February 2, 2014



This post may well put the cat amongst the pigeons so to speak, now my research has lead me to the full understanding that the ancients had a lot more understanding of acknowledge than we do even to day, and one thing I have realized is to pay little or no attention to time and dates, as I believe these people were able at will to move within the spectrum, being the time spectrum and they unlike perhaps the population back then who thought these ancients were gods, perhaps they were not fully aware that these ancients could transient time backwards and forwards and also be in the same day, be seen in one part of the world or several parts of the world 


So now this got me to thinking, could many of the recordings of such people being present, then not all be the one and the same person, perhaps even manifesting under a different guise, if you like but still being the one and the same entirety, example could Horus be Quetzalcoatl and vise verse, so I researched in the feather man Quetzalcoatl, and also Horus having the head of an Ibis and then even further I have data from the rainbow serpent in Australia and bulladema spirit man who is also known as feather man, interesting all  feather men, and all connected to the Red and White rainbows


Then you could say another anomaly popped up that seems to have an all to clear resemblance to them all perhaps being all one and the same person and it has to to with them all being depicted with rather a large Phallus (Penis) so I went and researched all the images and carvings and rock paintings going back in the Black Mountain region to 40,000 year and what do you know, bulladema the rainbow serpent spirit man is painted and depicted with a very large phallus indeed to below his knees, then the flat rock carving of the figure close by the Gosford glyphs is caved with a large phallus then, Steve and Evan Strong's video of the NPWS contractor and Bev, where she relates to a rock carved with, she states, its not a penis its a tail ! ??, I reserve my opinion on that Bev, as its not something the indigenous women discuss but my bet is its a phallus, then we find rock paintings all over the country with the figure of this guy with a very large phallus 


Then I find an etching of Quetzalcoatl, and yes he is shown with a large phallus, now either back then there were a lot of braggers getting round with large appendages, or as I am now saying they were all the one and the same person, I have images that clearly supports what I am outing and I need to collated them as I have a scrambled picture file at present and need more time to post them 


You cannot say you didn't here it first on bulla the rainbow man site                   









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