December 18, 2013



bullas theory of evolutionary change in specific gravity, the challenge for the truth

Well I believe that in the past we may have been in the grips of a similar climate scenario and that it was the construction of the the pyramids that pulled this planet out of a gravity warp and decline from a low harmonic to a higher harmonic, and that it was this period that in changing the harmonics to the higher level that saw the sea level rise to where it is today   

There will be many that at first glance see this above suggestion as crazy however when one looks for a reason as to why we have all these intact cites and roads under sea level and then you try running the logistics over the earths subsiding, or lots of separate earth quakes all round the world, all at the same time and all the cities in those earthquakes all going down in ground subsidence to approximately the same levels across the world, then you begin to realize the ocean rising is not the crazy suggestion that you first thought it was, as the earthquake theory just goes out the window as logistically an impossibility


So then when you go looking for where did all this extra water come from, well if we were in a lower harmonic of specific gravity lets postulate 25% less gravity then the entire atmosphere would have looked very different and perhaps many times its present size, and given the Atomic weight of cloud would have released a lot more moisture into this expanded atmosphere, and when the frequency was enhanced then all that excess atmospherics condensed on to earths surface, and I go even further, and say that's what all the forty days and nights of rain was all about, and before you go dismissing this as preposterous then check some logistics of dates and you will be bowled over as to how many start all adding up to that timing 


And I go even harder than that, and  I say it was all engineered that way, and its OK if your not able to see it all that way yet because it dose take time to contemplate all the logistics, and just to get your head around how the rainbows work let alone come to the realization that the Giza pyramids was purpose built  to not only duplicate mother nature but to magnify its affects and when you realize that these people back then were very much the master of time and space just to listen the Carl Munck   ▶ Carl Munck - The Code - YouTube  you begin to realize how much knowlage and wisdom these people realy had 


To this, in this world I have exppearanced that some things can seem impossible, until your shown, "how its done", when you have the primordial mathematics and the schematics of how a rainbow red and white are made from beginning to end and the complete cyclic format then the rest of earths hidden secrets begin bursting like soap bubbles as they all begin to interlock as the feasible begins to over run the impossible as you grasp what Hermes really meant by AS ABOVE SOME BELOW, his meaning it literally practical quantum Atomic optics and Geophysics, there is nothing hidden in his words to try to interpret, he is talking about how the rainbows make gravity by projecting up into the ionosphere causing a cold fusion collision and then that supermagnetics wanting to discharge back down to earth causing gravity plumes, magnetic hot spots there is the AS ABOVE SO BELOW and like he says dose gravity not pervade the soft and the hard and all the dross in the belly of the earth and in its winds, yes and dose not gravity nurture the earth


And the only thing that stops you getting your heads around all this fabulous knowlage and wisdom is that the scientific fraternity teach the very primordial mistaken belief of how they think the rainbow occurs, and to this I am beginning to believe there is some sinister reason they lead people astray and continue to perpetrate this gross misleading idiosyncrasy and complete rubbish and that is the very reason they avoid bullas litmus sprinkler test, as its just to confronting and it also means they would then have to totally rewrite the known laws of physics 


And then everything begins to add up correctly chronologically and logistically and begins to all make sense and given you then understand how the real rainbows are made then I show you this video that I say how GIZA really works 


please bare with us as we are experiencing a little bit of shurcannery as to posting our own videos in this blog Hmmmm we will have it rectified shortly     mean time here is a link to the video


Bulla The Rainbow Man - Lecture 3 - YouTube

being bulla the rainbow man lecture 3 and its only short ok thanks  










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