December 8, 2013




Well boys and girls I promised to show you how the gods accomplished the assent into the heavens (forth dimension) and so I shall and in doing so I am going to bridge the gap between Physics and metaphysics this also involves Geo Physics and quantum Atomic optics along with electromagnetics as well a (mists) being HydroH2o@Atomic (6) six 


Now this has never been explained before in the modern world to my knowlage it has never been understood before nor published before and dose not appear anywhere except this bulla blog and to days date the 9th day of December 2013, what your going to have explained is that contra to mankind's belief the human intellect, being the human spark and consciousness as well as the bodies format being its shape can and dose transit into the other speeds and takes on a holographic resonance and takes everything with it except the physical aspect into time and space or the next dimensions   


Its is not a religious transition at all however to describe it outside of all religions its whats called e mortality, where by one exists in a no time dimension as a  fully functional holographic representation of ones self and its forever, further I add what ever has entered this time portal is all still there and it not limited to humans anything that has possessed the magnetic spark of existence can and has entered, but this cannot be achieved by anything deceased as once deceased then the essence of the spark of life has left, call it the spirit if you wish but these enter-ties cannot ascend they manifest into orbs some visible under curtain  electrostatic conditions and anomalies but remain earth bound and bonded and are separated from the emortals who manifest in full body shape and format holographically  and are also under curtain electrostatic conditions can also be seen or visualized   


I also make it know that under curtain criteria and conditions that passage via magnetic portals can and dose occur in both directions, or the portal is not a one way street and that at any moment in time, but only on the lite side of earth that at least (50) fifty portals are open at any one time and as many as 1500 per day open and close some just for a few seconds others can remain open for hours, the only chance we get to see these portals opening and closing is just 2% of these projected portals being made of a thin sheet of light that looks like a peacocks tail or a fan shape that stretches from horizon to horizon in the north south magnetic direction and is traveling up into and out into the the upper regions of our atmosphere and space that then develops into the Van Allen belt our ionosphere


However the 2% we can see are only possible buy the advent of clouds being above which are expressed to our sight as the rainbow which is actually the light being caught under the cloud mass these projections from the ground are terminated as they strike the cloud and shows you the ROYGBIV and if you take particular note as to the arrangement of those colors you will observe that the lowest to the earth is the highest speed as it first encounters the clouds and as it is slowed by the cloud it changes its speed and colors accordingly, hence you note the highest color is the slowest speed 


There for you can clearly deter man that the light is in fact coming from the ground and is projecting up vertically hitting under the cloud and because this fan shape light projection is only thin and is polarized north south, Hence you see the rainbow and it in fact is a field or magnetic bubble being three eights above the ground and five eighths  under the ground and is part of HERMES ** AS ABOVE SO BELOW and its this bubble that gives it its shape and why you get different size rainbows little ones medium, and massive and there shape has nothing to do with earths curvature at all,  but note the numbers 3 and 5 and 8


So that's only the 2% you can see but remembering the side of Earth lite by the sun is massive and all the others that don't have cloud over them when they go up you don't see them because there is no viewing medium to show you being no clouds, so now we are talking about the white rainbows, they are all the same thing they are all identical when they leave the ground the only difference is clouds or no clouds the 1500 of them every 24 hours are all still projecting and firing off, and I am afraid we will be tossing the understood scientific explanation in the trash bin ok WHY ? because I have actually designed and developed a scientific litmus a test that you can all conduct for yourselves that will show you the light fan and you can also capture it on film for yourselves       



I am afraid on this issue Mr scientist your out of your tree and get to and rewrite you laws of known physics as at present they don't reflect the truth and far from it, and as to why they continue with there scientific codswallop you will have to ask them yourselves as I have never been able to get any sense out of them at all on this subject all be it dose tip all there laws of physics totally on there heads, however my way everything makes perfect sense and it all works all the way up to the Quantum Atomic level and beyond being to a fabulous safe zone called split photonics cold fusion crystal power, but just how science is going to get itself out from under this huge mess, what with there strange documented backwards published view of how they say rainbows occur is beyond me.



However moving on we get to what happens on the ground to make all this occur now here comes the cruncher where the rubber meets the road and I am afraid it means publishing yet more world breaking data that science has yet to discover, that's right, science has not yet found our planets ground wave our gravity ground waves, they have tried but failed however, I did find them and not only, but measured them back in 2007 now I am sure that science will be quick to pick the eyes out my discoveries and research, plagiarize it then re badge under one of the fraternity shelf names and publish it as there discover, just like they have done with the rest of my discoveries and research as these people are totally with out scruples and would kill for the Kudos of these massive world first discoveries I have made and publish free to the web domain regardless of the massive den of plagiarizing thieves that surround me     



Now I am going to show you two (2) pictures one is pure physics and is from 07072007 and the other is from Hmmmm lets say approximately 12,685 years ago its caved in stone and was found 10 miles from Giza under and inside the Zarat so called pyramid, now also note its not common to find any Hieroglyphics in pyramids, so I say this was a suppository or stone vault for recording ancient knowlage in and upon the walls ceilings so here is the 2 pictures 


So now in the top picture see the guy in the banana shape "boat" see he has the anch in one hand and the staff in the other legs spread to steady for motion see the straight vertical line of crystals, "yes not stars but crystals********** being mist crystals being hydroH2o@ Atomic 6, see the straight line of more crystals going to the right note the angle of that line of crystals ascending upwards, note the 120 degrees of angle 

Now see the bottom modern bullas schematic picture of the magnetic ground waves that go out from ground level into the western sky @ 11 o'clock that are also in the mist when running as they are dynamic electromagnetic sine waves now I have the picture facing the opposite direction I could flip the picture and they are identical and what you are looking at is what takes place on the ground with all the 1500 white rainbows and that guy pictured is about to ascend into the heavens via a portal and become an emortal and he is showing you how its done but this is the first time in modern history you have been shown and told this information and without you realizing it you are one of my divine children of enlightenment well on your way to becoming a practitioner of the ancient arts of knowlage and wisdom of the order of ascending into the heavens the next dimension


And just in case you were wondering the Zarat  discovery is only some 2 years old, but my picture copyrighted 07072007 being 6 years old and yes I read hieroglyphics but nothing like Egyptology dose because unlike them I read mostly elecromagnetics and and Holographic travel which is nothing like what they see, I say there is a conspiracy between them all being science and Egyptology as it frightens them all as they have no capacity to comprehend any of it as its all to far advanced for there understanding,



Now look I have a great deal more data this is but the tip of the iceberg and I let you digest this so far and make another posting where we will drill right into the full dynamics of this entire miraculous discovery and research that's light years ahead of any science or physics or buried treasure under the Sphinx as I have it all the complete MAYAN codex up to and including the grand masters in Nature Philosophy             



 bulla the real joiner of dots for Atomic crystallography and orders of ascension




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