December 11, 2013



After 07072007 and the discovery of magnetic portals project from earth up into the ionosphere  and depictions of what they look like (see) bullas blog above date, then NASA conformation in 2012 that indeed these portals did in fact exist and they project up from earth out into space on the lite side of earth, then further conformation by again NASA 2013 confirming bullas data, that these portals did in fact generate superelectromagnetic power via (colidertrons liken to CERN) gravity within the Van Allen belt (ionosphere) 


Now after viewing the 2013 NASA disclosure colidertrons in Van/Allen belt and NASA panel announcing the above and in answer to a callers question from open callback outside line where by the question was asked of the NASA panel ** is there any connection between these power making colidertrons and earth** the entire NASA panel shock there heads and to a man/woman said "no" there is no connections to the best of our knowlage  


But wait a minute professor Skudder Iowa university/NASA has already established there are direct connections between earth and the ionosphere and published it only some months prior, ** Magnetic portals projecting from the lite side of earth out into and through the Ionosphere and hundreds every day, Hmm there seems to be an internal discovery data disconnection here (PUN intended) 


Well not wanting to become embroiled in internal confusion within NASA and the boys and girls at NASA were doing such a great job of confirming all my research and discoveries, so lets for the time being stick to the original bulla data, that says these portals are connected to earth and from 2 different points of contact one being the vertical generated projected sheet or fan of light being the white rainbows, and the secondary projection being the actual 4 dynamic array of hydro waves, or earths projected waves that go out via earths gravity waves in to the western sky @ 11oclock and given earths rotation these dynamic waves, due to earths rotation are quickly bought in to focus and it is this dynamic array that collects this power made by the vertical fan that causes the entire collision that causes the fusion and splitting of the photon 


Now look, in the interests of our advancement on this planet can I say this, myself I am old school pushing 70 and virtually computer alliterate and to show you a model of how this all works precisely and with all the correct speeds and all the correct dynamic measurements down to the last Atomic second is an impossibility as that's beyond my computer knowlage capacity, ok clear and simple HOWEVER if you NASA were to come to some arrangement with my good self I am happy to spend the time with one of your modelers and build this thing in full 4D animated format, so then I don't have to continually use millions of words trying to explain to you and everyone else how it dose work and run 


To this I have never hidden this data I have spent 7 years discovering this and another 6 years of my life trying to explain it all, you supply your best animator and I will personally spend time on line with him or her and between us we will show you something that you have never seen or understood before and animate it so you can then fit all your magnetosphere satellite accumulated data round and on we will go into all our futures 


The reason I offer this is I know from my personal in-house data that we have a problem with the magnetosphere and that's coming from the surface of this earth and I know why and how its taking place and the faster you people get your heads around this the faster we can come up with a way to fix it and this is why we have climate change and it is escalating its not climate change its a climate TRAIN that's going to continue in its present direction and you are not going to like where its going to take us because its called a gravity decline, and let me tell you now, if you do have any gravity weapons you will be using them all flat out to try to hold this planet from going over the abyss which is looming very large on all the data pile and research I have, and I can even give you Einsteins complete format and put the constant inside his model so it all works as its a fluxing constant which I also have the data and schematics for    


So if your reading this blog and your in NASA or have friends then make it known the offer is made  


Bulla what more can a man do                    








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