February 7, 2014



And Michio Kaku knows it has and explains very intelligently here in this link

▶ Science v's God : Its The Collapse Of Physics As We Know it - YouTube


But what is going on with Science as we seem to have two separate sciences occurring at the same time, we have this public face of science that is the endless postulating, theorizes that continually argue with one another almost while Rome is burning     


And above this we have what can only be considered the, black ops upper levels of secret science projects, likened to one science is to keep the public in a total stupefying ma laze, while on other hand the upper levels are fully aware and cranked up developing weaponry, having the underpinning knowlage of the real physics, which is not shown or explained to the wider public 


So when one looks at it objectively then one quickly realizes its just a big game being manipulated by the power structures with the scientific fraternity being the pea-knuckle game of the three shells and which one has the pea hidden under it, which all boils down to the slight of hand, and of coarse within this game given its a secret game its wide open to corruption, fame, kudos, wealth, power


Kaku points out, and rightfully so that within the mathematical theory and equations including Einsteins that when attempts to calculate to there eventual conclusions they all collapse into "INFINITY", and that is as far and I am concerned is the correct answer, and I do admire Kaku for his forthright stance he takes on this issue because he is spelling out the disconnect between this imaginary world we have built for our selves and the real world of nature which in reality the black science is aware of and using to develop all manner of things, unfortunately for mankind almost all is weapons based, this is indeed a very strange world we seem to have built for our selves, where by we have cocooned our progress as a  supposedly humanitarian civilization, for the prosperity of the elite science and the powers they pander to due to the financial drip feed of trillions of dollars they have at there disposal, which leaves the rest of us where ?? sheeple, cannon fodder, co-lateral damage, a dispensable commodity, and regardless how the academic word smiths want to twist it or play pea knuckle with the the worlds populations as a whole, then I for one say in that case as for the so called sheeple, Jack, "fuck you to" !!  DOUBLE  


And just so you know there is no hard feelings and to let you know that your closed shop fraternity is not the only science on this planet that are across the real known laws of physics and light years ahead of your black ops secret science endeavors, and looking at the Cern Hadron colider, and NASA and the international space station we  can clearly see just how far back in time you really are when it comes to the real quantum physics, as your efforts on the real scale of the real laws of physics are but child like, and I am being kind in saying that


And to further explain the infinity issue and why it is so, and why your science fails when you encounter it, and to put this whole issue in perspective of which your fraternity seems incapable of doing because you have perpetrated so many lies that you your selves have all become lost in your own chicanery


The essence of NASA and Cern coliderton and to some extent just to name two being Stanford and Iowa universities and there main frame of reference is all unbeknown to the majority of  sheeple and perhaps 75% of all science as well is based on what they think and believe is secret knowlage that all stems and emulates from this equation

E=Mc2, 10 to 16 TeV,W,W,WZ 

Now for those who dont know this equation is also written in the real laws of supposedly unknown quantum physics of infinity "bullas data"and it reads like this

 Electromagnetics @ nominal lux @ time


HydroH2o@Atomic (6) under full distortion 

Now the above equations are but the same, being one and the same, being the generated split photonics that's generated within the white rainbow occurrence which basically goes unseen, all be it, you can see its twin sister the RED rainbow that everyone must have seen being the seven colored bow the ROYGBIV, each letter stands for a color being 7 of 

Now where the deceit and pea-knuckle game comes into play, is that both the black ops and the street science both pretend that all there sophisticated technological advancments has come out of there own heads, well not wanting to shatter there little ploy, they are playing upon the unsuspecting people at large where basically all there funding comes from, but every ounce of advancement they claim to have engineered themselves has come out directly from mother nature, and to be more accurate, out of the RED and White Rainbow occurrence


Now for those that wish to try and cry fowl, please take note that within my equation of the rainbows is electromagnets and hydro H2o@ Atomic (6) this of coarse refers to mists or cloud being and its atomic weight 


 So now lets look a CERN, what do we find, will we find electromagnetics being supermagnetics to split photonic levels and low and behold we find a CLOUD chamber, Hmm you would have to be asking your self by now, what the hell is a cloud chamber doing at CERN mist cloud or HydroH2o@aomic (6)


Now just in case you haven't worked it out yet, CERN is trying to emulate the white rainbow that's what the whole massive operation of the the colider is for and along with this you hear them telling you, they were hoping to encounter another dimension, yes that's the same dimension that the ancient Egyptians were using and its in this blog site under portals and order of assertion practiced by Horus and others we already new all this data and it was in house before they even turned CERN on 


Now look I am not a person to be giving warnings to multi billion dollar projects like CERN but knowing they plane to double the TeV level from approx 5 to 10 or 12 TeV then my advice to France and Switzerland and perhaps the whole world, is to build ARKs, (boats because you run that and you will make a massive spit photonics plume within earths geological magnetic grids  that once installed may result in 40days and nights of rain 


Perhaps seeing the whole of Europe go under water, and I say this because my research is light years ahead of yours, and as a double banger, the real door to the forth dimension will open, and I am not sure you are going to like what you find or should I say FINDS YOU, and I say loud and clear, only complete  madmen possessed would run it again @ 5 or 10 as I do believe you were given a small taste of what to expect last time you ran it  


this posting will be continue and fully explain why and where infinity can take you and why the mathematical experts are stumped and cannot fathom it, its quiet simple and ingenuous, and is why they well never ever gain control over  the portals NEVER EVER, as it would be like being run over by a complete cosmos @ light speed + MK7 that would in essences tear the very structure of your mind to shreds in seconds, and once breached,  withdrawing from that position may not be possible, dont say you haven't been warned 


bulla joiner of  these dots and I am very serious in what I say         










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