And the the rest of the scientific world followed suit with out a second thought
As a researcher and discover in my own rights, living in a world where one must continue to deal on a daily basis with a set of supposed known laws of physics, which yourself you have discovered are not correct, is possibly the most frustrating thing in my life I have ever experienced, where by you sit in a world that you see is frozen in time and locked in that position by the very scientists and books, that now the mistake has been made and carried through time that it must be obeyed because academic science in its pomposity and pure arrogance of its own guilds and fraternities, just on the grounds of the embarrassment factor alone, would sooner see hell frozen over before admitting they got anything wrong
So to this I went looking to find a point in time were they made the wrong assumption that lead to this now megalithic problem that has lead to this planet being stalled in time, in a frozen science, liken to a fatal attraction that cannot now escape its own error
And for me showing where this error occurred is like taking the biggest scientific exam in the world and all the answers appear upside down on the back page of the test paper, and the picture below shows this very exam paper where I say the critical wrong answer came from,
Now this is the very point in the history of modern science where it all ran off the rails, the mistaken belief that the light refractory factors from a solid crystal represented the common rainbow, in all cases on the web science uses the Newtonian solid crystal
example of, as you can see in blue the perfect sphere, to explain the basis of how the rainbow refractory occurs and in all cases one critical factor is always omitted, whether this is done on purpose or mistakenly I let you judge for your selves
The main premises for this mistaken view comes about from, that the rainbow is not made of "solid hard crystals" as depicted in all scientific examples bar none, instead the mist or cloud being from 3 microns up to 35 microns approx in size are at the approximate weight of Atomic(6), this then allows this water crystal to float freely in our atmosphere
Now what science has failed to not only observe but also equate, is because the mist droplets are floating freely they do take the shape of the perfect sphere up until the very point when struck by the sun or (electromagnetic radiation) at which point this suns gravity or influence upon that perfect sphere causes the sphere to distort, or Atomic distortion of the perfect sphere where by the shape of this one perfect sphere doesn't resemble anything like the picture above in blue, more over my research is telling me that the actual shape of this droplet under full distortion looks more like (example only for your perception) standard Guitar plectrum with a pregnant belly.
Now the closest I can get you to this shape is shown here and I have used a real guitar plectrum to indicate the shape the water crystal within the rainbows takes when struck by the suns electromagnetic energy and where the spiral is in the shape is where the droplet is bulged or pregnant, and this being the case then the refractory schematics from this shape and the complete optical refracotory to the hard crystal sphere is virtually chalk and cheese when it comes to showing any light refractory diagrams or postulations for same, Further is the scientific world of Quantum Atomic optics of Hydro research trying to tell me they don't know about this distortion factor of Hydro, and that the only knowledge they have, is all coming from bulla being the worlds leading research site for Quantum Atomic optics of electromagnetic hydro and it is being learned from this web site world wide that all come from these discoveries
Original discover published 07072007, now this very site you are on,
Now myself personally I find it somewhat unbelievable that science wouldn't know about the Atomic distortion and refractory factors of the mist crystals that float in our atmosphere, and further that they would continue to allow the falsehood of the pure scientific misinformation to continue unabated with all manner of false and misleading documents and videos across the entire web that's feeding our children and youth as well as the public at large the 100% wrong basic data for the primordial beginnings of our core curriculum leading to, in this case, the wrong known laws of physics being forced upon the innocent and unknowing, all while I see that they behind closed doors do know about the Atomic distortion of the clouds, but have become so corrupted with there own self importance that they see and treat the general public with dis-stain and a just mug putters to be kept in the dark like mushrooms and feed scientific bullshit.
To me this smacks of pure elitism and shows me "clearly" that science has indeed lost its way, and or the integrity or capability to correct itself, even when proven and shown and exposed to be in error, further more if that be the case then is there something much more sinister behind the reason this misinformation is being allowed to prevail and perpetrated to cover over a Pandoras box of fabulous innovation and new or lost knowledge that could well upset the money mill that science colluding with bureaucracy has carved out for themselves, and that they are far to comfy in there easy chairs to allow any changes to take place that might alter the status duo of there bank balance's and perks
This resulting in the dumbing down of the entire population from childhood upwards, keeping it frozen in a petrochemical state or frozen in time and quarantined from any further advancement and or growth in knowledge for the collective benefit of yet again the ruling elite, I see this as a dangerous president being set by the scientific guilds and fraternities that calls for there de/registration as a recognized guild or fraternity who have failed to uphold there very own rules of engagement and the moral basis of scientific endeavor
And this all begins and ends here with the RED&White Rainbows that science claims don't exist, because of there error of refusing to the admission of the Quantum Atomic optics of the electromagnetism distortion of hydro 6 (MIST) this should all be taught to children in 4th or 5th grade at school, as its so basic and leads to the complete unabridged understanding of the complete world and how its gravity works and why we are here, and I find this unbelievable that I should even be here having to say this, as its unbelievably mind boggling how this has been allowed to continue for so long
Bulla* I say pick a pickled pope any pope will do for a pickled pope is he the pickled pontiff pope that said the red and white roses all belong to me
I guess newton couldn't be expected to under stand that Hydro H2o@Atomic 6 doesn't behave like a solid crystal when affected by sunlight when it comes to the true weightless rainbows mist, However bullas own litmus test proves, Newton was not correct, as newton himself omitted the very truth from the nature he espoused
And this is clearly where Newton lacked the knowledge of his own discovery and gravity, as being able to demonstrate just the colors of the rainbow with a solid crystal on a piece of cardboard is but an artificial way of seeing the colors only and doesn't resemble or reproduce the gravitational and or electromagnetism effects of the suns energy on a fragile perfect sphere of water crystal floating weightlessly in the atmosphere, and to compare the hard crystal experiment to the natural process and call it reality or science, is pure fantasy, and you would have thought we would have moved on from this antiquated and flawed thinking by now but I suspect its become a convenience to hide the truth behind
ADDENDUM 30032014
As to Newton in my view Newton new the truth about the rainbows back then and as you would know he was a full blown alchemist and would have understood the Red and White Roses and Nostradamus work and Robert Fludd and others, and I have no doubts he new about the Alchemy and Mercury of water and the fire upon the water, also Rosicrucian or the Rosy cross and of coarse Masonry, not to mention he was a debutante of Hermes Trismegistus and is quoted under the Emerald tablets, so he well and truly understood, AS ABOVE SO BELOW and that is all about the rainbows and gravity, and yet in later years he was responsible for incarceration of said alchemist of which secretly he was the biggest
This then to me casts some doubts over his motives, as to depart from the views of the church was tantamount to Hersey, and as you can understand having the truth all cut and dried is one thing, but in this world where there is, shall we say other forces at work with there own agendas, and have the power to quarantine the truth along with those that speak it, and one only has to look around ones self to see nothing has changed and only the control of the masses has increased and we as a civilization are being lead, taken in the wrong direction, or in the opposite direction as to where nature and the natural progression would have us go, to this I add, Knowledge is worthless unless freely shared for a civilization to prosper, Patents and secrets leads to corruption and divisiveness among civilized peoples
bulla joiner of the dots
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