December 15, 2013

critical access DENIED


In this world of money talks and conman sense goes out the window with the baby, along with the tub and the water and the baby, and hell lets just dispense with the whole window all togeather 

In my years of running blogs here in blogger and also many other places, some I find of disrepute and I refuse to participate any longer in there corrupt world of media that underneath there outward looking image of being there so one can if one desired express a view as to your views,  the for me the collective good or the common good of mankind's on going future and existence with the wish that it take place with as less pain and anguish as possible  


And yet I find that the pathway of the so called rich and famous the media mogles the ones who are not singularly responsible, who sell there own soles on an every day bases for there salary and make no quarms about that fact its a job ok, I understand that ok


But when people who have critical data that's very important to the ongoing primordial existence of who and why we are all here in the first place, who wish to put there case forward on a non profit bases for  and on on behalf of that collective thinking of good and whats right regardless of how much money someone is going to make from the deal, and because whats perhaps being said by that person may have some affects upon the ones making the profits (money) then the media respond in many different and selective ways and try to justerfy there actions, by saying, will we are not obstructing anyone having there say and yet 


A little bit further up the line in the mechanization of the web tech close the doors of all exposure on a normal basis, in essence shut the iron curtain down upon any normal nutrition of natural exposure for that persons views or comments or blog site, and all the time being able to say, well its not us holding your site back from exposure, all the while they have the iron door slammed shut on your site 


bulla Hmm I must be a naughty boy and say naughty things as I have run my own logistics on this blog and I smell a rat as to its numbers over the years, so get the fuck of the hand brake and let the lion lose 


And look this shit isn't going to go away its here to stay and we must begin to deal with it   25 Years After Exxon Valdez Oil Spill, Company Still Hasn't Paid For Long-Term Environmental Damages | ThinkProgress            

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