March 19, 2014



Well look my friends, including the academic and scientific world, I can understand that you have deep seated beliefs and that all your reputations stand or fall on what your claims are, as to the way you perceive things are, and I don't profess to be a scientist or physicist as such, but as a Nature philosopher I see and have verification that you have erred in your judgment, as to why, that is a complex issue that is for you to deal with, however I can only present natures articles as she presents them, and if it is your wish to ignore what nature shows us, then that will be for you to have to come to terms with at some time, and is not an issue that I should have to deal with, as contrary to what you postulate and spread across the academic peoples of this  planet on scientific terms is a false hood 


To this myself I have designed and developed the bulla sprinkler rainbow test, (the Litmus), that you in your scientific wisdom you have ignored, not because it not scientifically proven correct, but because it rocks the very scientific principals that you base your understood published laws of physics upon, which I state here and now are totally flawed and grossly incorrect and inaccurate, and I can sympathize and feel deeply sorry that you and your entire fraternity are going to be shown to be, not only wrong but to the extent of being corrupted in you attitudes and ways you defend this lunacy you continue to predicate 


And unless you come to terms with your masters, the Vatican and the money power brokers who wish to also continue to predicate this ongoing deceit of the worlds civilization to keep it frozen in time, outside reality to facilitate the ongoing use of fossil fuels, then the further you push us into the obis of gravity decline, now either you like being alive and breathing air, or you don't, and if it is the case that you are so egotistically driven and want to burn, not only your share or peace of this planets existence up in just your time, but also leave nothing for future generations, and fuck the future for thousands of generations to come, then you are a low piece of self indulgent scum who really doesn't deserve to breathe air

Now I get tired of bashing these scientific Luddites, so I show you something that they need to be deeply involved in and take the whole civilization with them and stop all the bull shit propaganda, now a few posts back I showed you this, which is storm mapping, being supermagnetic activity that manifests its self as a Cyclone or Typhoon or Tornado, and the scientific fraternity and NASA all know this, its they don't want to tell you because, your just the punter with the tax money, so they are going to devise a whole lot of superficial shit to run across you so the end result makes it more easy for them to extract funding, and at the very same time try to hold there pillars of scientific understanding in line with all the other bullshit there fore brothers in the same fraternity have been spinning for a 100 years , so there in between a rock and a hard place, what with the Vatican on one side and the military industrial complex on the other with us people in the middle who have the money        

So I showed you this and that it represents the hot spot plumes or white rainbow zones that drive not only earths gravity but also the ionosphere and the entire Van Allen belt ok so here it is again

Now I dug out the magnetosphere data that should look the same as above but as you can clearly see, that what I was trying to explain that the gulf has disappeared from the power of earths grid and overhead field mechanism, its become a dead zone for mists fogs white and or red rainbows and all signs of activity magnetic wise
Now I have for many years now said that we were in a state of magnetic decline  and it really took of in 1989 with the spilling of oil from Valdez  then treated with corexant that signed our planets death warrant, then only to have it certified with the mega spill in the Gulf of Mexico where millions of liters of corexant was used turning the oceans water  into a soluble oil that released the toxic and chain reaction that has er-reputably damaged the primordial essences of earths generators of it specific gravity

This has resulted in, I say the military industrial complex getting themselves involved, because of there own tom foolery elsewhere, and now this is the resulting consequences and now they are compelled, to try to hold the climate steady using the very same gravity weapons, now its only a matter of time before this infection spreads to other parts of the Northern hemisphere and begins overtaking what the military can produce, and one can see whats being achieved is nothing like the balance of natures ways and the weather and climate is all over the place, as anything is liable to break out at any time soon, including earthquakes or volcanic eruptions, and this has nothing to do with any HARRP if anything, its being used as a cover for the whole debacle over gravity weapons of which HAARP hasn't got a hope in hell of moving a powder puff, let alone the ionosphere or cloud mass, as that's all done and controlled with gravity, and heating the ionosphere has sweet fanny Adams to do with altering weather, its a complete contrived load of spin doctoring to keep the minds of the punter diverted from the real issues  

As my regular readers and followers would know, that its one thing to use gravity weapons to affect what happens here on earth as far as weather, but those same weapons which derive there source of power from the Van Allen belt cannot then have any affect upon that belt of supermagnetics itself, so while it bastardizes-es the effects of climate on earth, they cannot fix or replace the lost effect that generates the very belt of energy source which is now missing out the fields of shields the Van Allen belt that's occurring over the USA as it is others, and its escalating, its declining !!!                


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