August 24, 2012

Willie Nelson A Man Of Wisdom

There are things that must be said, Nelson is a man of wisdom

bulla joiner of dots

Rainbow Nation Earth Warriors

 Here is something for those that can see and read between the lines, hope you are moved by what you see. Rainbow Nation Earth Warriors.

Ok then you want to take my rainbow worrier video away will let me give you a new rainbow worrier 

bulla joiner of dots stands for the Indigenous People.

August 19, 2012

Mirror Refraction

 If you thought bullas data on the Hadron collider and the Neutrino generator was a bit scary stand by for the scariest project on planet Earth.

Remembering I have posted the data a litmus test involving two mirror wardrobe door panels and the magnetic plume and or hot spot that can be detected from it.

Then take a look at this wardrobe, and remember I also indicated that in my opinion that this was a cause for breast cancer, and If that's not scary enough then I can see that this thing is big enough to not only alter Americas weather and climate, if not the entire Northern hemispheres weather patterns and alter the magnetic grids.

This makes the Hadron and neutrino generator look like a singer sowing machine compared to this thing .

Watch this video, this is scary mates......

Just so my readers understand what they are looking at, if you have followed my Giza Pyramid data pile on this Blog then you may be somewhat shocked to discover that the mirror farm, just one of the three, is 10 times more powerful than Giza when it comes to generating Neutrinos.

To this it may be claimed its all just a power station, and all the mirrors are aimed at the power tower, well here is a little bit of data from a little bird that tells me that each and every mirror is in fact remotely driven and  controlled and all fully computerized and can fire the mirror refraction anywhere they choose.

Now that's a handy little option to have if you needed to make a little extra weather or some extra gravity to liven up the grids ,and puts the Hadron the neutrino generator and all the HAARP Antenna  into the back seat as far as what this thing is capable of doing by light years ! (pun intended).

You could if you wanted to, light up the dark side of the moon with this big boys toy or even repair the damage to the ionosphere.

You heard it first on Bullas Blog the leader in high tech design and development information on bulla rainbow wars  (war of the rainbows) is escalating and continues.

Bulla is up to speed joining the dots for you   

Are Particle Physicists and Bulla on the same page?

 So lets have a look and see if these particle physicists and bulla are on the same page, as I discovered the Higgs field and boson, the god damn god particle, as it is known as, within the HydroH2o@Atomic Six, being the (MIST)and or (CLOUD) being within the water. Its why they now have constructed the cloud chamber at the Hadron collider in Cern trying to find my results, first published back in 2007, and here is the link for that published data and Google records show no one has accessed or been inside that blog since that date of posting

Now the above video explains the Higgs field, the Higgs boson, the god particle and now Neutrinos and the Hadron collider, and just incase its slipped your attention, let me show you the bulla collider tron were you can see the Higgs field and all the above actually working, just watch the video below.

Bulla the true joiner of dots ,impossibilities done straight away, the unimaginable takes a little longer, and there is no room in this world for those of little faith, mother nature and her little wonders, seek and you shall find.

Rainbow Black Ops

 Did the Rainbow data lead to the building of the Atomic Bomb and is the rainbow knowledge the biggest and longest BLACK OPPS that went underground back then, that has now lead the secret science into the development of the Hadron and also the Neutrino beam generator that all involve the gravity waves from within the rainbow

And is Science flying blind with these obviously dangerous apparatus, where by they don't truly understand the link between the rainbows and Earths gravity control and supply, and its well known that research is lead by the development of weaponry, and the communication with atom powered submarines is one thing, but firing Neutrino beams into our atmosphere and or into outer space is another, but what margin of protection is given to the possibility of Earths gravity controls

This is worth bearing in mind when Science would have us believe that gravity and or Neutrino beams have nothing to do with Atmosphere or our climate change, and yet I have more data than they do, and it all comes from the rainbow data, seems to give a lot of weight to the RAINBOW BLACK OPPS scenario and the secret wall surrounding it 

Further more via there own admission the words firing Neutrino beams is a bit of a fallacy as they have no idea as to what there firing and or whether its going in a straight beam or is it totally omnidirectional and is generating a massive plume effect covering thousands of square miles, surrounding the generator, and to this they admit they have no way of knowing, and given as they claim, it stops at nothing, so that means it also penetrates humans and there brains, and given the amount of people that died from radiation and cancer when just developing radar is scary enough 

So what has been going on and just how much damage has been or being done and just what else is out there we don't know about and where 

bulla joiner wikidots

Breast Cancer

 I again publish this data in the hope that someone may run with what I have discovered over the 10 years of research that lead to the god particle discovery in 2007 and some data I came by out of that research that rang alarm bells, as to the possible causes of breast cancer

This all came to a head on the discovery of a breast cancer plume within the Australian Broadcaster commissions ABC main multi story building in Milton Brisbane Queensland Australia

The cancer plume baffled scientific experts, it was investigated by senior professor from CSIRO and Queensland Health, on hearing the plight of the victims, I recalled the said building, the top floor was all glass and that the glass enclosure was round and quite large in size with glazing full length from floor to ceiling and that all this glazing was laid back at approximately 120 degrees leaning inwards at the tops

It was at this time I had already realized the quantum Atomic optics and crystallography and the refractory factors of Electromagnetics and the split Photonics that I had called it back then the research from the rainbow factors and data I had on my desk

I contacted the ABC and emailed the Queensland Health with my suspicions as to the cause of the cancer plume, also a way to test the building to confirm my suspicions 

I explained that I thought the building was being irradiated via the laid back glazing, when the sun struck the glazing at sunrise it drove a light beam straight up into the ionosphere and was connecting precisely as per the white rainbow wave and that this then was in fact generating split photonics, this  then turned the entire building into a D-Pole that then discharged down through the building into the magnetic grids and in doing so maintained a very high level of specific gravity and split photonic radiation during daylight hours

Now I never received a response from anyone, However I did mention that this building would not be the only one to be suffering the same circumstances, Now I do know that someone did listen to what I had put forward, as very shortly thereafter another building Minerals house in Brisbane was also investigated for a cancer plume, now not surprisingly, it had the same lay-back glazing on the top floor similar to the ABC building albeit somewhat different , so someone had listened and left nothing to chance               

What happened next astonished me, given I had given them a logical way to test the building to ascertain that what I had said was correct and in that case to either cover the glazing or straighten the glazing back to vertical or just remove it all together and the building would no longer act as a DI-pole and or charge up

Now this was a substantial multistory large building of some 12 odd floors or more and was ABC headquarters, they demolished the entire building however mine is not the reason why

However what is more important is that if high levels of split photonics, can cause cancer at high levels, then if that frequency is reversed then dose it cure cancer or if you like a pole shift negative to positive and or vise verse

This is out there, on the cutting edge of the coalface of the new laws of physics where anything is possible, and I am prepared to help any medical physicist that wishes to peruse this lead further, as it’s my belief that very same scenario includes vehicle windows, also laid back, I have developed a simple litmus to prove the above can be shown to be correct 

Bulla joiner of dots for breast cancer  

Bullas Weather Forecasting

 Now the bulla bow-sun and the god particle is just a warm up, let’s have a look at the bulla weather forecasting system I designed and developed in my spare time.

Now I have used the data from the Higgs boson, now known as the bulla "BOW-SUN" to give it its correct scientific name, from when it was first discovered back in 2007.

And I have slung together a few leftovers from my discovery that I picked up along the way, and I have had it on random test for about three years now, remembering that this is done in my spare time, but it seems to have pinpoint accuracy, at times this can be out some months ahead of any rain event being even remotely thought to be going to occur.

Now what I did was took the hot spot register or plume data from NASA magneto and gravity satellite re the Tesla levels and correlated over two other maps being the sea levels satellite data and the cloud accumulation satellite or weather satellite and when all this is crunched, then some amazing data started to come forward.

Bearing in mind I knew where I was going and I also knew where the cold sea temps actually come from, and what causes the plumes in the first instance, being during the split photonic or pranic energy transfer, if you like via or by the Higgs boson or the bulla BOW- SUN, and its actually this energy transfer of the slit photonics from the ionosphere and discharged into earths mantel, and it is this transfer that chills the sea water, on a massive scale as the pranic energy doesn't actually see, or it is not affected by any water regardless of its depth, simply to say, that on its journey through the oceans water on its way to discharge in to the primordial grids it super chills the  oceans water, for the very same reason it chills the cloud or HydroH2o@Atomic six and generates the freezing or crystalline process that then forms hail stones.

And it is this process that generates the low pressure cells or barometric low pressure, and it is this highly volatile fast chill factor and process that starts the process for cyclones and hurricanes.  

Being the large body of water is super chilled almost instantly and the outer regions of warm air begin rushing, or being sucked into the chill zone.

So now there you have it, a brand new 2012 weather tool you can all use to detect weather out some time if not months then weeks ahead of any other signs that it’s going to accrue.

And please be aware this is bullas data and weather system never before described in such a fashion or detail, giving this Blog yet another first and you the world out there a much better warning system of up and coming storm or cyclone and Hurricane warning system and while it’s all copyrighted please feel free to try out or use the system to mankind’s advantage, rather than try to screw me and it, the system for profit as I have given you the data for free.

Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

To add I suspect that the system data tracking for my forecasting may well be the one and the same used by the English Astrophysicist
Piers Corbyn being Weatheraction

So to make sure I checked his sites and quickly discovered that he keeps his process close to his chest and that many have asked outright how he does it, to which he gives them a swerve and that he keeps the process secret and he has not published how he does it, there for and after due diligence.

So in that response, I see no reason why I cannot publish how I forecast weather, being bulla weather forecasting , and hereby state it is my copyright, and that being the case I give approval for fair and reasonable use for usage that prevail over it.

Please respect this generous offer to share and use it for our benefits as a great tool for the early warning system of bad weather and make life a little better for all, out of respect please Quote original source ( bulla sys) copyright protected and full rights reserved fair use only       


Bulla joiner of free dots  

Ending the God Particle Party

Sorry to have to throw cold water on your god particle party, but I could have shown Higgs his god particle well before his eightieth birthday in fact back in 27/1/2007 when I first discovered it and uploaded all its complete schematics and full dynamics and complete measurements and that also included the total vortex and portal schematics.

I did try to tell you people back then, but you don’t seem to listen to well to people outside your closed shop or fraternity and or guild, here it is on Google here is the link from 2007.

Now just what part of the data pile or stream don’t you have, I mean did you manage to get the portal open, you guys really went about things the hard way.

so as you can see the god particle is an Australian discovery, not only that, that's where all the data for the double cathode crystallized power generator has come from that I have been working on for 4 years now, as I have all the complete data you were hoping to find in your cloud chamber the configuration of the Atomic distortion of the (mist cloud) the hydroH2o@ Atomic six you were hoping to find well yep I have all that to.

Did you all think old bulla was out of his gum tree, when I published all the data on the threads and my blog, and look do you want my postal address so you can send over the honorary PhD and the Nobel prize and I can give you a bank account for the cash from the Templeton's prize, that will come in handy as this crystal generator has been cutting into my beer money.

bulla the discover of the god particle "come on OZY come on"   

HAARP Antenna Myths

Now look before I go full Monty I would like to dispel a couple of myths that are built and put out there to occupy those that are easily lead off into all directions of differing conspiracies due to their total lack of knowledge about the subject at hand, that the powers that be are encouraging everyone into a major subversion and propaganda just to distract your attention from the real data.

 And point out that you are being played for a fool in regards to the HAARP antenna where by all in sundry are mesmerized by its existence and further I point out its nothing more than a 2 meter rhombic antenna, at best and that regardless how much power you stick up its ass it has absolutely fucking bucklies chance or any hope in hell of altering any weather or cloud.

Simply put you are all going for a free feed, or fraud at your expense the HAARP antenna is a decoy to keep you distracted from the real subject matter the HARRP antenna is built for the primary use of listening not transmitting ok.

bulla joiner of dots and builder of antennas

Lies and Deceit by the Clandestine Elements

 THE PERPLEXING QUANDARIES, and are we the public being feed lies and deceit by the clandestine elements of the scientific fraternities and there secret guilds

And what do they really know about the secrets behind the eye of HORUS

Well from my perspective, It’s quiet strange that everything to do with this planets gravity and its atmosphere and its ionosphere the said scientific fraternities, claim they know nothing about it or its workings, so blatant is this anomaly, they can tell you more about other planets and yet nothing about this one

Now back in the 1940 and 50 through to the 60s there was a massive push to discover what was behind the rainbows, so much so, that in an endeavor to find the answers, when a rainbow appeared they would scramble fighter planes to fly across and into the rainbows to try to discover their true origin

And then as if by magic, everything came to a screaming halt and not another word mentioned, nor could one hold or open a discussion with the scientific world about the rainbows, as they just flatly refused to discuss the issue, and if one pressed them even up until today they will revert to rushing into their catacombs and slam and bolt all the windows and doors, leaving you and your unwanted questions outside, and if persuade further, they enlist the "mad professor" and unleash all manner of mad claims upon the person asking the questions to defame them, discredit and belittle them in the eyes of the public domain, all this was done in an endeavor to make you go away  

So what was it that they found within the rainbows that, let’s say spooked the horses into sending the hidden mysteries of the rainbow in to the underground network, and clandestine laboratories of the scientific world, or the early black ops of the military's secret weapons department

I point out here a crucial flaw in the fraternity’s rudimentary endeavors, which they have span over the rainbow occurrence, being there false and purposely misleading data showing how they falsely claim the rainbow colors are caused or formed which is a total fabrication

This fabrication is totally exposed as a total fraud, that can be clearly see given my LITMUS and simple rainbow experiment that blind Freddy and any child can conduct in the front yard with a garden house and 2 dollar sprinkler and a sheet of white copy paper

And for the very reasons as listed above the scientific fraternity for very obvious reasons, known only to them, and to the last man standing refuse to Ether conduct the 2 dollar litmus or except what can be clearly found from the litmus by every man women and child that conducts it that clearly shows that the scientific fraternity is perpetrating fraudulent data knowingly or unknowingly in all the scientific videos and data relating to the rainbow projection or refractory

Deferentially a perplexing Quandary indeed and on pondering, one begins to realize that if they capitulate to bullas rainbow litmus, which is empirical and fully repeatable then it follow that the scientific fraternity would have to rewrite the known laws of physics, and demolish the pillars of their power and what would really pissing them off, is from then on they would have be known as bullas laws of physics 

So you now understand why it is that under no circumstances can they or will they conduct the litmus or discuss its logical conclusions that can be found there in
Furthermore bullas litmus is the biggest threat in the history of the modern scientific world that could bring down the entire known laws of Physics as they are perceived today worldwide, however having explained this, I am not so naive to assume that, this factor would be there main concern, as were they to agree that what all can see for themselves is not what the fraternity claims then following the new laws of physics would then begin to unravel the black ops they have covering over it, being the truth about the rainbow waves and just where that truth can take us as a civilization

Here is an example, for 4 years I have been designing and developing a very upfront project that comes directly out of the rainbow technology, it’s a double cathode crystal solar generator that has no moving parts and supplies endless power night and day that is a million times more powerful than Atomic coal oil gas or another power sauce known to man so far

Now you can just imagine the shock wave through the industry that such a power source eventuating would cause and it’s what we all want right being it has no costs for the generation of the power and it cannot wear out, now again I am not naive enough to assume that that alone would be the reason for not agreeing with bullas new laws of physics

For I believe there is another reason yet more complex, now given the scientific fraternity are playing this cat and mouse game over there purposely dumb down version of the three wise monkeys in regards to the genius hidden within the rainbow technology, and I say they have it locked within a black ops, and to explain a quandary given I have outed and explained the Quantum Atomic optics and the Geo Physics  and the relationship between Electromagnetism and HydroH2o@ Atomic six (being clouds or mist) being the main components  for the Rainbow power and gravity anomaly, and the scientific fraternities blatant refusal to discuss or go down this road of bullas laws of physics in regards to the rainbow

Now here is something going on right under the worlds noses, that no one has yet twigged is going on, and bulla outs this, and I put the world on notice that it is going on that the Cern Hadron collider is in fact an artificial rainbow machine right down to its cloud chamber, being the entire apparatus is producing pranic force electromagnetic s and firing it through the cloud chamber being through HydroH2o@Atomic six 


The Cern Hadron Collider is in fact the eye of

Bulla the joiner of very big dots indeed

Gravity Decline

 OK so what do I mean by a gravity decline.

Firstly in this world of experts, they the experts don’t know what gravity is or what it looks like, or how it’s made, or how it manifests itself, all we have is a great heap of so called experts that have all manner of assumed theories

Now to this I have over my posts, put the scientific fraternity on notice, whereby I have outlined precisely where it comes from and where it goes to and why, to this I am now able to fully support my data complements of both Iowa University and NASA who have now come out with their discovery that confirms and agrees with my data re magnetic portals, all be it they have a long way to go before they can truly give the complete answer, and as to the reasons this, is for them to deal with

 To this I thought I would take the time to explain what I mean by gravity decline, Given at this point I look like being the only person on the planet that truly understands its complexities

Firstly the planet is divided into two separate spheres or fields being the Northern field and a Southern field, these two fields operate independently, with two independent polar or termination zones, these regions at the poles can and do move depending, on and which side of the world the majority of the power is being generated that in turn will and can alter the poles precise position

The threshold for the meeting of the two independent fields is roughly at or, should be on the equator, where the two fields meet and cause a buffer zone of opposing field force, so it can be said that what takes place in one zone can do so independently of the other and visa verse

Now most peoples understanding of gravity is perceived from watching people in the international space station and or the moon landing, now this is showing to the extreme, and is nothing like the gravity decline I say is taking place, to this let me give you a perspective you can use to get your head around, just how finely balanced our gravity is

Take 2 glass beakers of 1000 drops of water each, and to cause massive earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions, crazy wild huge terrestrial storms with hail as big as oranges, and at the same time pull down 15% of Earths protection via the ionosphere, and send the entire planet into a full on magnetic decline in just one of the independent polar regions or hemispheres

Then to cause all above, just remove 50 drops of water from just one of the beakers, and place that fifty drops in the opposing beaker, BINGO climate change, a magnetic decline in full swing totally undetectable by science and totally undetectable by the human body or its scenery systems, but make no mistake, the effects can manifest themselves in psychological ways,  this slight change can be seen having drastic affects upon the animal and insect world, where by birds can be seen falling out the sky, the bees hives go strangely out of shape, and the bees die on mass, then you get fish kills and dolphins and whales dying

All the above, because we have 1050 drops of water in one beaker, and only 950 drops  in the other, and the tricky part is the drops of water are continuing to deplete in one beaker and accumulate in the other on an ongoing, or chain reactive basis, it being  a change on the Atomic weight level of gravitational or specific gravity or an imbalance that is a chain reaction that has been caused by man and his quest for oil,  that he knowingly or unknowingly added dispersant to spilled oil that changed the oceans in to a soluble oil format, that now due to the Atomic weight scale has caused a chain reaction to accrue that is shutting down natures gravity generators at an alarming rate

And yet he man cannot or will not except responsibility for causing this chain reaction, instead hides behind the totally bamboozling mumbo jumbo of some fake carbon release bull shit, that no one believes or no scientific proof has ever been subjected to, the so called scientific gold standard of a litmus or empirical repeatable demonstration of same

Gives a whole new meaning to the saying "money speaks" and or the "cause and affect" by the big brokers of power, to keep the lid on as long as possible

Well let me say a few words to the brokers of power, when this planet starts going over the magnetic abyss,  we are going to  make sure, "you go first" and there will be nothing surer than we will all follow close behind you

Now in 2007 when I first published my research I was accused of being yet another mad Professor, and here we are in 7th 2012 where I have been totally exonerated and found to be 100% correct in what I said in 2007 and a big thanks to Iowa university and NASA for conformation of same re magnetic portals and time spectrum vortexes

I hope this goes some way in to explaining gravity decline, and also lend some credence into the professional data from a Nature Philosopher who does know just a thing or two about Mother Nature and this planet and where she is being compelled to take us

Let’s join forces and get to and fix the fuckups before it’s too late  
bulla joiner of dots

Quantum Atomic Optics and the Crystallography of Atomic Refractory factors of Electromagnetics

Within the above site I made note that given the data I possessed that it was clear that on the grounds of Quantum Atomic optics and the crystallography of atomic refractory factors of Electromagnetics, that knowingly or unknowingly the scientific fraternity at large and or the medical fraternity ignored, by and large what was said in regards to cancer causing anomalies, namely breast cancer in women

To this I again outline what I see, in regards to the invention of common glazing or the glass windows and its refraction of sunlight,(electromagnetic refraction) and the lethal irradiation that lurks there in, and the absolute enormity of this sinister anomaly that is now looming so large that it could well be helping send Earth over the climate change abyss, not to mention the multimillion s of breast cancer victims that are lapped up by the multimillion dollar industry that cancer really is, not to mention all the others

I point out where this anomaly lives, that is any glazing that can or dose present itself to the sun’s rays at or near 120 degrees to the strike zone, what are the silent generators or main causes of breast cancers and or the atomic refractory hue, or the ever growing background radiation being emitted by mankind's earth bound glazing refractory or reverse radiation refractory factors

I give you just an example of several main offenders, the car windscreens and all car windows, any and all windows that are laid back on a trajectory angle, the biggest new danger zone is, massive glazed panels or refractory solar energy plants that are now underway, and are kilometers in size not to mention the panels on your roof, will be irradiating your entire house

Those of you that have read my threads will be aware of my second litmus test regarding the generation of specific gravity fluxing by using two mirrors that just like the white rainbow wave the refraction of the sunlight is redirected via the mirror up and out into the ionosphere, and is basically doing the same thing

How many times have you felt the "Ark of covenant" being the spark from your carpet or door handle or sink as you did the dishes, that you thought generated the electromagnetic discharge, how many times have you received the very same from your vehicle when getting in or out

Will this anomaly be like the banks, too big to fail, and be swept under the magnetic carpet, well here is a very sobering thought for both the scientific and medical fraternities, given my data and the litmus, it would go without saying that a large solar farm could in fact change the climate, in fact wreak havoc with the climate and atmosphere on a regular basis, the above could, and not limited to Earthquakes , volcanic eruptions and mad storm anomalies that perhaps one hasn't seen before, by synthetically generating a magnetic plume only every day

Got any strange events happening around your neck of the woods that is perhaps, now ringing alarm bells in your head as to WHY

Bulla joiner of BIG dots      

Magnetic Portals

The above site and diagrams show the said magnetic portals that flux from 4 to 8 minutes on the lite side of Earth, showing but one of, this data is some Six years ahead of Iowa University/ NASA discovery claim as of this month July 2012

However it’s most pleasing that they now begin to agree with bulla and there latest discovery release is a step in the right direction, I further add there is no requirement to wait until 2014 until they launch several more satellites to confirm the rest of the data

As this data is also in house at bulla labs, this includes full schematics in total all frequencies and wave lengths dynamic speeds duration and time divide data at which point precisely the portals accrue and open and close and how many and just how far they extend into outer space

It beggars belief just how arrogant the PhD and Scientific world really is, they are locked within their own small world, unable to see beyond their own fraternity, and if there is a brilliant mind, he is brow beaten by the guild, or ostracized for being outspoken, so I take my hat off to Iowa uni for finally
 Speaking out

To this, I get the feeling that much is known, but due to other prevailing forces its kept secret, perhaps even for strategic military purposes, however what is coming our way re climate change, this will need to be put to one side as the knowledge will be required to manage this up and coming catastrophic events, unless of course they, the powers that be, intend to let us fall head first unknowingly into the magnetic obis of a full magnetosphere eclipse

Now whether this is done knowingly or perchance, they really don’t know? or understand, for real what we are up against, and if it’s the latter then perhaps it’s time to pay attention to someone that dose have the data, and this is not a time to be standing on academic qualification and or pompous PhD tomfoolery, as time is of the essences, either they know what’s taking place or they don’t, and I further explain, if it’s going where I see it is, then regardless how many trillions of dollars you have, there will be nowhere to hide, so it’s not just my ass that's in the sling, its everyone's regardless, "with no exception"

The pity of it all, is that all this can be avoided, were the scientific fraternity  to drop the walls of  protection they have built around there imaginary castle they have been deluded into erecting for themselves, the sacred money cow they have been milking for hundreds of years, there so called world of academic exclusion

So now the chips are down, what do you intend to do? As it’s your move!!

Nasa finds Hidden Portals in Earths Magnetic Field

Interesting info there and given Iowa University/NASA latest release of magnetic portals then this then confirms I have been correct all along and spot on the money since 2007 mind you just a little bit ahead of them HAHAHA.

So then this puts me 6 plus years ahead of both that finding and the Hadron collider, as I already have all that data, much or a lot of which they dont yet have I have been able to step out or over the Atomic refractory runner-way factors of the split photonics of the god particle, that accrues in the dynamics of the white rainbow wave dynamics and the Atomic crystallography distortion refractory factors, and have moved on with those dynamics from the hydroH2o@Atomic six to the next paradigm within split photonics, I being the original coiner of this phrase and description.

This realm of split Photonics I have encapsulated the structure from the runner-way and jumped over it by moving to hard crystal format the smallest of which is in a finished ground and polished state 6,5 carrots of the purest Sapphire, there are 21 in a set that makes up the backbone of the photonic crystal field generator being cold photonic fusion contained with limitless amplitude, or endless inexhaustible power system with no upper thresholds that should also approach the portal @ Zero sum, and the gold atom to contain it.

And for all my avid readers across the web here is a fourth of July 2012 surprise, surprise, given both Godlike Productions and Above Top Secret, who I might add, both have bulla banned from there sites, being both of little faith in what bulla posted there, here is a quote from Trinity GLP, when he read the document from Iowa university /NASA re magnetic portals discovered.

Quote< "Fucking hell bulla was right after all!
It’s the rainbows!"

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA sweet is the Justice 

Bulla joiner of dots is well advanced in the knowledge of Atomic crystallography and atomic squash factors   

Giza and Why Gold- Part 4

 This is becoming a bit of a novel in size wise on its own but I thought you all might enjoy finding out what the Ancients new, and finally I can explain the reason for the gold capping on Giza pyramid

But first how the magnetic plume interacts with the cloud to make it rain, so we have a massive plume standing up and the white rainbow has finished its work( you could of coarse call the white rainbow a Neutrino generator) and it has gone leaving the magnetic hot spot or plume in its characteristic bubble and now due to the super-magnetic its affecting the weight of the upper level moisture clouds mist or (HydroH2o@Atomic 6) this now having its weight factors changed by the neutrino or super magnetics factor and it no longer can stay afloat , so it begins to descend and the plume begins working on attracting the Hydro or mist, cloud,

Now as the cloud begins to condense out of the atmosphere, it the cloud reaches a critical density factor, at which point the super magnetics begins to sense that there is some, or some way of escaping back out to where it came from, the ionosphere

This then causes a breach of attraction in the captured bubble shape, where the super magnetics busts out and invades the hydro, (I call it making the hydro pregnant), and in doing so it freezes the hydro and crystallizes it all, this process actually absorbs the super magnetics, up until the hydro is all
Totally crystallized and when it reaches this threshold it shut the power transfer off, with a boom, boom, boom, yes your thunder

Now the interesting thing about this power transfer and massive shut down that occurs, is that it happens so fast that it actually strands the oncoming flow of super magnetics that was being transferred, that it’s now outside the magnetic plume or bubble to which the out ward flow has stopped and the breach has slammed shut closed back up 

So now the poor old pranic energy is left outside the closed bubble, with nowhere to go and it being outside the plume its lost it polarity so the bubble will no longer except it back in, so it looks and searches in vain for some outlying cloud that's not yet crystallized, and you see it streaking back and forth across the sky as lightning, as it the power of the stranded reverse polarity energy can find no home above, it makes a bee line for Earths grids and a mad  dash occurs as it now has to smash its way back through, not only the bubble, but also against Earths radiating field grids, leaving the Hydro in its crystalline growth format as it forms into hail (Rain), it is now too heavy for the gravity and must fall out the sky

Here then, is your lighting, now I don’t need to tell you that there is a massive amount of voltage and amps involved it can instantly split large trees or explode them or even demolish a building when it strikes and or vaporize things like Quarts for instance

Now I rely upon some bulla data and some research into the reason for the discovery of pure golden nuggets that were found next to a shatter Quarts reef, when the reef was sample tested for gold content and the shatter pieces, it was found to only have, One ounce to the tonne of fine gold with several other minerals in that gold evenly dispersed throughout the quarts

Now upon the ground was some golden nuggets now the nuggets appeared to be water worn, given their shape, it’s now know that's not correct, they are not water warn they have undergone transformation whereby they have been struck by lightning, and it has not only vaporized the quarts but also all the minerals and melted the pure gold in to a molten, liquid where the gold runs and pools, then cools, giving the appearance of being water warn 

So we now have the single Atom of gold that we now know cannot be vaporized by lightening but can be heated in to a molten state 

Now it will do you no good searching for any other references as to the previously not understood parameters and data block that I have just revealed to you all, as you will understand it is all bulla data and original, that I have not made public, or published it before, as you will also find all my data above, is all bulla data and cannot be found in any scientific publication or said papers as it is all original, as is the copy-writes

So now for the part you have all been waiting for, why the golden top on the GIZA pyramid 

Well given Giza is high up on a plateau and its self stands some hundreds of meters high and given it was making massive rainbows and making massive plumes of super magnetic and given its sitting in the middle being the highest point, then where do you suppose, the lightning was going to strike, add to this, using it regularly, without the gold cap there wouldn't be much left, so to speak, that bloody Horus he a smart bastard, the bagger had it all worked out, down to the finest detail and if I didn't know, I would be thinking he must have done it before

And just in case anyone was wondering, yes I do have the full unedited data, that includes not only all measurements and full mathematics, schematics, frequency, dynamics, speeds, wave lengths to full multiple duplication factors, fluxing threshold and lux factors that includes all timing and time factors, that also includes the full parameters for the actual portal opening of the vortex, that gives direct access to the next dimensions that exceeds that of the Photon in direct speed to split photonic speeds, being to the Hetrodynamic Holographic level
Of course that was all established back in 2007 and I have moved on with the data to the next paradigm of Quantum Atomic optics and the transfer of the Atomic refractory distortion crystallography, and moved the unstable runner-way factor to a hard format, being I have establish that the only crystal on earth that is capable of the atomic distortion and squash factors required is as Horus had found, is the pure Sapphire crystals

`To which I have been busy working on the power system for all our futures,  the split photonic crystalline cold fusion free  power, which is about 10 billion times more powerful than currant solar energy and you could say, faster than a speeding bullet, or 7 times faster than the Hadron collider in Cern. I have given it a name the Temple-ton-tron pranic cold field generator, and with a bit of luck, it should also bring us close to Zero sum gravity on full demand, being (limitless)

All the above is the property of bulla and bulla labs, which at present is based in an old bond-wood caravan in the back yard at mums

I Hope you enjoyed learning and the adventures of bulla

Bulla joiner of dots

Giza and Why Gold- Part 3

For those that have not realized as yet, we are embarked on a new road that leads us to the Golden Age, and a whole new Era in mankind's Higher level of understanding, within this age is an entirely new power source, that will totally change mankind's total thinking and understanding into a complete revolutionary new way of doing things, in such an advanced manner and totally natural way of coexistence with Mother Nature, where such things as pollution will no longer exist, and at the same time mankind will have access to more power (Energy) than he ever dreamed was possible, that I know comes @ Zero cost

Having said that, I begin to put forward the beginning of some of these different perception of the world around us, that have so far appeared as an elision to all, where the secrets of the golden age have been hidden from our minds eye, by all manner of disinformation, and confusion over what one can see with one’s own eyes, and yet dose not equate, due to prior perceptions, or a preconception previously installed

Now with the above link and photograph of the field bubble and rainbow, I point out the first mistaken perception, which is that it was thought that the rainbows shape was governed by Earths spherical shape, which gave it the bow

Well you can clearly see, that is not the case, and to further enlighten you, the actual rainbows shape is in fact governed by the magnetic field or bubble shape, and that the rainbow is in fact, inside that generated field, and that goes for all rainbows, and it’s your perception, due to the magnetic field bubbles can be massive, that extend out across and past the horizons that they appear to be following the shape of Earth, when in actual fact they are not

Now to further enlighten you, the rainbow bubbles being the magnetic fields, are turned (on) and (off) by the same mechanism, being a four element dynamic array, being an interaction between sunlight mist and Earth’s magnetic ground waves and projecting fields system, I won’t go into the full Monty and total field schematics now, because it’s more important at this stage your perception is kept intact,

But to simply explain the photograph has captured this field bubble being turned (off) this normally may only last 4 minutes or one degree of Earth’s rotation, that then changes the generators atomic refractory factors, and or angle of generation and the whole thing including the entire field bubble goes into its degeneration mode, where by the actual rainbow within the field bubble, short circuits the standing field bubble to earth (Negative) the entire pranic or super-magnet field, both above and below ground is then totally decade and absorbed in to earth’s magnetic field grids and is transported via the grids, to its discharge Zone, being the making of Ice at the respective polar regions, where it the pranic energy is dissipated into the making of fresh water  Ice, while at the same time providing Earths specific gravity along the field grids, and also driving the field or magnetic ground waves

(Note) there is no magnetic or field energy coming or being generated by or from earth’s core, it’s all from the super-magnetic field bubbles, that are entirely dependent upon the generation of white Rainbows and that's where all our gravity is made and  comes from, surprise surprise !!!  

Ok so when  and where did the super-magnetic field bubble in the picture come from, well now, that super magnetic field bubble may have stood there, totally invisible for anything from some hours, to some months, depending how long it took to attract the rain and required clouds to generate a second wave generator being another rainbow inside the original field made by the original white rainbow, that at that time there would have been no clouds, no storm no low pressure cell, only some mist in a creek and clear blue skies over head

So you never get to see the first event, that originally makes the Magnetic field bubble in the first place,  because it’s just pure light, and invisible, as there is no clouds or hydro or moisture to show you it’s happening, we only ever get to see the discharge and or decay cycle because the presents of the mist provides us with a backdrop that the invisible light strikes upon, and lights it up, just like a car head light in a fog does, hence you see the rainbow

And a further field note < as to where is Earth’s magnetic field grid in the photo, see the persons head standing in picture, draw a line across the picture, and that's the top of Earths field grid

Bulla joiner of dots, still to come why Giza golden cap

Giza and Why Gold- Part 2

I begin this part two, by out lining how important it is now for mankind to get his head around, what it is I am endeavoring to explain and outline, as it’s not just Quantum Geophysics and or Quantum Atomic optics of Electromagnetism of HydroH2o@Atomic6 (mists, land fogs, sea-fogs) and said anomalies

That has perplexed Sir Isaac Newton, Albert Einstein, Maxwell, and includes all up until today, as the elusive refraction factors of the mist and the perfect sphere and the Atomic crystallography and all that's been so far written, all still squarely lies within the realms of pure theory and speculation as nothing has been proven

Until now, where by, I support my understanding of how it all transpires with a very simple, bullet and bomb proof Litmus test, that will and dose on a repeatable basis demonstrates what I say is correct

That being the case, let me explain what that means, it means we, given it is so, will need to not only rewrite the known laws of physics, we will also have to readjust the written history all the way back to Ancient times, and all over a droplet of mist measuring approximately (6 microns)

Further, it is not the rewriting of the laws of Physics or history that concerns me, it is our ongoing future as a civilization, as when one extrapolates the data in the direction of a changed field of perception of thought, when armed with the correct assumptions, and the full understanding of what is meant within the Alchemy, and the Solar King and Luna Queen in regards to Electromagnetism over Hydro H2o@ Atomic 6 and said Atomic crystallography and refractory factors

I can assure you, this is not a time for the playing of silly games, as if I am correct, then this planet and its entire population may will all be at stake, as it is in my opinion, we are in a gravity decline, that if left unchecked, could quite easily tip this planet upside down and inside out

Now here is the catch 22

As it stands of now, the Scientific world at large claims not to know it’s all down to a magnetic decline, further more they refuse to give any ground or credence to what I put forward, and refuse to acknowledge or apply the litmus test up to its empirical status, that will and dose prove that this planet and all its life and its atmosphere and all weather events are entirely caused from and by Electromagnetism, and that, that pranic force is generated via the so called (Mayan  red and white rainbows), or the (Horus, red and white Crowns ) (sic) Rosetta Stone.

To this I say it’s not climate change, it’s a runaway climate train or a runaway magnetic decline

Option one< To continue on blindly as per the Scientific fraternities, we don’t know attitude, or we don’t want to know!

Option Two> Take affirmative action to not only repair the Damaged Ionosphere, but to also, manually replenish the gravity decline, there by averting the upcoming megalithic results of a total polar eclipse of the Northern Hemisphere

All of which is not available within (option One), as the fraternity claims not to know where gravity comes from, or how to make gravity, or how to repair the depletion of the Ionosphere

Now I am sorry if this sounds like rattling skeletons in the closet, but I would have thought the correct option was bleeding obvious, regardless of whose skeleton it is in the closet

Having said what I needed to say, I will continue to explain the rest of the rainbow conundrum, and also the reason why Giza required a golden cap

Bulla joiner of dots

Giza and Why Gold- Part 1

To this we apply more logical reasoning and some findings from bulla lab dating from 2002 research into the single atom of pure gold, and its anti-magnetic properties and insulation properties 

The reason it was used to build the ark and the two golden angles and there wings, where the large sapphire stone was carefully place on the wings, the Angles being of pure gold, that prevented the charge generated via the massive white rainbow made on the outside of Giza, from discharging to ground, or grounding out, this then allowed at a later date, at a ceremony where everyone was present to view the large spark or ark that came out from within the stone to be witnessed by all, proving that the pyramid running had been a success, given the wave structure generated was pure light (Electromagnetics) and totally invisible, and that also every one could go ahead and plant their crops knowing full well that rain was now on its way

As the huge magnetic charge was now in place, the massive magnet plume or hot spot that had been made and channeled down through Earth’s atmosphere via the white rainbow wave into the pyramid and on into the ground and magnetic grids that would charge the ground up for thousands of miles all the way to the horizons surrounding Giza 

 And you will appreciate this is all from bulla labs and research that took nine years to unravel, and this is the only description that is in existence, of what actually takes place and why and how it rains

And I further say that all this was known right down to the last detail long before the first sod was ever turned in the foundations of Giza Pyramid system some 12685 years ago, just something to keep in one’s mind when one claims how advanced we really are in 2012

To visualize the plume, it’s a ball shaped super-magnetic field, five eighths of this ball is underground, the remainder, being three eighths is above ground, imagine it like a soap bubble on the water in your kitchen sink that's its shape, only this one is 200 miles across, so you can imagine how high it is, as it stands up into the sky, and remember the white rainbow put this field here in just eight minutes and it, the white rainbow has long since gone and left this field bubble of super magnetic s  standing up like a bubble shape

Now the above link is a great picture, that at first glance appears to be an exception to the rainbow imbedded five-eighths and the three-eighths rule, however when it comes to mountainous terrain, as far as the rainbow you see goes, it's sitting, as far as it is concerned, the correct distance down into Earth’s magnetic field grids, as you will understand, it’s not governed by the land mass, its governed by the magnetic field mass of Earth

So in other words, you can now see that earth’s magnetic fields can at times be exposed, and actually occur, above some terrain, this is the first time this has been show to exist and explained as such, and it also clearly shows you the magnetic spherical bubble and field effects,  and its breaking more new ground, right here on Bullas Blog, there is  a lot more data in the photo, that I will again refer back to, as we move on to the next part of this, never before explained, world class and ground breaking scientific observation and explanation, which goes to prove, that true science is is within the power of the observation, of mother nature, and being able to equate what one observes     

Now I stop here, to explain where and why we get dry storms and or dry lightning or sheet lightning, If mother nature or if one was to run the pyramid to long, then one would make a massive field bubble, or magnetic plume or hotspot, so large in fact, the top of the bubble, (plume) would begin to interact back again with the Ionosphere, and begin to ark out against each other, sending massive bolts and sheets of lightning across the sky, and if it were not the case that five eighths were locked within Earths field magnetic it the bubble (plume) would discharge back out to where it came from, the ionosphere, so that's your dry, or sheet lightning,

Now given clouds, they being HydroH2o @ atomic 6, or mists that floats in our atmosphere, when this moisture in the atmosphere senses this (plume) or dome of super magnetic s, its moisture is attracted to the super magnetic s of the dome as its specific gravity weight is changed by the super magnetic s, and it becomes heaver,  and it the cloud , mist (moisture) begins to gather and is drawn down from upper level moisture, and before long you have a low pressure cell, a weather cell that is being attracted by the dome (plume) of super magnetics

So in all cases the plumes of super magnetics, made by the white rainbows, equals a low pressure weather cell, or Barometric low pressure cell, or storm cell and I further point out, it has nothing to do with temperatures, as the temperature is controlled by the plume and super magnetics, and not the other way around as the currant scientific models would have us believe 

This concludes part one

Bulla joiner of dots

Pyramid Beams Debunked

I thought it worthwhile mentioning a few things about this given the situation re light beams coming from tops of pyramids, and look at this logically

Firstly if one took the same picture as above without the powered Tesla coil inside the pyramid, then you would see nothing come out the top of it

Secondly If one took a picture of the Tesla coil switched on and running you may well get the same schematics, indeed if one put a plastic ice-cream container over the coil then the spiral would be seen coming from the container

Thirdly the photograph is in the negative, to enable you to visualize the image, where by white is black and black is white, within a controlled environment

I make it abundantly clear that this picture and image as above, has nothing to do with light beams being photographed coming out the top of the Mayan step Pyramid or indeed the Bosnian, as they are supposedly taken in broad daylight, with ordinary cameras, and to my knowledge there has never been any Tesla coils in pyramids

To this I add, the Pyramid is an object made of stone, its entire purpose and construction is for the purpose of making mists, it is an artificial waterfall, and when one looks at the logistics of holding 500 tonnes of water 200 meters high up above ground, then you are left with no option but to build a pyramid structure to contain it, that's if you think logically

Furthermore apart from making of the mist that is then displayed on the eastern flank of the pyramid where the sun can strike it and where all the action takes place, being on the outside, and given it seems that people want to believe that other mysterious happenings go on within the pyramid, and that some would have us believe there is strange magnetic s emulating from the pyramids, all the time going unseen, and then to Photoshop this happening, is beyond the pale

Given one cannot photograph light, in a beam or in any other fashion, and there is, apart from when the pyramid is run successfully, and that one cannot see that happening, because its waves are pure light, which is the very reason for the Ark or spark of covenant

But apart from the several minutes of actual operation of making the gravity waves, then all pyramids have no more activity or mystery than a gardener’s wheel barrow, either inside or outside and all the rest is pure Hype and sci-fi marketing, and or wishful thinking

 bulla joiner of dots / sorry Mr. Spock           


In regards to the existence of all life on earth, what is two most precious commodities, that's a simple question to answer, One being sunlight, the other being water, that being Electromagnetics, and HydroH2o or more pointedly Mists sea fogs, and or land fogs

Without the latter we would not be here, as earth would not only not have specific gravity, it would not have an atmosphere, nor would it have an ionosphere to repel the ever present solar flares and or the sun’s harmful rays

In alchemy terms, these above necessities are expressed as the Solar King and the Luna Queen, the king being Electromagnetics, and the Queen being the moon being the queen of mists, being in fact our sea fogs and land fogs and mists, expressed in scientific terms mist being HydroH2o @ atomic 6,that being the atomic weight of the mist

Now this love affair between the king and Queen, you could say, the sexual connotations are consummated by the making of the Queens mist, she the moon makes all the mist  by here gravity influence on earth, whereby she causes a release in the gravity envelope where ever she goes

Now we understand this, as we see the influence she has on the oceans and control's all the tidal movements, and to some extent the weather patterns, so given she the Queen of mists, the moon can move the entire planets oceans around to suit her herself, and given the oceans are water then you will understand when it comes to mists, and they being drawn from within and through the ocean’s surface tension, by the magnetic power of the Queen, and her powers of releasing the earth’s gravitational influence upon the said oceans water that allows the mist to convex out of the oceans and through its surface tension, of surface, but only while the queen exerts he influence of gravity release

So back to the said alchemy depictions of the solar King and Luna Queen copulating together, or making love and what comes from this act

In some pictures one sees a child offered up to the sun, to this one must realize without the interaction of the Luna queen with the solar king we wouldn't be here, then there is the depiction of the two heads upon the one body, not meant literally, but meant to explain when the Luna Queens mists meets the solar Kings electromagnetics, they interact and become one, being the Queens mists becomes activated by the Electromagnetics and between them they give birth to a red or a white rainbow, that in-turn dose several things at once

One is the projected  light wave that's generated given there is no clouds over head, then goes all the way up and begins interacting with outer-space and makes the Ionosphere by splitting the photons and making super magnetics or pranic force magnetics, while at same time it dose this, given its connecting Earth with the Ionosphere, via its projected light wave, it’s also channels this,pranic force from its interaction and the ionosphere  back to earth, within and through the projected light wave being the white rainbow wave, also seen as the same thing but seen as a rainbow if this interaction is blocked by clouds, but if no clouds its up there working away splitting photons

Now the repercussions of this channeling of pranic force or super magnetics down the projected light wave results in the forces being discharged into Earths mantel and or geological and topographical make up, that includes our magnetic primordial grids

But in the first instance it makes a magnetic plume or a hot spot, these hot spots can be readily seen by using NASA or the Japanese Magnetic or Tesla levels anomalies, these being the plumes that occur on a continuous bases, but that only occur on the lite side of earth, as one cannot have rainbows red or white at night time

So there is no love making from the Solar king on the dark side , however the Luna Queen is very active at night time or the dark side,  with here gravity release and is busy preparing the mists for the king to interact with as those mist come round into the  solar kings view from the dark side

It could be said that there has been a lot of copulation going on nonstop for billions of years, the end results of which are the Ionosphere , our gravity , our atmosphere and our clouds ,rain weather  in total  and all life on earth

To which, if you study the alchemy pictures you will see references to all the above, specially to water and or rain or mists, clouds and the sun for the very scientific reasons I have explained above

Here are your images

 bulla joiner of dots and scientific sex educator

My Original Data and Discovery

Above is a link to some of my original data and discovery, what is so interesting, about this site is that back then I came under fire from some of the scientific fraternity, who at the time claimed my research and published data was preposterous and that there was no such thing as Electrodymagnetic Hydro, further still that my claims as to radiation this was also poo pooed by the fraternity.  

And to be fair, one could not find it on Google either, as it back then, it was all new and did not exist in the realms of the scientific understanding, first published by bulla.

 My My, how things and peoples attitudes change, as to Google it to day dont be shocked when you find the Smithsonian/NASA  consortium along with all the others institutions.

And I note a Canadian institution has run with the link between cancer and TGF.

It dose appear that all my research has not fallen on deaf ears, and it is most pleasing to see this taking place, and while one is not given credit for same,it could be said one dose not need credit for something that one owns outright!!

Bulla joiner of dots for others to follow       

Bosnian Pyramid Data

 Given my understanding of pyramids, I couldn't let the Bosnian Pyramid data just pass me by, so I got into the data, and I find the devil is in the detail.

Here is an example of what I find as per there links provided, by these people in regards to there so called, scientific conclusive world class discoveries.

Firstly, as to the original discovery of the Bosnian pyramid its self, as to how you hide a massive pyramid that looks like a pyramid that blind Freddy can see and tell you its a pyramid, this just astonishes me, that someone, just one day, opens there back door and looks out, and says, bugga, look there is a pyramid in my back yard.

And then we read on

Press team 19thJune 2012
By Mike Tate
( bulla note all within same document)

Re. Jan 24/25th 2011   SB Research Group on testing

(Tests for magnetic fields above the sun Pyramid, which none were found)
(This data is a critical piece of the puzzel, because with NO magnetic fields found to be atop of the SUN Pyramid)

(A team of Physicists, detected an energy beam coming through the top of the Bosnian pyramid of the Sun, the radius of the beam is 4.5 Meters

(Further electromagnetic detection in 2011 confirmed the levels, then adds, that English speaking voices were heard to say, after exhaustive research and a mind boggling frequency swapping scenario, that I challenge any sound engineer to follow or unravel, why??

Who knows, they may given the contortions performed they may well have accidentally connected themselves to the international space station.

Then to totaly 100%, destroy everything they had uttered, on a scientific basis, and all there so called hard one research.

Published a total ludicrous photo of a light-wave coming out the top of Bosnian pyramid of the Sun, then to try to support it with an even bigger fraud, of a picture of the Mayan step Pyramid  and a Photoshopped picture of its light wave coming out the top that claims, the picture has been investigated by scientists and found to be, according to them, true and accurate.

Look here, I know a lot more than most about where light comes from in regards to the pyramids, but let me make it very clear to all including all the scientific fraternity, and NASA space center.

Light, you cannot see, nor photograph it, as light itself is totally 100% invisible OK, it is beyond all human visible scale to see let alone photograph it coming out the top of any where, from any direction or angle, so what you see in regards to photographs depicting light beams being emitted from pyramids is a figure of the photo shoppers imagination only and is a depiction or fake OK.

Now if there is anyone out there that seems to think they can see or produce a photograph of said light beam please let me know straight away so I can enter your photo in the Guinness book of records and also claim both the Templeton prize and also the Nobel prize.

Bulla joiner of dots                     

Keeping It Clear

I hope I can keep it all clarified enough, so it makes sense, there is so much ground to cover, and its a vast void to bridge to reconnect with our ancient past, as there has been so many whose intention is, and was to keep it obscured.

To this there is something I need to point out and make it some what clear, and that is the time spectrum, and the subject of dates pertaining to all events, within all written or recorded history, within my knowledge and the little wisdom I have, has revealed to me that there is indeed another time spectrum, and it is the coming and going of peoples and also civilizations, that has caused a great deal of confusion, within our records written and or otherwise.

This mystery, is about to be exposed, as we reconnect with the knowledge of how this was accomplished , that will also bring a massive increase in mans understanding of not only himself but of mother nature and catapult us into another era , that of the golden age, where guiding forces will rise up and those that would be the enemy of mankind and those that make wars will be cleansed from Earth.

Travailing in time and between time spectrum's is indeed not only possible, its been possible the hole time for hundreds of thousands of years, and it is a holographic , but fully functional existance.

Now I can fully understand that there will howls of disbelief from all in-sundry, to this I can only ask that you have patience over the issue, and not to disappoint you all, I will do my best to show and teach you how this can be achieved.

However, to do this I must first have you understand Alchemy, and to this I will show you the way of the ancients, and how to open the doorway to time itself, and I bring to your attention the Alchemy bowl, that you also viewed in the above video, and I am a destiny driven person, who is instep with his destiny, and its Ironical that the said video covers the precise two subjects I wish to bring forward, myself I find this perplexing to say the least, almost as if the video was made for my purposes, a stroke of luck do you think, or something else, much more complex.

And an added bonus for those that wish to follow along this pathway of a much higher understanding that I will lead you along, you will also lean about gravity, (specific gravity) and precisely where and how it is made, right down to what it looks like, and while this is complex, it will be done in layman's terms , however the scientific world would do well to also follow along , as I completely explain the Einstein theory of relativity, that will reveal to all the theory in full functional practice, so much so, that when complete, you your self will be able to make your own gravity, note the following exceeds that of Newton, Einstein and also Higgs Boson and all experiments carried out so far via the Haddron collider in Cern, and breaches the long held gap and places a bridge for all to use, to the ancient knowledge and wisdom that mankind has been longing for.

bulla the joiner of dots to our destiny            

Further Observations

For those that have viewed the videos upon bulla the rainbow man on this blog, will know that the said installed doors in the convection shafts, would indeed render all attempts to run the Giza pyramid , a total impossibility.

A further observation of the vents construction reveals, that these vents were constructed and put in place as the pyramid itself was being constructed, and that they were in fact, milled slots, that were milled into the stones prior to placement with zero tolerances.

It should leave no one in any doubts what so ever, as to the Engineering skills and prose of these builders, and further observations show that the said locking devises were installed from the out side, or from the external surface, placing them down inside, given the limited size of the duct, there is no way of removing the locking devises.

further, given what can be seen as to the second door, or the secondary locking devise, I say that it is, or was an incendiary device, that will repel all attempts to drill or dislodge it.

Which, when one reads the ancient text, and where it states, that it will not be used again against mankind to cause such a flood, seems to ring very true , and given that secondary devise, I dont think I will will be trying to test its reactions, or its counter reaction , you might say ?

So in that case, mankind is not going to get any free rides from the pyramids, in regards to repairing the gravity decline, and just in case you haven't noticed, that everything going on at present with this entire planet is all directly related to the loss of specific gravity, that includes changes in peoples mindsets, and both volcanic and Earthquake activity, and all the very strange weather anomalies and, last but least, the disappearance of the ionosphere over and above the Northern hemisphere, specifically over the USA.

I also draw your attention to a very obvious and blatant fact of omission, that being the total (blackout) of any related data, whats so ever, in relation to gravity, being the prime cause of all the above, there being not one climatologist world wide, has ever admitted,or even contemplated,  that it could be gravity related.

Now given the scientific fraternity is well know, to argue about two fly's going up a wall, I find this anomaly some what blatantly perplexing to say the least, that they are so obtuse, to the notion that gravity controls all the above mentioned, I am beginning to wonder, is this some master plan, being perpetrated on the people at large, or is someone controlling there out cry.

To this, what will be the cost of silence.  

Bulla joiner of dots