February 9, 2014




Why Cern is doomed to failure 


There is some fundamental reasons why they will never achieve what they are seeking and over and above that there is going to be some very serious consequences and an aftermath, and who is going to be responsible for those consequences given they could very well be on a megalithic scale like never experienced before that could send shock-waves world wide as to what could be the results of doubling the power of the Hadron colidertron from 5 TeV to 10 or 12 TeV 


And if you thought that CERN is all about one big open door policy, then think again as there are several higher, need to know only levels above what not only many of the scientists working there dont get told, let alone the street level and public never get to discover that is highly classified , now to this I hear bleating s from other concerned  scientists about a black hole being generated, and you may well be concerned, however there is another level that to this date has never been exposed and there is no data available, and I might add that the means of observing this more important reaction to its operational times is being purposely withheld obscured (blocked) and that is the TeV level from geomagnetic satellites in orbit for measuring plumes and magnetic hot spots on earths surface and within the strata and geology, as its appearing like a  blank spot on Google, but they are getting the data but to outsiders everything is normal and its like, MOVE ON THERE IS NOTHING TO SEE HERE 



Yes well I know different and I also know that the fundamental laws of known physics still being taught in universities across the world is a load of cods wallop and that the upper levels of science have been adopting and using a different set of physics laws and those laws of physics come from the Mayan codex and I also know that the basic principals of the operations of CERN are run on my published data being Split photonics (supermagnetics) over HydroH2o@Atomic (6) 


And in that case within my own data and research that was obtained prior to CERN, I then can accurately predict the reasonable out comes of generating a TeV level of 10 or 12 TeV and the likely outcomes of same, now to do this I rely solely upon my own research discoveries and also data collated from ancient and other historical recorded events 


This description is dependent on operational time, duration and is measured in seconds and parts there of, given this is a man made event then measurements may very in regards to frequency wave lengths and spacings of that generated wave structure generated by Cern generator, it is envisaged that while the nucleolus of the epicenter will be at cerns center of collision the actual wave structure will be released dew west and be traveling at approximately 120 degrees or exit the ground level at an angle that would see it travel into the western sky at proximately 11Oclock so this would then be the ground level epicenter this then would give an elongated primary plume, governed by the depth of the generated primary plume 


This plume will grow exponentially in size within seconds and will extend out in all directions, within seconds, it could have high level plume effects up to 300 kilometers from the epicenter and 500 kilometers in the westerly direction being elongated by geological and topographical effects in that direction


The results of which will be the installation of a supper magnetic, up to pranic level or split photonics level magnetic hot spot or plume, once installed even if CERN were turn completely off, the pranic energy plume or hot spot will remain active and in place at which time this plume will look like a massive spherical bubble and given it were 300 ks wide, and given five eighths of this bubble (Plume) will remain earth or geologically bound the remainder will extend up into the atmosphere and take the very same shape as the standard rainbow shape and shape only, but it will be a complete dome or bubble shape at the radi of 150 ks, so in that respect this bubble of supermagnetics will be standing up above ground level by some 100 kilometers high into the atmosphere 


So this being so there is now no going back and given the amberant TeV may have been perhaps only 1 to 2 TeV in normal ground prior, we now have 10 or 12 TeV or Pranic level, so what to expect next, this is what will then be encountered 



Given the atmosphere contains moisture being clouds  HydroH2o@Atomic (6) this super pranic plume will begin affecting the atomic weights of the Hydro present in the atmosphere, which will from all directions be attracted to the plumes bubble this may continue for several days to several weeks or even months and it will not stop, the moisture will condense from upper levels and will begin making a barometric low pressure weather cell of massive proportions, as the low pressure cell deepens expect, as the density of the cell increases and comes in contact with the plumes bubble, exchange of lighting will occur in the beginning from cloud to cloud as it seeks to discharge its energy in to the unsaturated hydro particles causing an instant freezing process, once this frozen state is reached the hydro will reject further pranic energy, at this point the flow of electrons from deep within the grounded plume will be instantly shot off at which time a sonic booming will be heard, (thunder) this then will strand the up and coming pranic energy in mid air, leaving it no where else to go, but back down to earth 


This requires it to then smash its way back in to a now free standing disconnected  pranic plume bubble, this will result in massive lightning bolts and or forked lightning as the magnetic power has to now double back on itself , and all this in only seconds 


Now listen carefully, the only way to turn that free standing plume that is now being feed by earths primordial magnetic grids, is to have a second charging event that cannot be done using CERN. this must be done by mother nature as she alone is the only one who can now turn this plume off, by generating a rainbow that will discharge the plume sending it into decay mode, where by all excess pranic forces will be depleted in to the magnetic primordial grid systems,  this then will liven the grids all the way to the northern polar region and drop temperatures drastically along its north bound trajectory causing snow ice conditions and if it hits another natural plume along its pathway then you can expect it to all reoccur again and yet further rain


But by then you may have had 20 meters of rain, as the entire atmosphere from thousands of miles surrounding you empties onto you, and who knows how long it wold take mother nature to send you a natural rainbow to turn the system off, I am afraid I cannot help you with that one, so while its not in the ranks of a black hole being generated, I think you may find the results some what unpleasant or even death defying, so good luck with your CERN experiment at 10 or 12 TeV   


For first hand advice regarding this type of scenario and how to deal with it  I do think that Germany might have some good advice for you, and I do think some one may have been also fooling with mother nature over there in resent times, given what I have observed 


The above data is under copyright and was in part also published on the net some 4 years ago by the owner, the next post will deal with what will occur at the CERN site itself as the portal is opened    


Bulla nice lot of dots joined there as long as your not in the middle of it all         















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