December 15, 2013



Here are two pictures showing you mankind in the process destroying his own existance on this once beautiful blue planet

What you about to read is some critical data that's being obscured and hidden by all en-sundry, by government, by the scientific fraternity, by academia that has more than just the potential to be the most wickedest conspiracy in the history of mankind's existence on earth 

CLIMATE CHANGE  began in earnest on the 24th March 1989 with the EXXON VALDEZ



 You can set your climate change clock to this day near enough but there has been an ongoing of oil spillage across the oceans but the real war of the gods and real Armageddon began the day they used corexant to disperse the visual effects of the oils spills, and that very day that oil was made soluble was the very day we signed not only the oceans and its life but also own death warrants 




In the previous post I explained in detail how fragile and delicate the convection of the mist was coming through the oceans surface tension, that then makes sea fogs that allows the white and red rainbows to occur makes our gravity that in turn makes it rain, these sea-fogs and other fogs when warmed up by the sun lift up and ascend into the upper atmosphere and become our cloud mass ok where its no surprise we get our rainfall from so there is our mother natures cycle of event 


Now lets look at the same sea water with oil and corexant giving us a totally soluble sea water corexant and oil mixture


Now we all know that oil floats on water the Atomic weight of oil is much lighter than sea water the ocean having approx 13% salt makes the oil even more buoyant than say in fresh water, and regardless of how much chemical corexant you add to the oil its still lighter than sea water, so now when one adds the atmospheres as in pressure as one descends down under the ocean the buoyancy factor of the oil soon doubles and multiplies, so the false belief that the oil has spread out through he entire depth of the oceans water is not possible 


Instead this soluble oil floats in the very top layers of the oceans surface as the oceans pressure sees to it that it dose, corexant oil water mix cannot deify gravity, now this soluble oil is very hard to see in turbulent water, waves etc etc however when mother nature tries to work her magic over the surface and makes it flat like a mirror, her doldrums periods and tries to convect her mists, sea fogs what happens ??    


Here is what happens, as she convects the now part water part oil part corexant its arrives at the surface but instead on continuing it reconstitutes back to an oil and becomes a micronized film of oil that covers the entire glassed out surface zone and when it dose it locks all any any mist convection from then on out of the equation 


Now this is where the rubber meets the road and the equations start getting frighting when one calculates the amounts of oil spilled and then corexant to water volume given this now soluble mix only infects the top say 200 mm of sea water causing the infection, then just how far could this insidious infection spread, its a bit scary as since March 1989 Valdez spill is still spreading add to that the gulf spill which is still speading


Then the spill of the Irish or Sottish coast and now mysteriously London's fogs have been said to have gone and England is in a drought 


So now where ever this infection spreads to the SOLAR KING & LUNA QUEEN ARE DEAD  AND SO IS THE MAGNETIC GRID SYSTEM


So what are the repercussions, well this could continue to spread for another 1000 years or more as to what its going to do in the short term its going to pull down the very fabric of climate as we new it, and we have already began to go in to the gravity decline, this then has a direct effect on the ionosphere, which  has already been identified, as there is a major problem up there flagged by NASA this will then lead to Vulcanism  and massive earthquakes as the gravity depletes, the wild storms and weather never before experience are all part of this new equation we have bought upon our selves, and science is remaining closed shop over it all


And it gets worse, as now when any rain falls and goes into the said infected  oceans. it being a massive one way plug hole, it cannot return as fog, to then become cloud mass so we are also in a cloud mass decline


So now where are all these highly payed climate scientists hiding, and if they would take some good advice, then stop spaying any and everything into the atmosphere as you are but hastening the detrimental effects and compounding them and making it worse 

10 million climate engineers and so called scientist PHDs and not one of them has bothered do do he sums or has the balls to speak out ?you weak bastards 


Bulla they couldn't reverse engineer a kids peddle car let alone tackle the real climate and whats making it into a climate train, mean while climate engineering has its head up its own A** and trying its hardest to make the train go faster by using jet engines and spaying on it, the complete utter insanity and total madness of there actions never ceases to totally bewilder common sense and logic, but I guess that's what you get when you follow the money trail, so the question is when you have got all this money just where are you going to live, as nowhere is going to be livable, when this thing gets steam up or should that be steam down in this case its going to be an Armageddon or one big hell hole of a planet with no safe ground for man nor bird nor beast


But what really gets up my nose as an Australian is there is no need for it at all, its entirely for the benefit of corporate profiteering which all the worlds population are supposed to except because the ones with all the power and money demand it to be so, I SAY AS A CARING AUSTRALIAN 


FUCK YOU ASSHOLE AND YOUR MONEY,  STICK IT WERE IT HURTS THE MOST                                     









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