December 21, 2013



The Hadron is in major trouble, that's my view because they didn't understand the dynamics of just what was entailed in opening a time in space portal or vortex, they totally under estimated the human interaction it would have, and they new where they were going and were expecting it because they publicized the fact, they were expecting to encounter another dimension, and I say they they did, and I say it scared the living daylights out of the entire team of physicists and all staff, that's an educated guess of coarse, but I say it was that encounter that lead to the emergency shut down, it would have been so scary psychologically wise, they wouldnt of been able to turn it off fast enough 

"This is your captain speaking, all crew abandon ship, man the life boats"  


All jokes aside, To enter such a space one must be totally pure of mind and be ready to pass through the seven charkra levels from this physical world to the metaphysical world, but being scientists they would have been pure skeptics to a man, I had several attempts at trying to warn them before they even switched it on, and they only had 5 TeV of power, but what the hell would some old mad professor and recluse know about our 10 BILLION dollar toy 


Well Unknowns to CERN that mad old reclusive professor had his own door opened in 2007 @ 10 TeV level, some 5 years prior to CERN, but I new how to stay clear of the Dynamic wave structure that occurs, and there is a much bigger problem as its not the getting into and through the doorway, its getting back out, and surly some one at Cern must of read Nostradamus and his accounts of entering such a portal, as he makes it very clear as to the fear and dread that is encountered, and being skeptics and without a guide


And so you all understand we are dealing with the exact same forces that prevail within the Bermuda triangle and a little research in that direction about all the missing people that some how vanish, well I can tell you now they are not past on they are still all in existence, only in another dimension, now if you were thinking old bulla is out of his tree over this issue, then let me refresh you knowlage and NASA latest finding of colidertrons in the ionosphere then NASA discovery of magnetic portals projecting up from the lite side of earth, hundreds of them and its a non stop continuum or a continuous array of rainbows both red and white across the lite side of earth that has been running for millions of years 


There is your white rainbows and portals and like Hermes said as above so below and that's where all my split photonics and magnetic portals and complete dynamic speeds of the entire sequencing  came from,

was my own research and discoveries in 2007 here is my scientific symbols for that equation and your looking at the white and red rainbow sine wave schematics now its the sine waves you see in the schematic they are Hetrodynamic electrodymagnetic hydro sine waves and the ancients call them the  snakes  and or the indigenous peoples of Australia called it the rainbow serpents (snakes) they describe as fiery white snakes that move like snakes makes big rainbows in the sky, because that's what they do and look like, so the traditional tribes people we correct and accurate as I was told the stories in 1975 


It took a total of 7 years researching before making this discovery in 2007 and in the beginning I though it was a new discovery so fabulous beyond my wildest dreams until I documented those symbols above and something in the back of my mind told me I had seen them before, and I had some 20 years ago published in a National geographic magazine as unknown Hieroglyphics from some ancient temple or pyramid, well not any more they are not, and then I realized that I had only rediscovered very ancient knowlage and wisdom, but however discover it I did, and in my own rights, straight from the very same source as the ancients themselves did from mother nature, as its original knowledge not from anyone else s papers documents or published works 



So perhaps you will understand why I say what I do, because I have the original source codes that then allows me to cut through the hysteria and dogma of science, religion and academia and ancient history and without fear or favor of contradiction, as I have seen no other original source code from any one or anywhere, and having this code gives me a masters doctorate in nature philosophy with no peers and that subject is quantum  Geophysics and Atomic optics that's well in excess of any scientific fraternity masters or senor professors on the subject 


And to this, knowing full well there would be the tall poppy knockers and the pompous professors who would challenge what I publish as "preposterous" and indeed they lived up to there so called academic superiority complex they all suffer with, and yes as expected I am a mad old professor crack pot, and that is why I designed the scientific litmus test, the simple garden sprinkler and the one sheet of white copy paper and a "bomb proof king hit" test that can be conducted by grammar and 2 five years old children right in the own back yard, that gives you 100% proof as to what I publish on this subject is correct and even more exciting is what you find is the light that lite the burning bush, plus its also the kundlini flame and its the very same flame that Nostradamus says comes out of the mist, its the very same light spoken about in all the scriptures and Enoch and the bible and its what CERN hadron colider people are looking for, called the god factor 


So is there something  that people are not understanding here, as I was a magnetics patent holder, I know the value of all this better  than the biggest patent lawyers on the planet, I could apply for 500 patents and get them, but then you have missed the point of having such precious knowlage and wisdom its to important to all of mankind, this entire civilization as a whole, and it was for that reason I published it to the public domain, out in the open so it couldn't be patented, its just to important to do such a thing and lock it away for military weapons or the ruling elite to squander  


The biggest thing that leaps out at you with this knowlage is why climate change and it gives the answers to fixing it, so if you have been reading my posts you can be assured what I say is on the highest levels of understanding and I don't say it lightly, as I am using the primordial code that governs all life's existence on this planet, so really you wouldn't expect anything less from me, and why I am at times so outspoken on different subjects, as I see much of science going in the complete reverse direction from where the truth will be found, and that frustrates the living hell out of me, but they cannot be told anything, as they are so badly brainwashed with a hundred years of academic published books that are nothing but other peoples postulations that has taken  humanity on this earth absolutely know where, and they are not alone as religions have played there part in distorting the real truth, and the Vatican stands up to there neck in it all as I believe they do have the Mayan codices, and have been keeping it all secret while manipulating the population for profit and greed and control as they enslaved the populations


And this is where all this one world order and  government and ruling elite has been spawned from, and as far as this aninarkii  lot are concerned there just a mob of imposters pretending to be someone there not, and far from it, working on the gullibility of innocent people, for there own ends 


Now look I am not a religious person and nor do I except the atheist pigeon holing, that's going on, or you Ether with us or your against us bullshit, that's just a load of ruling elite spun bullshit to try to divide the people, but listen I can tell you this that comes out of this rainbow knowledge, there are some other people that given what I understand are returning to this spectrum of time and they are the masters of physics and its the very same kind compassionate  person that was known as god before any bible times 


Bulla I hope they return very soon as this planet is in some deep trouble and it appears no one here cares enough to do anything about it                                                                      








1 comment:

  1. Hi Bulla, good to hear from you.
    You wrote a nice article on the Cern Hadron Collider as a weather machine.
    I've been thinking about something i heard and read from famous botanist Terrence McKenna (RIP). He mentions something called “Fractal Soliton of Improbability”.
    According to Wikipedia it's a self-reinforcing solitary wave (a wave packet or pulse) that maintains its shape while it travels at constant speed. Solitons are caused by a cancellation of nonlinear and dispersive effects in the medium. (The term "dispersive effects" refers to a property of certain systems where the speed of the waves vary according to frequency.) Solitons arise as the solutions of a widespread class of weakly nonlinear dispersive partial differential equations describing physical systems.
    McKenna explains it as a "unique event, it only happens once in the lifetime of a universe. You can think of it as a wavelength with one wave; that’s why it’s called a soliton. These things move, not in ordinary three-dimensional space, but in some kind of much higher spatial manifold. And when they collide with a planet, or when one collides with a planet in a universe, the time-stream of that planet is divided, and two copies of that planet spring into existence, without either having any knowledge of it. It’s just something which happens."
    It means that if you consider the Cern Hadron Collider experiment as a soliton collision, 2012 might be a very important year, predicted by so many, including the Mayans. I would mean that as of the date of the experiment .. the history or timeline of our Universe might have split into two! ..
    It would also explain why at the time of the experiment the pre-biblical gods, as you mention them, Bulla, were eager to contact us as it would mean that the moment of the splitting of the universe's timelines would perhaps constitute an opportunity for all times to have merged into one, and perhaps they tried to contact us for so it seems: the timeline we are currently experiencing feels to me personally as a time loop of sorts and maybe they are indeed trying to warn us or trying to get us out of the loop into the correct timeline.
    Probably something you will enjoy to see it that way or perhaps we can discuss it on a later occasion, Bulla.
    Anyways, good to hear from you again and let's talk soon!
    Betty Donelly
