January 1, 2014




Are all the climate scientists and universities along with institutions receiving monies and grants from the public purses under false pretenses


Have we allowed the climate machine to get totally out of control where by its become a fraternity of postulated fraud that is being run end on end to milk the unsuspecting public of trillions of dollars just to bulk up the universities and institutions coffers, like a highly oiled machine that peddles deception and total clap trap under the heading of climate change, like a massive golden cow, or the scientific gravy train, that is working on the pretense of fear mongering and counter claim after counter claim, along with Carbon release, feeding the multitillion dollar CARBON EMISSIONS scam, that sees its self with so much money sloshooshing around inside its walls, its not sure how to spend it all, but is seen as the biggest share market racket ever devised, as they all rush to get listed to cut themselves in for commissions on sales that can take a 2 dollar company to a trillion dollar turn out over night, meanwhile they care not who buys the shares as long as they receive the commissions from the sales, and or what happens to the share holder when its discovered, it was one big fraud, but just like the banksters you will never find anyone to ask for your money back 


As all those controls will have conveniently been left out of and trading protection system and yet again be backed up by the public purse if anything goes wrong, does this sound at all familiar to you, yes well if its worked several times before and they got away with it, then why fix it if it ant broken, its called pass the parcel, and each time you pass the parcel you add your commissions to it and when it gets to the other end, the parcel is so bloated with commissions that no one can afford it, HO ok then so the last holder goes into bankruptcy with his 2 dollars shelf company, who may have never existed in the first place whose head office is in Honduras or a Bangladesh post box somewhere   


AND ALL THIS BUILT UPON A COMPLETE FRAUD CALLED CARBON RELEASE, that doesn't have one Iota of supporting evidence or any stand alone data scientific or otherwise, no gold standard that the scientific fraternity is for ever screeching  about that it must have before it claims anything, or a litmus as it must be proven to be so 


BUT NO  on this carbon release causing climate change issue, it seems the scientific fraternity is prepared to run with it, without so much as a cracker of evidence, going against all its postulated principals that it continually waves its scientific flags about, how through they are and careful calculations, to the super equations and how great and powerful there computer models are 


Here is a challenge, in all climate change computer models ever run why is it that one of the most fundamental and primordial known factors is always excluded  from all modeling, given climate is about clouds and rain now wouldn't you think that any self respecting scientist doing said climate modelling work would factor in the main data about clouds which is the Atomic weight of same, after all isn't it the change in the Atomic weights and gravity that makes the clouds go up and down in our atmosphere


High gravity = low barometric pressure (clouds get heavy and come lower down                        

Low gravity = High barometric pressure ( clouds go up higher 

Its not like they dont have the documented evidence of this factor as NASA has all the magnetic hot spot plume data that correlates to weather occurrence as above 


So the big question is why dont they use that data?, well there is one very good reason why they wont, because if they use that data the the whole question of carbon release causing climate change goes out the back door faster than a one legged man at an ass kicking competition   




there doesn't seem to be any honer  now days in being correct and right or factual


All that matters is the rich get richer, and the people we once trusted are now just bought and paid for, regardless of the consequences, no wonder the Newtons and the Planks the Tesla s and Einsteins  just roll over in there graves in total discussed as there once proud profession and knowlage  is now just Pearls cast before the swine  


bulla   The day is coming, when you will be asked "WHY" and if there is a god and your only excuse was because of money (MAMAN) then I hope he takes pity on you      







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