December 14, 2013



So why would one man, bulla take on the entire scientific fraternity and the military apparatus of the most powerful country in the world and be asking them to come clean as to what climate change is and where its coming from


I don't have a hobby of bashing and berating people and or sticking my neck out this fare just for the fun of it or because I can, but when it comes to the ongoing protection and safety of every living thing on this blue planet that I see is clearly under duress from what could be the most powerful and insidious climate degradation in the form of a change in this planets gravity never seen before in the modern world 


Now I see this has become an emotive issue and there are also those who would try there best to capitalize even on there own mothers dieing moments and that the only god they will take to there grave will be there bank account


But look I would like to make something abundantly clear, that if what I see and have tried to engage science and the military and or every leader or non leader of every country in this world by bringing to everyone's attention to this magnetic decline let me further say that it is not going to come down to who has the most money or influence on this blue planet, because when this gravity decline hits its next decline HARMONIC it going to take leave of its present equilibrium regardless of any living thing on this planet and JUMP to the next HARMONIC, being lower and that's the best scenario, as it could just go out, STOP, and so all of you out there reading this understands what that means, it means "zero sum gravity"


So you get the picture here, even if you had a tonne of gold strapped to each foot it an going to help you, there will be no such thing as a safe place as trucks and lose buildings and everything not glued or bolted or fixed to earth will be floating in the sky, but don't worry because you wont mind that because the oxygen supply would have been the first thing to have gone 


And there will be those out there that will say, HO bulla you should get a job with movie world writing film scripts for science fiction, well to those people I say look, for this film there will be NO tickets to buy, as you will pay on the ride and there is not going to be any refunds


And to further add insult to the USA injury I do firmly believe that the USA and Canada are well and truly in the firing line, and I also say some powers that be know whats coming and that's why they are all abandoning ship and the country is being gutted of any and all resources and anything that can be salvaged is being moved elsewhere as are all the finances industry etc. etc.


And if you care to investigate this somewhat, all the would be if the could be and the ones with resources are all moving to the southern hemisphere and if I can say, "mistakenly so", because this gravity decline is a sink or swim deal, because when the gravity decline hits its harmonic the southern hemisphere is going to go in to a massive polar Ice age like you have never seen before, it may extend 2000 miles above the northern side of the equator and beyond that will be totally uninhabitable by man nor bird or beast as when this HARMONIC collapse takes place it will also take place in the ionosphere and it will also decline if not vanish, so there goes the protection from all the harmful rays 


And let me add even more here, that its only EARTHS  projecting gravity waves @ 120 degrees in to the western sky bouncing of the fixed ionosphere above that gives earth its rotation so lose them and there is a good chance this planet may well go stationary, Ho dear wouldn't that be fun, I don't even want to contemplate any of this its just to bloody scary, but the scientific world at large knows exactly what I am saying, but they cannot say anything because the military has them all Hog tied, where by they are all to frighten of the repercussions from the military and or the consequences of speaking out on this subject of the gravity decline


Now look, I want to say this to the military, world wide, if this planet tip's up  and spits its dummy re this magnetic decline and because you had knowlage that involved gravity weapons that you developed from natures own store house that you wouldn't let science use to engineer our way out of this, then what is it you fail to see, as there will be no need for any military and I add any private armies as its a sink or swim deal here, and dare I breath these two words in the same sentence, genocidal military 


And you can read that from these to very telling images

and quotes                 
























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