February 3, 2014



Being a nature Philosopher who has is eyes wide open for natures special surprises and discussing feather men, we also have our radar on all of nature for her special anomalies and to this Black mountain and its region, not surprising to us, has another little surprise install that's not widely known, if at all and that is also to do with our feathered friends the birds, and I will also include Butterfly's 

Now this Black mountain region would you believe has a staggering 52 species of rare birds that only exist in and around this region, Now that's almost an impossibility, and amongst them is some of the most beautiful parrots, with the most spectacular colors, as well as the Azar Kingfisher is just one of the fabulous examples, an Av-ions or virtual bird watches paradise, and is home to many butterfly's the  4 tailed Emperor is just one and I mention this particular butterfly because I have some research and discoveries about this butterfly that may shock butterfly enthusiasts and science 


Now there is within my research a primordial link that I have uncovered in regards to high magnetic resonance anomalies, and I make mention that you will not find this data or linkage being made elsewhere across the world, and I out this data here for my readers, and it being in-house bulla lab data                

Feathers and the colors of, its my research that's shows me that the higher the magnetic resonance the wilder and more varied the colors and species of birds are, I further say its the magnetics that governs the birds colors in specific areas and or regions and that is due to the presence of a resonance generators of that high magnetics being the Red and White rainbow generators, which I can confirm Black mountain is still one of today, and I have another example latter on in this post 


But here I have to exercise some restraint, as I do have previously unknown indigenous knowlage that dates back thousands of years that has been given to me, as a gatachi equal, that I am not able to, outside the boundaries of who and where this knowlage belongs speak of such matters, However I can say it dose involve feathers and the rights of safe passage across particular tribal lands who also have there own colors, meaning that in ancient times lands were divided not only by rivers and billabongs or water holes but also by the different colored birds found only in that area or region 


It then follows that the areas of higher occupation or inhabited areas were those that are supported by a rainbow generator, purely from the point of more abundant rain and more regularly, as you have heard me quote before, show me a lush jungle and I show you a set of water falls, or rainbow generator, and to this I pinpoint a classic example for you in Queensland


 TULLY a small town just south of Cairns Nth QLD and BINGO the highest ever regular recorded rainfall region in Queensland where they measure the rain in meters, not in inches, and yes you guessed it "TULLY falls" these falls are the most active rainbow generator in Queensland the reason is the falls are very generous with the amount of water discharged and what makes them so power full as a magnetic plume generator is they are open and face the East and get full sun and I show what it looks like and why its a tropical paradise    



So now you know why its a paradise with its lush green jungles, so here is a little challenge for you, do the same research on water falls across this world and you be the judge of what you will find 


WOW A DOUBLE BANGER POST natures hidden secrets


And not to leave out our world breaking discovery of the behavior of the Four tallied Emperor butterfly, in 2007\8, I was researching rainbows as I do and I was encamped upon a river bank in far western Queensland, where by I had been photographing some reacquiring rainbows that I had been tracking for some 9 months, having viewed the same occurrence over several weeks on separate days but at the same times and in the precise same aspect and position each and every time and at the same size, and as perhaps Australia's most formidable rainbow hunter, if not world wide, the above is not unusual or out of the norm and is possibly why I am known as "Rainbow"


It was while observing one such rainbow to the East across the river I caught sight of something flashing white on a near by tree trunk, then it flashed again, brilliant white, this began to entrege me as to what this could be, and being the investigator that I am I approached the tree, to with in 2meter, a milk wood gum 


And what I found had me standing in a dumb struck frozen state as I couldnt believe what I was seeing, the entire tree, not being in flower but all the trunk and branches were covered in four tailed Emperor butterflies, which are black when closed up and flash white when they open there wings, they also have many  beautiful iridescent eyes on there wings and are a large butterfly, open in the palm of your hand they can cover it with wing span easly


But it got much more interesting as I observed, my estimate was 150 specimens and only on the bark of this 6 meter high tree and they were all assembled in groups of 4 and they were perfectly to millimeter in a cross fashion with there heads almost touching each other, the four in this headlong cross maintained perfect spacings, now I really got a shock as I assumed the 4 tail Emperor was a nectar feeder from flowers etc, but there were no trees flowing at this time 


Now this is were we really start departing from what butterflies are supposed to and not supposed to do, each group of four together independently extended there pink preposterous and placing them in the center upon the trees bark and together aggertated and drilled a lesion in that bark, where by the milk wood gum excreted a liquid sap of which the butterfly's consumed


Now in the world of butterfly this is not supposed to happen, I can understand the birds doing such things but this is a world first for butterfly's, that they would cohabit and then collectively work together and premeditate actions only in groups of four and on a particular tree only, this is not foraging for food from some passing flower as this is serious business, but wait it gets better 


The flashing and what it was about, given the numbers of butterfly's there was two butterfly's that couldn't make the foursome the cross and they would try to join an existing foursome, but on moving close to one of the spacing between the  other four, one of the four in this group would lash out with a savage flick of its wings which at 2 meters distant was so fierce it was audible, and continued to drive off the intruder and being black when closed but white when open then gave the appearance of the white flashing, now these are butterfly's I am talking about here not pigeons fighting "Butterflies"       


 But wait there is more, the rainbow I was hunting dissipated and dusk came the butterflies all flew away and I had to get back to the winni to get a cold beer and just contemplate this mind boggling crossover here of extremely intelligent behavior coming from a swarm of butterflies, now I have searched for data on this very subject and its not found, I even ordered all the known butterfly books for Emperors and  not one word is mentioned 


The dawn arrived and I am out patting the dogs with cup of tea in hand and as the sun struck the same tree so did the 150 butterflies returned, but wait over night the sap oozed out and made like small dried glistening marbles all over the tree trunk and branches, but the butterfies all began to make fresh holes a new or they wanted the fresh sap from close to the skin of the bark, this continued for 10 full days and they also followed the sun round the tree, wanting to stay in the bright sunlight, these butterfly's were fueling up for the long haul ahead as they migrate for many thousands of miles  


Now this as far as I consider is earth shattering in the butterfly world and if anyone wants more data, all be it I am not going to disclose where it took place  for very obvious reasons, and no I didn't have the heart my self to take even a specimen as I thought it was far to important but I do have film and photos        


 bulla the butterfly man on his days off, that is 


PS, we might add here that just some 4 months after we published the magnetic anomaly about the four tailed emperor and what we new to be a marker in the time spectrum and its changing by some 8 weeks they were well out of sink with the timing and usually you can set your clock by there coming and going


Then out came Latrobe university with a discovery on black butterfly's and they claimed they were indicating a change in the magnetics and an altering of the time spectrum by some 6 weeks


 And then only 2 months after that the Melbourne university released another discovery that they found that the Bogon Moth and its habit were changing and they also claimed it was due to magnetics and the time spectrum changing 



HMMM  the mind boggles and all by the 8 weeks that we had calculated and published prior re the original observation and discovery that is lodged and sworn affidavits  with stamp and lodgement time and date in a recognized suppository 



We had a quick check from 2007/8 to see how our research and discovery was going  being 2014 and whether our research discovery caught on,  here is just one of the now numerous scientific sites under butterfly magnetics 


  Climate change may disrupt butterfly flight seasons -- ScienceDaily


Now dose that ring any bells from my 2007/8 research and published work, I see so they do then understand that changing magnetics changes the climate 

Here is  little clip of the butterfly's and said tree and below clip is what I was hunting at he time when they caught my eye

  And you can clearly see the sheet of white projected light under and within the magnetic plume bubble which the rainbow is in the top of that bubble, and we when filming were also within that same bubble, they being three eights above the ground and five eights below the ground within the geology this is where all our primordial specific gravity and earths gravity is generated and comes from the Red and the White Rainbows, so its actually a complete spherical bubble of pure super magnetics and we only ever get to see the upper three eighths and only when the perfect conditions prevail can we glimpse the ground based projected sheet of pure light that goes up until it hits the ceiling inside of the bubble, and this is the classic Red rainbow, where by the White rainbow being the very same projection is basically invisible because there is no clouds present, there for you cannot see it, but its projection, not having clouds to stop it , well it continues all the way to the ionosphere its interactions with the ionosphere generate what NASA now claims is colidertrons in the Van Allen belt



However when questioned, as to do they see any connection with these colidertrons and earth, they claim NO, however are they not forgetting there very own research and dicovery that proceeds this discovery only by some months, where by the same NASA claimed to have found magnetic portals projecting from earth on the lite side only thousands of them, out towards the sun, well is that not where the shields of fields are, the only thing NASA hasn't done in confirming everything I claimed in my discovery 07072007 is they haven't used the words Red and White rainbows, the rest is identical to bullas research and discoveries and here is a link to that 07072007 site

Hetrodyhydro Electrodymagnetic Dynamic4Wave Array


Onwards and upwards I say, but it dose smack of , big brother, steamrollering the little guy and plagiarizing his work for the financial gain and kudos at the expense of the original discover  Hmmm
























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