January 26, 2013

Ancient Egyptians and a tribute to my mate Bulla on his quest to reveal the truth

“The [ancient] Egyptian’s concealed mysteries that were above the capacity of the common herd under the veil of religious rites and hieroglyphic symbols.” - Sir Isaac Newton.

I found it intriguing that Newton, the father of modern physics as we know it today, and also one of my personal heros, would mention the ancient Egyptians in his writings. I never obtained any formal training in science and physics.  I found out very early that I’m not a very good test taker, so I dropped out of public schooling in my teens.  Sometime after my mid-life crisis at 22, my mind suddenly opened up to the reality around me, and I could see all these theoretical principles and natural laws projected around me.  Most of my personal studies of Newton, Einstien, and other founders of modern physics, had led me to believe that they were special people, enlightened, or ordained you could say, to revel the great mysteries of the universe.  So, I decided to read Newtons writings from his own hand to hear what he himself had to say, rather than a biographer or textbook.  I was shocked to say the least at what I discovered.  “It was most ancient opinion that the planets revolved about the sun, that the earth, as one of the planets, described an annual course about the sun.” Basically Newton was suggesting that the modern solar system model was previously known by the Egyptians.  Yup, he said that.  You can read it for yourselves.  Immediately I thought, what about Copernicus then?  He came up with the heliocentric universe theory that overturned the earth-centered universe idea from the middle-ages.  Intrigued I read more about Copernicus and discovered he also stated openly that his views and insights came from studying the ancient writings of the Egyptians.  Why hadn’t anyone ever mentioned this before and why did we attribute Copernicus as the idea originator in our history books?  He was more of a popularizer in my opinion.  Yet another surprising insight soon followed, Kepler, a seventeenth-century mathematician who compiled an imaginary story about a trip to the moon, admitted as well that in formulating his laws of the planets orbits, he was just “stealing the golden vessels of the Egyptians.”
Apparently most of our modern physics knowledge all came from ancient Egyptians, but modern historians, scientists and religious figures, either fail to accept this fact, or are deliberately concealing it from the general public. In turn keeping many aspects of it, hidden, which Bulla continues to try and reveal to us all.  My question to you all, my fellow Truth seekers and others listening on the information superhighway… Why?  What’s the harm in revealing the real, or should I say true history of the world? And all its knowledge for humanity.

  I’ll leave you all with Newton’s own words “If I have seen further than others, it is by standing upon shoulders of giants.”


  1. Bravo my dearest Rainbow friend Bravo.

  2. Great post,old friend.
    I feel it goes deeper than that.


  3. "Why? What’s the harm in revealing the real, or should I say true history of the world?"

    Because as the "sheeple" learn the truth, they will come to realise the truth and find there is an alternative to "democracy" as we've been fed. And The-Powers-That-Be-for-Not-Much-longer (TPTBFNML) will loose their grip along with control of the "herd". And the sheeple will turn into lions and "vote from the roof-tops", as a wise friend anticipates.

    Best wishes Bulla,


    P.S Hope to have some global "geo-elegant" maps for you soon.

  4. good day to ya bulla,have not seen you on paltalk and was wondering if you are ok mate,or if you finaly left paltalk.anyway will keep my eye open for you,good fine day to ya, yesod

  5. What happened to Bulla? Much love for the groundbreaking research. I recently scoured the internet for updates or any new info, but it seems that he has "moved on to a better place". Where I come from that means only one thing...Love and hope you are well. Dtron

  6. Thanks everyone for your replies. Bulla hasnt gone anywhere. He is around and well. New posts will be coming up shortly. With new info. Thanks for the support.
