March 19, 2014



I use this same magnetosphere mapping to again support what I have been saying for some years, that to date is falling on deaf ears, but take note on the ionosphere mapping below, and note that the ZERO meridian on the degrees indicator shows in fact, the actual decline of the northern hemisphere and that corresponds to the enlarging of the southern hemisphere magnetically, you can see the ionosphere magnetics doesn't match the in-ground or primordial ground magnetics, and that is, if you like the meridian time line of earths polarization  is no longer centered, meaning the power band that should be centered has moved north bound due to the disruption of the magnetics, caused by the oil and corexant killing the generators of the polarization, but only so far, in the northern hemisphere , and if it keeps going in that north bound direction its going to run in to some harmonic frequencies that going to see a magnetic eclipse occur and not a pole shift, as postulated,  but a planet with just one pole being a south pole    

That never use to be the case, as that threshold matched the storm activity mapping, and this is what I mean when I say the northern hemisphere is in a magnetic decline, see below the centered power bands no longer match or align with where they cross the countries and that's moving the active power band north bound  that then moves the active zone and inactive zone northbound which in effect is making the northern polarized region smaller in size magnetically  and the northern region as it declines in power, this power is then taken up by the southern region that is growing in size and strength

 Remembering one picture is looking down at the ground and other is looking up at the magnetosphere or the Van Allen belts, and while things may be orchestrated upon the ground, the Van Allen or ionosphere can not be manipulated not by HAARP or any other so called climate weapons as far as where its threshold resides   

Note= there is no sign of any power band correlation in the ionosphere, that should correspond to the gulf of mexico, its no longer there, and that's due we say to the oil and corexant infection, that is causing a catastrophic decline of the grid magnetics across the USA, NO SEA FOGS, NO GRAVITY OR VAN ALLEN FIELD OF SHIELDS   

And is this known and understood, behind closed doors, and is the reason for the chem trailing to try to supplement the missing fields of shields that have mysteriously disappeared, meanwhile those behind the closed doors are playing out the three wise monkeys, and if the truth be-known, then there is going to be sooner or later a lot of very dirty washing, going to have to be hung out, as we saw from our prospective, that chem-trailing wasn't the only option into fixing the problem, better to fix the ionosphere and not poison the atmosphere 

Perhaps this knowledge and understanding was far to advanced for the Industrial complex, or was it that to use the alternate system opened up a Pandoras box of hidden knowledge that they didn't want to be come exposed, as it would have the effects of a megalithic change in the understanding of the known laws of physics and start a tidal wave of of new knowledge  never before understood, Ancient knowledge, which would have the affects of putting oil, gas, solar, Atomic power and coal all on notice, that your days are numbered, It could be said they would sooner see half the worlds population die before they would let that happen               


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