Following on along from the previous post, so now you have found the light projection in the rainbow litmus test, or you will at some time run the test, but be assured I wouldn't be on here wasting my time teaching you how to find the rainbow light if it couldn't be found, so until you find it for your self, then I will assume you agree its there, as what I am about to show you may come as a pleasant surprise for the new year 2014 and give you something great to ponder and further research for your selves
For every rainbow you have seen there has been billions that you haven't seen because they were projected up-sight unseen as there were no clouds over head in the sky to reflect back off and show you the rainbow, so they went up unseen or invisibly, now never let it be said that these invisible or white rainbows cannot be detected because they can, there are a specific set of visible markers that can be seen by those trained in these markers, and there are also regular rainbows that project up from the same place each time, such as waterfalls ok
Now if you were so inclined and you know a set of water falls that you know makes rainbows regularly then just apply the same viewing principals I have taught and shown you and get your self to the magnetic north or south or if not possible, then use a good set of field glasses and look for the shaded places along the line of magnetic north south and try to spot the projected fan of light that will be visible on the ground of valley wall or cliff face as long as its making a visible rainbow it will be projecting that light fan, and I am sure many people at home in the garden have seen this in there own gardens with sprinklers projecting strange lights up into bushes or trees onto shed walls fences but never stopped to figure out where it was coming from, so now you know!
But what I want to show you and teach you is this rainbow light is also depicted in alchemy woodcut images, and that this is not new knowlage, its just been hidden from view, now this is a massive issue OK because it is the white rainbow that makes all this planets gravity and it is the very essences of all life, for without this rainbow phenomenon there would be no tree of life, as without gravity there would be no life END OF STORY
And it is this fact that the alchemists tried to pass on and record for prosperity and its only when you understand how the rainbow light works dose the alchemy pictures start to make sense and once you have understood this, the whole phenomenon will explode your whole understanding of mother nature, and its a fabulously beautiful thing to discover, as it will have the effect of removing an invisible weight from your shoulders, setting your mind free from all restraints, as its like a new dawning of knowlage and understanding that you didn't realize was there all the time, but no one ever took the time nor had the wisdom or knowledge to show you before
Now here is a wood cut picture and the only thing missing is the sheet of white copy paper, but hay its showing you the very same rainbow litmus test ok
Now note upon the ground, see the light depicted north and south but nothing east or west, because from the east and west it cannot be seen but that guy is standing at the magnetic north looking to the south just like You did with your litmus test ok, note the priests walking away as they could see nothing, I could imagine them saying, this guy and his imaginary light force, but little did they know or was it more convenient not to know, dont want to upset the bishops with quantum geophysics now do we, you could get burned at the stake for such alchemy nonsense
See the pedestal under the lights depicted well those pedestals held whats called an alchemy bowl that was filled with steaming water just like at king Solomans Temple, so its not a sprinkler but it still has the mists (steam) you better reread what Nostradamus and Robert Fludds 1633 etching of the Rose, its in this blog ok
So now let me show you yet more pictures that is the same as the bulla litmus test
Now see the sun and the moon is the Luna queen, being the queen of mist (sprinkler) and the sun is the solar king (electromagnetics) the moon releases the gravity on the oceans that allows the mist and sea fogs (sprinkler) to convex then the sun strikes it makes the rainbow, the sun makes love to the mist and makes red and white rainbows that then project up into our ionosphere and collides with the on coming sun photons makes cold fusion split photonics and there by gives this planet its gravity, which then allows for the tree of life to grow being you and me
Yes this picture is 100% correct see the king and Queen have joined and are one meaning, the sun and mist (sprinkler) have caused the white rainbow projection and gravity is made, and yes that's what makes it rain, why is this not all taught at primary schools, or better still why doesn't someone tell Micho Kakuo and the rest of the worlds physicists or indeed the entire scientific fraternity at large including academia
So how to read this emblem the star is earth (sprinkler) the white peace dove is the light projection that then makes gravity that keeps the peace on earth so the tree of life may flourish
So if I were to write this in quantum physics it looks like this
Electromagnetics @ nominal lux (Solar King)
HydroH2o@Atomic (6) (sprinkler) mist (the Lunar Queen)
== split photonics (white rainbow)
= specific gravity or E=Mc2 10to16 TeV,W,W,WZ
= The Higgs boson and Higgs field equation or the god factor
If this one single post and the above data was a steamroller it would be big and powerfully enough, to flatten the entire world of the scientific fraternity and there fake laws of physics all flatter than a corn chip
So now you begin to realize the simple rainbow litmus sprinkler test while it may to some, seem like child's play, has a very large sting in its tail that cannot be refuted or deigned, possibly the most simplest yet the most powerful litmus ever devised on earth that exposes the truth about the real hidden science and the true laws of physics, that is purposefully hidden from our knowlage
bulla a true rainbow man and seeker of the truth
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