or several parts of the world
So now this got me to thinking, could many of the recordings of such people being present, then not all be the one and the same person, perhaps even manifesting under a different guise, if you like but still being the one and the same entirety, example could Horus be Quetzalcoatl and vise verse, so I researched in the feather man Quetzalcoatl, and also Horus having the head of an Ibis and then even further I have data from the rainbow serpent in Australia and bulladema spirit man who is also known as feather man, interesting all feather men, and all connected to the Red and White rainbows
Then you could say another anomaly popped up that seems to have an all to clear resemblance to them all perhaps being all one and the same person and it has to to with them all being depicted with rather a large Phallus (Penis) so I went and researched all the images and carvings and rock paintings going back in the Black Mountain region to 40,000 year and what do you know, bulladema the rainbow serpent spirit man is painted and depicted with a very large phallus indeed to below his knees, then the flat rock carving of the figure close by the Gosford glyphs is caved with a large phallus then, Steve and Evan Strong's video of the NPWS contractor and Bev, where she relates to a rock carved with, she states, its not a penis its a tail ! ??, I reserve my opinion on that Bev, as its not something the indigenous women discuss but my bet is its a phallus, then we find rock paintings all over the country with the figure of this guy with a very large phallus
Then I find an etching of Quetzalcoatl, and yes he is shown with a large phallus, now either back then there were a lot of braggers getting round with large appendages, or as I am now saying they were all the one and the same person, I have images that clearly supports what I am outing and I need to collated them as I have a scrambled picture file at present and need more time to post them
You cannot say you didn't here it first on bulla the rainbow man site
BULLA THE RAINBOW MAN: BATTLE LINES DRAWN IN AUSTRALIA part 2: To continue on from part one In the Hetrodynamic site from 2007 you will see the pyramid with the water tank on its tip, now that is a...
To continue on from part one
In the Hetrodynamic site from 2007 you will see the pyramid with the water tank on its tip, now that is an ancient pure hieroglyphic as there has never been any pyramids with water tanks on there tops, so its meant to make you think, so whats it telling you, well its telling you the pyramid is a water tank and the water is inside the pyramid, if you stop and think how you yourself could indicate with one picture that the water is inside the pyramid, well you cannot, so the best next thing to do is show it on the top, knowing that full well there has never been such a construction, there by alert the viewer of the glyph that something else is going on, here is the link again to that 2007 site
Hetrodyhydro Electrodymagnetic Dynamic4Wave Array
Now the first 2 symbols are not glyphs, the straight line with the four zeros which is just the 90 degree view, or end view of the second symbol the sine waves and the 2 angled lines cutting through the sine waves this is showing in a scientific schematic, the dynamic sine waves rainbow engine and the lines going up are in fact the white rainbow wave projecting up into the ionosphere these symbols are from my discovery of magnetic portals in 2007 and are scientific relating to split photonics
Now some 20 plus years ago in a National geographic I saw a small article of these very emblems, the 3 all together and the caption read, unknown hieroglyphics from within the pyramids and temples, I have searched endlessly for them but to date I haven't found them again
But look whats popped up on the Gosford wall of glyphs, now its not the best picture but right beside the gravity waves or sine waves and you seeing a break through that connects a lot of data that was missing, and yes its the pyramid with the water tank on its top
As promised and coming from bullas senior researcher at Butterfly Bend Campus a better image for you our readers
And its got the doorway to the portal shown as well within the pyramid this was located by one of my research team who new how important this discovery is, and just so you know the two symbols were discovered and drawn before any pyramids with water tanks or hieroglyphics even became involved as they are two totally different discoveries, and it was the original discovery in 2007 on a scientific level that then lead to the pyramids, and not the other way round and this is why this is so exciting as it opens the doors between Geophysics and pyramid technology that's why this site is the only one like it on the whole web as it has both sides of the mystery sorted out, and we will upgrade this picture if we can locate a better one
We would also add yet more authenticity to the Gosford glyphs being more than just real, they are unique in the world, and should be preserved at all costs, as I have never found the pyramid with water tank on its top in any of my research elsewhere, its a critical find that links things together and these glyphs may well be the most important ancient recordings on the planet, perhaps much to the disappointment of the so called expert Egyptology departments and universities who seem to have much invested in propaganda and very thin on the ground with any hard data, instead preferring to stay with the pure speculation, as if under instructions from higher up, to hold the status quo as per all there useless publications, which to be honer est are not at all help full, in fact are full of disinformation design and developed to steer people away from the real meanings and truths that a recorded in these glyphs
And here I would also like to add some data that we exposed in 2010/11 on one of our may threads this came from our thread on Above top secret and it relates to prayers and spells as they are known and there is some 900 plus different prayers that can be found in stone carvings when some one important passes on to the next realm, so when viewing glyphs one has to be aware what is transferred data and what is prayer, as it helps to decipher whats being said in the glyphs here is an example
This is a prayer and they can and do repeat themselves as in a phrase may be repeated several times one after another and I include a link here where you can research further into the prayers Egypt: The Pyramid Text
I also inform you that many of the the glyphs are not categorized correctly as to there true meaning as they can and do have several meanings depending who is using them and where, an example of this is the small wingless bird with reversed knees (legs) means water , it being a water hen, and or the depiction of the feather means lighter than air or floating , and the zig sagged lines dose not mean water it means gravity or electromagnetics and or split photonics, or the sine wave, that also involves ascending via a portal into the next dimension and or coming from within time itself and depicts the very engine or powerhouse of the Red and White rainbow projected from the ground up in to the atmosphere and ionosphere
And this whole site is devoted into exposing and explaining this ancient technology and is light years ahead of any other research and discovers and is a definitive leader in its own rights within the fields of ancient wisdom and knowlage, Pyramids and Geophysics and quantum Atomic optics, magnetic portals and Nature Philosophy
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